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HTTR 24-7.com: With Injuries to Starters Mounting, Has Mike Shanahan Neglected the Offensive Line?


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Only 4 people played in all 4 of Gibbs Super Bowls: Grimm, Jacoby, Bostic, and Monk...3 were OL.... That group was the core...

Monk didn't play in '82. Might have been on the roster but didn't made it on the field. I think he was hurt....Just sayin.

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hmmmm what a coincidence - the three best hogs are the only link - YES THEY WERE GREEK GODS AFTER ALL - i knew it lol

No....read my post where Monte Coleman and Don Warren also played in all four Super Bowl. And Grimm did not play in 1991 except in goal line situations.

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of course not - all im saying and other is they were the most important factor...........can we agree on that?

No...we can't all agree on that. :)

Obviously they were an important factor but I'd say the stud D-line we had throughout the run was just as important.

even though bostic, grimm, and jacoby were the only ones on the entire team that were there for the entire run?

---------- Post added August-4th-2012 at 05:36 PM ----------

No....read my post where Monte Coleman and Don Warren also played in all four Super Bowl. And Grimm did not play in 1991 except in goal line situations.

not to take anything away from coleman and warren - but in comparison to the one hall of famer and two borderline hall of famers i would say they were much more "expendable"

---------- Post added August-4th-2012 at 05:37 PM ----------

No....read my post where Monte Coleman and Don Warren also played in all four Super Bowl. And Grimm did not play in 1991 except in goal line situations.

not to take anything away from coleman and warren - but in comparison to the one hall of famer and two borderline hall of famers i would say they were much more "expendable"

---------- Post added August-4th-2012 at 05:41 PM ----------

we could go around and around on this, but again - my point is - that if I was going to keep one unit exactly the same for that run of dominance it would be the o-line. not the qb's, not the wide receivers, not the d-line , not the tight ends, not the backs - I AM NOT SAYING THAT YOU COULD PUT ANYBODY ELSE IN THOSE SPOTS AND THE HOGS WOULD WIN AS MUCH AS THEY DID - lol - that would be a ridiculous statement - im saying that if i had to put an order of importance on the individual units that they would be number one on my list.

---------- Post added August-4th-2012 at 05:44 PM ----------

No....read my post where Monte Coleman and Don Warren also played in all four Super Bowl. And Grimm did not play in 1991 except in goal line situations.

and actually Warren was a HOG!

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Only 4 people played in all 4 of Gibbs Super Bowls: Grimm, Jacoby, Bostic, and Monk...3 were OL.... That group was the core...

They were not and players that played in and won those super bowls even say so.. Stay tuned this will be fun.

A few people that wear the hardware from 82,87,91 say the backbone of the winning was the whole draft class from 81.

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Looking at absolute numbers is extremely misleading. There are 5 OL position. Even if you want to argue they aren't really independent positions, there is still a sheer numbers issues.

Look at how many WR, RB, or S that have been brought in compared to OL and then put some sort of correction on the number you actually expect to play and how much you expect them to actually play (how plays are you going to run 4 WRs out there), and then you might have something worth talking about.

It also seems self-obvious to me that if you haven't fixed the problem, you haven't done enough to fix the problem (i.e. you haven't done enough).

If the OL isn't any good, then they haven't done enough to fix it.

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But if you look at it as they also has to fix the RB, WR, QB, LB, DL, CB, S and well as the O-line, they haven't done all the bad. The O-line is no where near as awful as people make it out to be. Remember, this thread started because people are freaking out because of a bad practice and a couple of injuries that we don't know how they will turn out. And the guys who are hurt right now missed a lot of time last year and their backups saw time and played OK and we drafted young guys to have in the pipeline. Compared to the guys who used to run the show here, I'll take what Shanny and Mike have done over them any day.

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People won't be satisfied until the Hogs are re-incarnated.

Hogs were a once in a lifetime collection of talent on a very talented team. Except that the other uber-talented people we had apparently didn't mean as much as the Hogs.

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But if you look at it as they also has to fix the RB, WR, QB, LB, DL, CB, S and well as the O-line, they haven't done all the bad. The O-line is no where near as awful as people make it out to be. Remember, this thread started because people are freaking out because of a bad practice and a couple of injuries that we don't know how they will turn out. And the guys who are hurt right now missed a lot of time last year and their backups saw time and played OK and we drafted young guys to have in the pipeline. Compared to the guys who used to run the show here, I'll take what Shanny and Mike have done over them any day.

Well I can tell you how one of those injuries will turn out in the case of Brown. Licht hopefully will turn out ok though - that would be a huge plus. I would take my dogs running the show over the guys who used to - lol. joking - i love what shanny and allen have done. they did have alot of holes to fix and it really seems like it has come along way in a short time - im thinking we are one more season away from being a force to be reckoned with but that could be this year if the injuries dont mount and some key guys step up. Cant wait to find out!

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But if you look at it as they also has to fix the RB, WR, QB, LB, DL, CB, S and well as the O-line, they haven't done all the bad. The O-line is no where near as awful as people make it out to be. Remember, this thread started because people are freaking out because of a bad practice and a couple of injuries that we don't know how they will turn out. And the guys who are hurt right now missed a lot of time last year and their backups saw time and played OK and we drafted young guys to have in the pipeline. Compared to the guys who used to run the show here, I'll take what Shanny and Mike have done over them any day.

THis would seem to be an argument of yeah my kid is malnurished, but I had a lot of other kids and more important kids to feed (i.e. the QB, not that I disagree w/ the importance of getting a QB) to feed argument, which is significantly different than the OP.

In terms of doing a good job, I think and said at the time the Brown and McNabb trade was a bad idea. I think and said the first year and the 2nd year, we should have seen what we saw during the year and terms of cutting players and picking up people from other teams.

I was more neutral on Beck last year, but I serioiusly doubted he'd be very good and never thought that Grossman was the answer.

So certainly up until about 1/2 through last year I don't they've done that good of a job.

And at this point of time whether they've done a good job mostly like depends on the QBs they took in this draft, which means I"ll reserve judgement for now.

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To be fair though, I think even the hogs would have given up 5 sacks that game, with ole deer in headlights Johnny beck. How anyone thought he should start over grossman is beyond me.
Totally agree with you. He was inferior to Grossman and everyone seemed to know it except fanatic homers and anyone whose last name was Shanahan.

I was at the game in Charlotte and some of the Panthers fans I was talking to were scared of Beck (because he was unknown - no book on him) and I told them basically don't worry. This guy is a mook.

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One preseason game is not really enough to gauge a teams performance by, but considering that the Bills D was supposed to be one of the BEST in the NFL, the Skins did a very good job against them. RGIII never felt any pressure from the Bills D. Excellent protection but the run game still needs some work.

Overall, this team appears to have a stout O-line group that will provide the protection needed to help keep RGIII's jersey clean.

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