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Hello... I'm Reality... You may have confused me with Expectations.


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These Mayans. Can we sue them for screwing up our five year plan if this doesn't happen and we don't land Luck? And then sue the League by default for letting Luck go elsewhere when we could of stopped playing to land him if we'd of known the World wasn't going to end?

This is of course all reliant on the World not ending. If it does, we'll never know how the suit would of gone.

And my head now hurts from all the prospects of losing Luck and my cunning plan to get compensation. Dayum the Mayans!


PS. Who the Hell are these Mayan thingies anyway?

With our luck (no pun intended), we'd get Luck somehow in the draft and then the damn world WILL come to a freaking end!

The Mayan calendar doesn't say the world will end, just move into a different age, which may or may not have calamity bringing it in. Hey when you've been unemployed for over a year there is a lot to watch on the History channel. And if it makes you feel any better, Nostradamus had predictions going out until 3,950 or something like that. No word if we have won another SB by then......

Well, if it doesn't end, the last thing any of us, especially the Redskins, need is any more calamity.

It's all to do with these dayum Mayans apparently.

But don't worry, I'ma sue their ass.

When I find out where they live.


LOL...do you have a time machine? If ya do...can ya find Atilla the Hun? He'd make for a great line backer. Might want to grab Sammy Baugh while you're at it!


But scholars are bristling at attempts to link the ancient Maya with trends in contemporary spirituality. Maya civilization, known for advanced writing, mathematics and astronomy, flourished for centuries in Mesoamerica, especially between A.D. 300 and 900. Its Long Count calendar, which was discontinued under Spanish colonization, tracks more than 5,000 years, then resets at year zero.

"For the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle," says Sandra Noble, executive director of the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies in Crystal River, Fla. To render Dec. 21, 2012, as a doomsday or moment of cosmic shifting, she says, is "a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in."

Part of the 2012 mystique stems from the stars. On the winter solstice in 2012, the sun will be aligned with the center of the Milky Way for the first time in about 26,000 years. This means that "whatever energy typically streams to Earth from the center of the Milky Way will indeed be disrupted on 12/21/12 at 11:11 p.m. Universal Time," Joseph writes.

But scholars doubt the ancient Maya extrapolated great meaning from anticipating the alignment — if they were even aware of what the configuration would be.

Astronomers generally agree that "it would be impossible the Maya themselves would have known that," says Susan Milbrath, a Maya archaeoastronomer and a curator at the Florida Museum of Natural History. What's more, she says, "we have no record or knowledge that they would think the world would come to an end at that point."

ETA: I do wonder what was going through Shanny's head when he was first hired. He must have been thinking that the entire organization was a huge cluster****. I give him credit for all the things he's done for this team. I just hope that QB is his priority this off season.

---------- Post added October-25th-2011 at 01:12 AM ----------

A little unfair, not what I'm expecting at all.

Just clue me in as a fan at any point that this "grand reconstruction" is in fact really happening. Something, anything, I'll know it when I see it.

Unfortunately it's not on their agenda.

I mean who "rebuilds" for two solid season while NOT developing a QB? Of course it's the Redskins. :)

Who still "rebuilds" on a five year schedule a la the 1980's before free agency? Again, the Redskins.

And yet people LOVE what they're doing. Don't get it. I'll leave it at that.

I understand being upset and discouraged. I'm feeling those same emotions. What I don't get is your animosity (I'm talking about some of your other posts and now your sig). Why do you despise him so much?

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I understand being upset and discouraged. I'm feeling those same emotions. What I don't get is your animosity (I'm talking about some of your other posts and now your sig). Why do you despise him so much?

I think it goes back to the 2010 draft seeing him on "Redskins Cam" leaning back in his chair saying "We just drafted Donovan McNabb with our 2nd round pick." He still had me there because I took him at his word but the way he handled that situation and Haynesworth was so bush league, so petty, small minded and myopic that it soured me on him. I was expecting complete efficiency and it's been anything but, add in the fact that the team is just not improving on the field and I really have nothing positive to say or feel about the guy.

Is the sig too much? Couldn't PM the mods to make sure. It's right at the line I think without going over b/c it has no profanity.

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I think it goes back to the 2010 draft seeing him on "Redskins Cam" leaning back in his chair saying "We just drafted Donovan McNabb with our 2nd round pick." He still had me there because I took him at his word but the way he handled that situation and Haynesworth was so bush league, so petty, small minded and myopic that it soured me on him. I was expecting complete efficiency and it's been anything but, add in the fact that the team is just not improving on the field and I really have nothing positive to say or feel about the guy.

Is the sig too much? Couldn't PM the mods to make sure. It's right at the line I think without going over b/c it has no profanity.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion. As far as the sig...I have no idea. Best bet would be to ask a mod. I know there isn't any profanity in it, but I don't know how well it will go over b/c it can be considered distasteful.

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A little unfair, not what I'm expecting at all.

Just clue me in as a fan at any point that this "grand reconstruction" is in fact really happening. Something, anything, I'll know it when I see it.

Unfortunately it's not on their agenda.

I mean who "rebuilds" for two solid season while NOT developing a QB? Of course it's the Redskins. :)

Who still "rebuilds" on a five year schedule a la the 1980's before free agency? Again, the Redskins.

And yet people LOVE what they're doing. Don't get it. I'll leave it at that.

What "two solid seasons"? This season isn't even half over yet dude.

