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coach spurrier behind closed doors

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i doubt it too. i think he is knocking heads some but the players really aren't talking about it. so i wonder if it's effective. sometimes you take country guys lightly because they sound funny and use funny words but next thing you know they hitting you in the mouth. spurrier said he might take "extreme measures" on the radio today. maybe he'll start hitting people in the mouth. :box:

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He wasn't the most likeable players' coach at UF, but somehow he motivated his players. I thought his psych job against the refs/FSU defense before the '97 Sugar Bowl would never work. It motivated his players and got the refs attention.

I think he's much different with the media than behind closed doors. He absolutely hates to lose at anything. I think he's harder on his players than assistant coaches who are friends though. He has a tendency to be too loyal to his old buddies IMO.

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if the players were afraid of Spurrier or fearful of his wrath you would not see them mouth off in the newspaper on a regular basis.

Arrington has looked like an idiot making comments before the Eagles and Bucs games, only to have to eat humble pie afterward.

when are they going to learn?

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Everything I have read is he expects a great deal from his players, and can't tolerate mental mistakes. Yet he treats them like men, not children. All his screaming is behind closed doors His media act is to draw the attention and frustration of the press away from the players, so they can concentrate more on playing football.

I think he is a step or two ahead of everyone else, and he gets frustrated when players don't pickup as quickly, or see what he sees. He has to force himself to be more patient, and make changes he doesn't want to do.

Once his players get on the same page as he is, watch out.

At Florida, he had the luxury to get some the best athletes and smartest at Florida, and redshirt them have them in the system a couple years learning before they went on the field to play.

The most frustrating part is being patient taking your lumps why the team learns and understands the system.The more time they are together, the more experience they get playing different schemes and situations the more they will progress.

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"Well, we just need to do a better job of coaching and the players need play a little better"

Sound of footsteps walking away from press room and heading to lockerroom .

"Well, that could have gone better".. "Yo dogg! We gotta play better!" "Okay! Where the hell is my jock?"

Sound of door opening and closing.


Cricktets chirping.

!#$#@$!#@$!!$##$@$#^%$$&$##@%@ and #@$%$#@%@#$%$#@%@!@$!#@!$!@%$^&$# and another thing !$#!$!#@$!#@$!#@$!#@$!@#$!#@$!#@$#$#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ect.....

Or something llike that.


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My brother-in-law played as a walk-on for Spurrier at Duke, and said that he did not tolerate screw ups on the field, and would blow up on people during film sessions on Mondays. As a walk-on, the brother-in-law did tend to screw up a lot, and was personally called out a number of times for his errors in defensive coverage (he was a SS).



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Well, I saw him in Dockery's face after a sack on Sunday. I'd imagine he gets pretty heated when he watches film. Lets face it, whatever his style, he is a successful coach. He is'nt even halfway through his second NFL season. As was pointed out on MNF last night, look what Vermiel has been able to do in his third seasons with the Eagirls, Rams, and Chiefs.

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Originally posted by sashae

My brother-in-law played as a walk-on for Spurrier at Duke, and said that he did not tolerate screw ups on the field, and would blow up on people during film sessions on Mondays. As a walk-on, the brother-in-law did tend to screw up a lot, and was personally called out a number of times for his errors in defensive coverage (he was a SS).



Interesting inside info, thanks dude. Not sure what the problem is, but this team is still making TONS of mental errors. They're not getting blown out by teams as much as they are handicapping themselves and playing DUMB football.

I'd like to think that after a 2nd half meltdown like that, SS is putting his boot up guys' asses pretty quick this week.

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