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Why does Ray Lewis get a free pass?


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Probably not the right forum for this...but I tend to agree a little with the OP. I believe if it wasn't for his play ability, Ray Lewis's life would be drastically different. I don't think he is getting a free pass, but feel people tend to give him more of a break because of his character now and ability he has as a player.

It's kinda funny how Redskins fans almost always do the same thing. If you're a good player here, people will defend you vehemently like they know you personally. It's nuts.

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Two things that bother me about the case, why did stories suddenly change and more importantly where did the suit go? There are some major issues within the case as well as previous violent encounters that will always leave me in doubt that Ray wasnt further involved then the "debt" he paid to society. He might not have killed anyone but IMHO he did more than was ever talked about.

Well, we know he did enough to be forced to pay at least $1 million to settle a lawsuit by the family of one of the dead guys.

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Who am I to give him a pass or not?

Ray's a character on my TV. That's all. Anything he supposedly did or didn't do isn't up to me to judge. That means that it's up to the deciding body as to whether he gets a pass, and the Georgia court did that.

Am I to boycott Ravens games, egg his house? (I have never invited him to my Christmas party, does that count?)


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Why does Warren Sapp get to paralyze a guy and unashamedly taunt him, skip through opponents' stretching lines and call the NFL a slavemaster and then get a job on NFL network? Why did Rodney Harrison get fined every week for illegal hits and then get rewarded with a job on the league network when he retired?

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For those saying he's getting a pass, what do you suggest should be the approach with Ray Lewis? Should he still be villified 13 years after the crime?

You want to talk about people that get free passes far too often, drunk drivers.

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For those saying he's getting a pass, what do you suggest should be the approach with Ray Lewis? Should he still be villified 13 years after the crime?

You want to talk about people that get free passes far too often, drunk drivers.[/quote

He should have been banned from the NFL.

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I want to know why people put him on such a level higher than Fletch. I heard Jason LaCanfora say on Lavar and Dukes yesterday that it's b/c the Ravens' D was so good for so long... and Ray was the 'engine' for the whole thing. Tell me this... if it's about individual achievement why is the Ravens' D brought into the equation? Wouldn't logic tell you that he should have had even better numbers? To me, it makes what Fletch has done even more impressive in that he was compensating for the lack of talent around him. Just food for thought....

---------- Post added January-15th-2013 at 01:33 PM ----------

Even though he didn't kill anyone.

But was an accused accomplice and paid out the family.

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There are enough facts to connect him to the crime and its coverup. But hey only two people are dead and he's a good football player, so what difference does it make?

Exactly! I'm glad nobody has lost sight of what's important here. I mean, after all, if the legal system says he's free from guilt we can't second guess the ruling in the court of public opinion. Everything he has done has actually brought people back to life if you didn't know.

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I get that I've been called an ass about this but I look at it this way.

1. He was seen arguing with the victims.

2. He was heard saying his career wasn't going to end this way.

3. He was heard telling everyone to lie about it.

4. His white suit mysteriously disappeared.

5. He was going to testify against his friends, and IIRC changed his story on the stand to implicate the limo driver.

6. Victim's blood found in limo.

Yeah, I just make it up that he might be in some way involved.

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How do you know that?

The victims' blood was in his limo. He was involved in a crowded fight at 4am that resulted in two deaths by stabbing. He says he isn't sure who did the stabbing. Sounds like he was involved in that. He could have punched one of them and rendered them dizzy enough to not get out of the way of a knife thrusted into their heart and upper body multiple times. He could have been grabbing them and holding them while they were stabbed. he was there. his white suite was never found.

---------- Post added January-15th-2013 at 02:10 PM ----------

Even though he didn't kill anyone.

Yout don't know that. He was involved in the fight that led to two deaths via stabbings. He testified his two friends had bought knives earlier that day. He covered that up and pled guilty to obstruction of justice. The blood of the victims was in his limo.

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Exactly! I'm glad nobody has lost sight of what's important here. I mean, after all, if the legal system says he's free from guilt we can't second guess the ruling in the court of public opinion. Everything he has done has actually brought people back to life if you didn't know.

We can't second guess a court. only head football coaches.....

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We can't second guess a court. only head football coaches.....

People second guess courts everyday. The OJ verdict? But has there been any hard evidence that makes Lewis the killer. An argument with the victims makes you a suspect, not a murderer.

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People second guess courts everyday. The OJ verdict? But has there been any hard evidence that makes Lewis the killer. An argument with the victims makes you a suspect, not a murderer.

No... he's not the actual murderer. Just an accused (and acquitted) accomplice. Very curious why he would pay a million bucks to avoid a civil trial, though... don't you think?

