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All you Champ Bailey lovers out there..


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Here's a good little quote from todays paper that I think says a lot about the type of player and person he is........

The Redskins fell to 15th in the NFL's total defense rankings, and Bailey said a lack of discipline by the team's defensive players might be part of the problem.

"It might have something to do with it," Bailey said. "All I can do is control what I do, and I'll be more disciplined myself and try not to make mistakes in practice. I don't feel like I make a lot of mistakes, but I can obviously be better than what I've been the last couple weeks.'' . . . Defensive end Regan Upshaw objected to the roughing-the-passer personal foul that he received to keep alive a Buccaneers' touchdown drive.

I don't feel like I make a lot of mistakes,

You guys are always talking about how Patrick Ramsey is all ways taking the blame, and being such a good teammate and taking one for the team, ..........and all you from Lavar is how he promises THEY(meaning the team) are going to try and turn things around, and what do we hear from Champ????..... I DON"T FEEL LIKE I MAKE A LOT OF MISTAKES...this guy is playing for his big pay day, and for those that don' think so, you are fooling yourself.

It just burns me up to hear people Ccriticizing Lavar, when it appears to me that he leaves his heart on the field each and every week....and I aslo see him making a he!! of a lot more plays than I see Champ making on a weekly basis.

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That is a true statement: Champ doesn't make a lot of mistakes.

Now as for Reagan Upshaw... two weeks, two penalties to extend would-be touchdown drives, and he doesn't FEEL like he makes a lot of mistakes... Well, Mr. Upshaw, what do you FEEL you do?

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The thing is, every player who wants a big contract and is on the last year of his contract is going to be playing for the big contract. However, Champ has been a class act about it. I do wish he'd come down on the price a bit, but that's just me and probably every other Redskins fan, including Dan Snyder.

Champ said he didn't think he made many mistakes, meaning he does make some.

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Champ is very much like our beloved Darrel Green. Both are/were VERY talented and considered one of, if not THE best players at the CB position.

Neither were/is/will be an outstanding Field General. Both are/were concerned about getting payed - yes ole #28 was concerned about it as well.

We need to pay him.

We need to realize that all he's gonna be is one of the best lockdown CBs ever.

We need to realize he won't be an inspirationally vocal kind of team leader.

We need to realize he will be a inspirationally "lead by example" kind of team leader.

I can live with all of that.

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Who cares what Champ said Dolemite.........each person is gonna have their own unique way of interpreting what he said or what he meant by those comments. Some of us take their comments at face value and others try to read deeper into them. The bottom line is that Champ Bailey has been one of our top defensive guys, if not our top defensive player every since he has arrived in DC.........let him say what he wants, cuz he sure as hell can back it up consistently week in and week out.


Redskins football is not a matter of life and death, its more important than that.

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That was a horse$hit call on Upsshaw this past weekend.

I know that the NFL thinks that their QB's are pusses...but c'mon. Johnson was 1 step from running the ball.

No way can Upshaw stop from hitting him.

IF I were the NFL - I would be trying to protect the QB from cheap hits like Ramsey took when he was down.

Or like the OSU choke hold this past weekend.

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I think Champ was such a delight in his first year year that from then on people expected that no reciever was EVER supposed to catch a pass and/or TD on Champ. Well guess what, WAKE UP. The D-line is horrendous and any NFL coach/analyist will tell you that if a CB has his reciever covered for 3.5 - 4 seconds, then he has done his job as a cornerback. I am sure Champ has done that. If you look at the passes Champ gets beat deep on, they are usually when the QB is sitting back in the pocket with 10 seconds to wait for a play to develop. Champ can only read and react to so many moves & fakes until one of them gets him.

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Before the season started,Rod Gardner said that he hope to one day sign a deal similar to what Coles got.Does this make him a bad guy?

I don't know what Champ is geting this year,but he should be one of the highest payed DBs.I can only wonder how good Champ would be if we ever had a pass rush.We've never had much of one since he's been here.

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Champ is an awesome CB and an asset to the team. Saying that, dude wants to get paid. Everyone knows it after he turned down that huge SB. I just think its funny he said that after we just watched back-up tight ends score on him. I think he cares more about the contract and his future than the Redskins as a whole. Just my oppinion.

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