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Should you snitch on dangerous commercial drivers?


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I came to a three way stop today and a shuttle bus driver just drove through the stop sign and kept going. I had to hit the brakes hard to avoid an accident. I was at the intersection before him so even if he didn't see the sign, he was just being a jerk.

Should I have called the number on the back of the vehicle and reported him - which would probably result in the driver losing his job.

I didn't, but it was a tough decision.

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If it is putting other people in danger, I would. I never have, but I almost did about a year ago when a tanker truck was making some very aggressive moves and just driving erratically on the interstate here in Charlotte. He was being extremely reckless and almost caused several accidents. But before I could get the number off his truck, he pulled off of an exit.

I would hate for someone to lose their job, but if they are not doing it well and putting other people in danger, then they probably should not have that job in the first place.

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Hey thats what the number is there for. With my company if you get calls for bad driving your boss can refute it. If you get more than 1 call then you have to start taking driving courses online. If it gets to be too much then you will get terminated. If you dumb enough to drive like an idiot with a phone number on your vehicle then you should be reported. Just my opinion though.

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If it is putting other people in danger, I would. I never have, but I almost did about a year ago when a tanker truck was making some very aggressive moves and just driving erratically on the interstate here in Charlotte. He was being extremely reckless and almost caused several accidents. But before I could get the number off his truck, he pulled off of an exit.

I would hate for someone to lose their job, but if they are not doing it well and putting other people in danger, then they probably should not have that job in the first place.

Guys like that only drives that way because they know they're not gonna be the ones peeled of the road if an accident occurs.

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Dude didn't just put his own life in danger, but those of his passengers too.

Too right he should be reported. And don't feel as though your 'snitching' either. Aside from the fact they encourage feedback as has been noted, he shouldn't be in charge of a vehicle carrying public passengers taking risks and breaking laws like that.

Call the bus company Dave. Even if you do it anonymously, and they end up doing nothing about the jerk; at least you have peace of mind YOU did the right thing.


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I phoned in a truck driver on 95 in Philly a couple of years ago, after he misjudged a wide open lane merge, turned it into a double lane change, and swerved directly into the path of my car. I couldn't have been more visible to him, had he bothered to look. Then he started gesturing out the window angrily, because of course it was my fault that he treated his side window like an opaque slab of plywood while crossing two travel lanes with no turn signal.

I had my little girl in the back and my pregnant wife in the passenger seat. Dumbass truck driver endangered us all. I'm not a road rager but I was flat-out pissed off that day. Big phone number right on the back of the truck... I talked to whoever it was on the other end of the line and told him exactly who was in my car and where we were. He didn't seem too happy, but honestly I doubt he did much about it. He just said thanks and I hung up feeling all high and mighty.

Ending that call was EXACTLY like the last 30 seconds of this Seinfeld bit about cordless phones (click through as it doesn't allow embedding)...

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Won't these complaints eventually drive up prices in some way?

edit: I've just accepted that no one else can drive

I would think the company having safer drivers would keep costs lower, i.e., fewer accidents meaning lower vehicle fleet costs (both repairs and insurance).

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I came to a three way stop today and a shuttle bus driver just drove through the stop sign and kept going. I had to hit the brakes hard to avoid an accident. I was at the intersection before him so even if he didn't see the sign, he was just being a jerk.

Should I have called the number on the back of the vehicle and reported him - which would probably result in the driver losing his job.

I didn't, but it was a tough decision.

Well, I would say yes. Him losing his job is a far less consequence than someone else losing their life because of reckless driving.

I had a truck driver try to run me off the road a couple years ago & it was a pretty scary ordeal. I came off an exit & the ramp was ending & had to get in front of him, which he did not like. He then started to tailgate me so closely, I clould see the terror in the eyes of the bugs stuck in his grill. He was weaving back & forth in his lane & trying to scare me (which was somewhat working). I called the cops. I told them where I was & gave them all the info I could on the truck. As I was on the phone with the dispatch, he got over into the lane to my right, & as he started passing me, he then started to weave back into my lane, pushing me off the road. I told the dispatch this....as I see blue lights come on from the undercover that was following the truck & watching his behavior. That guy probably lost his job, as well as his CDL.

As far as I'm concerned, when you are dealing with drivers, people are unpredictable. When you drive a company or municiple vehicle, safety should be your number 1 priority. Period. Drive the speed limit, stop at stop signs, red lights, crosswalks, RR crossings, etc. Being respectful of other drivers hes become a thing of the past mostly, but if you have a company logo, or are driving a city bus, you better be on your P's & Q's. It is too easy for people to get hurt or even killed on the road. If I see someone driving unsafe or inconsiderate & they have a "how's my driving?" sticker, I'm calling.

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