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Speaking of Ray Lewis, I'm going to see him play in possibly his last game ever this Sunday. I'm pretty pumped to see a Conference Championship Game. Ya know, for a birth in the Super Bowl.

Wow... awesome. When we hold one next year you'll have to come to that one, too ;)

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FWIW, I think most people think Plax got shafted. He basically went to jail for being dumb. The fact he got that much time while Vick got half is ludicrous. Plax doesn't help himself with his attitude obviously, but as far as criminality, it was pretty overblown.

No kidding. Even though he was a filthy Giant, I don't fault him for any of it. Skins fans more than anyone should feel that way. Who knows what happens if ST has a handgun rather than a machete (I think that's what he had). Maybe we've still got a great safety. This being AFTER that...after hearing about ST, if I'm a football player I carry a handgun everywhere. NY doesn't allow CCWs, but I would have had one anyway. How does the saying go "Rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6."

Yeah, he shouldn't have been in a night club if he feels like he's in danger in the public. Yeah, he obviously wasn't being safe if he shot himself in the leg, and he could have shot someone. It's against the law, so he deserves what the courts give him, but I personally think the law is BS, so he gets no flack from me. He shot himself in the leg, I think he regrets that. I think a lot of people feel that way.

Vick on the other hand, a lot of people take that a bit more seriously. I thought "eh, over some dogs?" until I heard the raw stories about slamming dogs on the ground until they are dead....doesn't matter if it's a dog. Anyone who has that amount of cold blooded cruelty is a danger to society.

Ray, I don't know his story. Have heard about it, but if I don't know a lot, I'm not going to judge the guy.

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Ray wasn't accused of murdering anyone. He witnessed a murder and lied about it to the police. He didn't actively participate. He still did the wrong thing of course, and I think a lot of people want to forget about that in the same way that almost all Redskins fans wanted to forget about Sean Taylor wielding a gun and getting into trouble over some ATVs prior to his tragic murder. If he was still alive today we wouldn't be talking about his ATV problem in the past, we would be talking about what an incredible player he has been, and when people would bring up his mistake years ago we would get annoyed. That's what happens with Ray Lewis. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time, compounded a mistake by lying about it, and didn't come clean until much later. Most people just want to forget about it, and whether anyone agrees with that or not, witnessing a murder and lying about it is much different from literally shooting yourself in a nightclub or running a canine auschwitz. Ray was wrong place, wrong, time, bad friends, very stupid mistake. Vick and Plaxico weren't just in the wrong place at the wrong time, they committed the crimes in question. Big difference.

Ray saw what happened, let the murderers into his limo and took them to dispose of the evidence. Then he lied about it. Ray was also accused of beating his girlfriend in college but she dropped the charges. Dude definitely gets a free pass imo.

---------- Post added January-18th-2013 at 12:09 AM ----------

When his retirement was announced yesterday, everyone from Chuck Pagano (his former coach in Baltimore) to Adrian Peterson to RGIII commented on his impact on the game.

Like it or not, he's one of the all time greats. When you're that good at what you do, do it at that level for so long and when you have his leadership abilities, you're going to gain the respect of your peers.

Ehhh, I think a lot of it is hype by the media. Honestly, aside from leadership, Ray hasnt been performing at an above average level for years. He jumps on top of piles after plays are made then dances around like he did something.

---------- Post added January-18th-2013 at 12:12 AM ----------

who knows what happens if vick has a handgun rather than a machete (i think that's what he had). Maybe we've still got a great safety.


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Ehhh, I think a lot of it is hype by the media. Honestly, aside from leadership, Ray hasnt been performing at an above average level for years. He jumps on top of piles after plays are made then dances around like he did something.

30 tackles in 2 games means he hasn't just been jumping on piles in the playoffs.

The Ray Lewis trial wasn't nearly as public as the OJ trial. The trial happened before the bulk of Ray Lewis' success in the NFL, not after. Top it off with him being a likeable guy (aside from the always-present people who think he's a fake or so likeable he's unlikeable) and it's easy to see why "he gets a pass."

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30 tackles in 2 games means he hasn't just been jumping on piles in the playoffs.

The Ray Lewis trial wasn't nearly as public as the OJ trial. The trial happened before the bulk of Ray Lewis' success in the NFL, not after. Top it off with him being a likeable guy (aside from the always-present people who think he's a fake or so likeable he's unlikeable) and it's easy to see why "he gets a pass."

I do think he's always gotten a pass on this because of how good a player he was. And he won a SB shortly after this incident, and was a dominant player in the league for many years after.

But what I most don't like about the guy, is how he preaches all the time in his interviews. Funny, Tebow gets destroyed for doing the same thing, yet it's perfectly fine when Ray Ray does it? Nah. That **** don't fly with me. If it's not ok for one guy to do it, it's not ok for anyone.

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