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Obamacare...(new title): GOP DEATH PLAN: Don-Ryan's Express


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So, the GOP screamed for this for a week, and then when they got it, they say its terrible.


Goalposts everyone.


This is why politics is dumb.  This right here.


is that a goalpost or a political band-aid?

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So, the GOP screamed for this for a week, and then when they got it, they say its terrible.


Goalposts everyone.


This is why politics is dumb.  This right here.

What IS entertaining is how badly all of the Dems look now (though I temper this very much with the fact that most ALL of D.C. seems devoid of actual leaders and we all pay for their lack of cojones). Still, it's great popcorn TV each night and will only get better as the rats continue to scramble.

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What don't you understand?  If you want to discuss food stamps and the cuts, open a thread and I will discuss.


The point is not to discuss food stamps but rather to put the debate in context. 


Less than 1.5% of Americans will possibly lose their plan for not meeting minimum standards.


14% of Americans lost benefits via food stamp cuts.

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What don't you understand?  If you want to discuss food stamps and the cuts, open a thread and I will discuss.


There was a comparison between Obamacare and food stamps in this thread.  You said it was apples to oranges.  I said "how."  You said, "this is another thread"?


Did I get that right?


I don't understand that response.

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and the madness spreads, Washington and Arkansas declare the Presidents fix will not be available in their state....more sure to follow




Good. It is a ****ing terrible plan. This is not a "fix" at all. 


Washington state's insurance commissioner says President Barack Obama's proposal on old insurance policies isn't a good deal for Washington citizens.

Commissioner Mike Kreidler said Thursday he won't allow insurance companies to extend their old policies that didn't meet the requirements of federal health care reform. An estimated 290,000 Washington residents have received notices that their old insurance policies will be canceled.

"Trying to do what the president has proposed would be very disruptive to the insurance market in the sate of Washington so no, we will not be allowing insurance companies to extend these policies," he said. "You'd have to go back and re-rate all of the policies, and the premises for what they originally proposed rates would all change."

Kreidler, a Democrat, says all of them can get better coverage on the new health care exchange. He says at least half of them will qualify for a subsidy to help them pay the premium.


Edited by Duckus
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If the potential for a death spiral is real, Obama May have effectively ended the exchanges today.

The website has made it all but impossible for anyone other than the most motivated people (likely very sick) to enroll.

The costs are likely lowering enrollment.

Now the president is telling all of those relatively healthy people in the individual market they can keep their plan.

Sometime after December 1, the president will likely have to waive the individual mandate for a year.

Fast forward to 2014. Enrolled are sicker, so costs will be higher this time next year, right before the election. And 40-50 million plans could be canceled w/o govt. intervention.

Dems are already proving they'll abandon the president. That's why he did what he did today...because if he didn't R's and d's together would have done it over his objection.

What this all means is D's will likely force substantial legislation to roll back this law next year in an effort to save their butts.

Obamacare is on the ropes, and it's not Ali.

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Obama still misses the mark: HIPAA prohibits health insurance cancellations


WASHINGTON, November 14, 2013 – President Obama continues to miss the mark. Federal law already prohibits insurance companies from cancelling policies, and his “fix” is a flop.

Millions of insurance policies are being cancelled throughout the country, as reports confirm. Democrats were aware this would happen under the new Obamacare law. However, these millions of insurance policies should never have been cancelled.

Federal law prohibits their cancellation.

In an interview with The Washington Times, C. Steven Tucker, a health insurance and Obamacare expert in Illinois, explains that the HIPAA law section 2742 (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) does not permit these insurance policies to be cancelled. It has been illegal since 1997 to cancel someone’s health insurance coverage when you are sick or when you have claims.
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Why are policies being cancelled if federal law prohibits it? Insurance companies seem to be only reviewing and implementing the regulations created under the new Obamacare law, rather than enforcing a law that has been on the books for nearly two decades. Perhaps this was a known aspects of negotiation to bring the health insurance companies on board. Companies’ profit margins were expected to be higher from policies purchased through the exchange. Individuals would be purchasing required levels of coverage that were so high as to be never be utilized. When a policy for a man must include coverage for mammograms, birth control, abortion and other elements he would clearly never claim, it may be more evident why an insurance would select to cancel someone’s plan under the proviso that it was required with the new Obamacare law.

