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We're expecting HEAVY if not possible record breaking traffic tonight


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Jumbo's office(or general work area) tonight...

I have WAY bigger speakers. :ols:

Tonight will be a 20 year long overdue joyous celebration. And we'll allow for that. Just keep it within the Rules is about all we'll ask. Kinda like ummmm Always. Duh.

No one here on the Staff wants to ban or NNT anyone this weekend. well except for Jumbo cause he's wearing the cranky pants

Bottom line here is the Staff he are all fans just like you guys. We'd like the opportunity to enjoy tonight as well. :)

Nah, I broke many speed laws to cover four hours on the freeway today for two important out of town appts just to get back here before 4:30 and I'd love to just enjoy.

But I do have the cranky pants handy.:D You're wearing your usual teen-age girl twitter shorts? :pfft:


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The board actually worked fairly well tonight.

I only got the "error" message twice. Once ten minutes before the draft started, and once again at about 10:40pm. Both were just very brief outages.

Nice work, ES Staff. :cheers:

Agreed. I pretty much just lurked last night during the madness, but had no issue at all with the board last night. Great work guys!!!

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