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ESPN: Jets superfan Fireman Ed retires


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they made back to back AFC title games? Mangini? Went to Cleveland and was fired swiftly.

Yeah, but how much would you attribute that to the talent that was already there when Ryan took over? And how badly they've done since then? I get his defensive prowess, but isn't he meddling on offense as well? And Mangini was able to beat Brady a few times as well if I recall. Just saying, he's gotten rid of a lot of Mangini's guys, and the guys he's replaced them with have not done well. And his defenses have gotten worse statistically each season since he's been the head coach.

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Yeah, but how much would you attribute that to the talent that was already there when Ryan took over? And how badly they've done since then? I get his defensive prowess, but isn't he meddling on offense as well? And Mangini was able to beat Brady a few times as well if I recall. Just saying, he's gotten rid of a lot of Mangini's guys, and the guys he's replaced them with have not done well. And his defenses have gotten worse statistically each season since he's been the head coach.

considering the Jets have had a lot of very talented teams in their history and have never done diddly poo, I would say coaching has to do with it.

They have fallen off because Tannebaum has done a terrible job bringing talent to that team. They have needed a pass rusher since Rex got there and put there hopes on Vernon Gholston. Gholston who never made a sack in the NFL. Awful.

Their WR core is arguably worse than the Redskins when Garcon was injured. And their running back is that dummy Shone Greene. One of the worst starting running backs in the NFL.

And if Rex can get Mangini's guys to back to back AFC title games, maybe its because he is the better coach?

Rex is a good coach and will get a job somewhere else after he is fired from the Jets because he is a good coach. Im convinced of that, but he has probably learned a lot of lessons these last few years in NY from mistakes he has made. But its hard to win when your talent has been depleted across the board and the owner is more concerned about making tabloid backpages and appeasing the Republican National Committee than leading his franchise.

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boo hoo. Look at this ****. Look at these fanbases who act like their team just wasn't ever meant to lose. Cowboys people literally sending a petition to OBAMA, and this fireman guy 'retiring'. lol give me a break. Redskins were nothing for 20 years, and sure there's was tons of 'I quit' nonsense, but that's only because of the internet ;)

Good riddance. he's no Zee. Bury that stupid spelling bee chant with it.

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So the Jets fan can't handle a couple bad seasons even though the team made it to AFC championship game twice a couple years ago? Wow. It really makes you think how crazy we all are to stick with the Redskins haha. What a quitter.

I don't remember where I read it, but someone wrote Sanchez getting to the AFC title game twice was like playing your 5 year old at connect 4. You let them win a few times because it's cute, but eventually it's time to drop the hammer on them.

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Pretty sure the Eagles chant is now "Booooo!!"

This made me lol

My side actually hurts. When I read this, I was thankful I wasn't drinking anything at the moment.


---------- Post added December-2nd-2012 at 11:22 PM ----------

Where did it say he used to be a Dolphins fan?

Said something about his favorite player growing up was a Dolphin, but that hardly makes the man a Dolphins fan. I have a hard time believeing that any real fan could go to a rival team & start an inherantly annoying chant like theirs & not be a fan of said team. I certainly couldn't go to Dallas or Philly & do something like that (but then, I AM a real fan & am part of a REAL fanbase that doesn't look for tall buildings to jump off after a couple bad seasons).

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Wait... what? That isn't even remotely arguable. Their WR corps is worse than the Redskins' was with Devin Thomas and Malcolm Kelly.

It might even be worse than it was back when we had Moss, and ****ing Taylor Jacobs and James Thrash as our second and third receivers, where one didn't even catch a damn touchdown until like week 12.

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