Furthermore, President Obama is so desperate to move people into the exchanges that existing laws are being altogether ignored. In Obama’s press conference Thursday, he instructed insurance companies to renew these cancelled policies and to provide individuals with other options. There was never mention of the fact that federal law prohibits was is currently taking place. Just as Congressmen are pre-occupied with pre-existing conditions being covered, it would behoove them to also reference, respect and enforce pre-existing laws.

Approximately 14 million policies were purchased after the Obamacare passed that were not grandfathered. These are all expected to be cancelled due to Obamacare regulations. However, HIPAA prevents them from being cancelled, regardless of what HHS has regulated, because the federal law cannot be usurped by Sebelius’ entries in to the federal register.

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You can say that again.


I still don't think you understand the severity of only sick people signing up for the exchanges.  I don't talk to any young people clamoring for coverage.

Going to be fun to watch.


Its not fun to watch.  Not at all.


You guys are acting like every day if the "big day" where something huge is happening.  Yet nothing is going to happen like that.  Obamacare is not going anywhere.


Now, if you want to make changes to the law that will prevent some of the problems, the GOP should do that, and you can debate if they are good or bad.


But, there is an insanity spreading around right now, that any minute Obamacare is going to collapse or somehow health care is going to reject Obamacare wholesale.  Its not going to happen.


This is not a day by day story.  Its going to take months and years to see what happens.  Everyone breathe in and relax.

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Its not fun to watch.  Not at all.


You guys are acting like every day if the "big day" where something huge is happening.  Yet nothing is going to happen like that.  Obamacare is not going anywhere.


Now, if you want to make changes to the law that will prevent some of the problems, the GOP should do that, and you can debate if they are good or bad.


But, there is an insanity spreading around right now, that any minute Obamacare is going to collapse or somehow health care is going to reject Obamacare wholesale.  Its not going to happen.


This is not a day by day story.  Its going to take months and years to see what happens.  Everyone breathe in and relax.


I never said it is going anywhere.  Not until people revolt.

What will happen is poor people will realize it is unaffordable, young healthy people wont sign up because it is too expensive, and the exchange rates are going to go through the roof.

It's not going anywhere, it's just going to be a fiscal disaster which will require a major action to take place some time in the future.

I hope not, I need a rebuild on others dimes......it makes retiring early simpler


They do need to get the bugs out so I can take advantage before it collapses


This, I would like to retire early, so I need a free ride on my government.  I have been paying so long to them I need my free ride on the healthcare crazy train.

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..........  Now the website fiasco will clear up fairly soon, you might say the overreaction to that is unfair. 

The Website fiasco clearing up soon is an assumption, and given previous federal government experience, more likely than not a bad assumption.  The FBI for example spent half a $billion on a system both hardware and software about 10-15 years ago and then spent 4-5 years trying to get it to work adequately. They ended up scrapping the entire system and starting over. There are other examples and some where more successful than others but overall the majority of software and hardware fieldings were partial to full failures that took significantly more time than 6 months to become functional.

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The Website fiasco clearing up soon is an assumption, and given previous federal government experience, more likely than not a bad assumption.  The FBI for example spent half a $billion on a system both hardware and software about 10-15 years ago and then spent 4-5 years trying to get it to work adequately. They ended up scrapping the entire system and starting over. There are other examples and some where more successful than others but overall the majority of software and hardware fieldings were partial to full failures that took significantly more time than 6 months to become functional.


Obama better get it up by the next election, the natives are restless.

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Isn't it people losing benefits due to new government law?


So, the GOP screamed for this for a week, and then when they got it, they say its terrible.


Goalposts everyone.


This is why politics is dumb.  This right here.


The GOP hasn't been screaming for this for a week.  The Democrats who are in need of political cover are the ones who have been screaming loudest.  Mary Landrieu, one of the loudest supporters of Obamacare is introducing a bill today that would basically kill Obamacare by allowing citizens to keep their Healthcare if they liked it.  It would basically force insurance companies to go back and allow citizens to get what they originally had as coverages if they wanted them and she's far from alone.   There are probably a good 15 other Dems who are right there with her and several others coming aboard.


The push on this is much heavier on the Dem side, IMO.   The GOP just wants to kill the entire law. 

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