They've had two drafts to try and fix what decades of bad drafts ruined. In 2010, they weren't going to get Sam Bradford. They had no draft picks to properly rebuild the roster to speak of. The McNabb trade looks band in hindsight, but they were facing a situation where they'd have to go into the year choosing between Jason Campbell, Rex Grossman, and Colt Brennan. I can forgive them for thinking McNabb might've been an upgrade if they couldn't get their own quarterback.

In 2010, they were also pretty much screwed over in free agency, since the expiring CBA ruined the free agent market. So they drafted what they could, and they added what they could in free agency, which wasn't much, and went on their marry way.

When did the grand restructuring begin? When this year, they drafted 12 players, 7 of whom are currently on the roster, one of whom was demoted down to practice quad after being on the active roster to stop the season, and one practice squader who will likely be called up due to injury. So that's 9 out of 12 players who at the end of this season who would've been on our roster at some point. This despite a shortened offseason.

As for quarterback...have you seen Blaine Gabbert dude? Did you watch him tonight? It's no wonder we didn't draft him, even to develop him. He wouldn't be ready for some time, the way he's playing. Every other guy we were linked to and potentially targeting (Locker, Ponder and Dalton) was drafted before we could get to them. Now, maybe you feel better about Colin Kaepernick and Ricky Stanzi and T.J Yates and Tyrod Taylor than I did, and certainly better than the coaching staff did, but none of them looked like they could ever become starters in the NFL, at least not any time soon. So yeah, we didn't draft a quarterback, and rolled with Beck and Grossman, two guys long considered career back-ups. Do teams that aren't rebuilding usually go with guys like that?

And yes, it might take five years to fix this team after how miserably it was run before this administration. I suspect it'll take less.

Yes, I like what this team is doing. It's called having patience. I see a difference. If you can't, that's your problem.

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Honestly need a lot more than 1 Franchise QB. We need 1 or 2 more good offseasons, like this last 1 to really get a solid team. Don't believe me? Here is a list of what we need:


Offensive Line


Inside Linebacker

Wide Receiver

And the biggest thing we need: Depth.

If you look around the league, great teams have great depth. The difference between a teams starter and the backup is key. Our's is a huge difference. There's a big drop off in terms of quality from our starters to the 2nd team, while a great team, that drop off wouldn't be that great. Now the list I gave doesn't seem that big, but when you take into account that you may only get 3 keepers from a whole draft class, it is a big list. Especially adding in the depth we desperately need.

Agreed on the needs. However, a good QB can mask some of those. We wouldn't realize that, though, simply because I can't remember the last time we had a good QB :ols:

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The defense struggled on Sunday, but it's still a solid unit. It comes down to your lack of a legitimate starting NFL Quarterback and that's something that isn't going to change until the off-season. If I were the Skins, depending on their draft position, I'd take a serious look at bringing in Kyle Orton. He isn't going to set the world on fire, but he's a mediocre QB who is a much better solution than Beck or Grossman.

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The defense struggled on Sunday, but it's still a solid unit. It comes down to your lack of a legitimate starting NFL Quarterback and that's something that isn't going to change until the off-season. If I were the Skins, depending on their draft position, I'd take a serious look at bringing in Kyle Orton. He isn't going to set the world on fire, but he's a mediocre QB who is a much better solution than Beck or Grossman.

The same Kyle Orton who competed with Rex Grossman in Chicago? No thanks.

He is certainly going to be an option, but I see better options...

Matt Flynn

Josh Johnson

Robert Griffin III

Ryan Tannehill

Andrew Luck (not happening, but one can still dream)

Other options that I don't like, but should be available: Jason Campbell, Kyle Orton.

I wish there was a comprehensive FA list somewhere.

And I'm not too sold on Josh Johnson, either, but dg likes him, so I figured I'd throw dg a bone after all the disagreements we've had :ols:

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It's not so much being lousy that I can't stand... it's the inexplicable. 5 fumbled snaps in one game leading to zero turnovers. Last week's impossible circus catches. This week, the ball is fumbled next to three Redskins who are on the ground next to it and somehow a Panther gets it. The ridiculous drops, but even worse, when a vet like Gaffney knows a hit is coming he chooses not to protect the ball. Every receiver and running back knows to put to hands on the ball.

It's the stupid plays and the consistant misfortune that drive me nuts. Where's our share of the "ridiculous" positive plays? Why are we always the beneficiary of misfortune? How many balls get batted in the air consistantly find the opponents hands?

Hightower gets a knee injury after having a career first half on a play that didn't even require him being hit?

It's insanity... that nothing seemingly ever goes for us.

And someday it will seem as everything is going our way without explanation. That's Life. The team is as KDawg so eloquently stated it, a work in progress. It is like people looking at a painting when the artist has only used half the colors. The job is not done. And there is a plan, it takes time. Did everyone think that the mistakes of the last 10 years were going to be washed away in just two? Three minimum, four to five is probably needed.

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And someday it will seem as everything is going our way without explanation. That's Life. The team is as KDawg so eloquently stated it, a work in progress. It is like people looking at a painting when the artist has only used half the colors. The job is not done. And there is a plan, it takes time. Did everyone think that the mistakes of the last 10 years were going to be washed away in just two? Three minimum, four to five is probably needed.

I see people here that are holding Mike Shanahan and Bruce Allen accountable for 20 years of frustration. And while I understand that they're bitter, because I am too (I'm sick of seeing a losing product), you can't handle things by firing people or getting angry at the new regime. Zorn was more of the same, I agree. Gibbs was brought in to win now and was responsible for the best two seasons we've had since 1999, and two of the top three seasons since 1993. But he didn't win the ultimate prize, either.

Mike Shanahan and Bruce Allen are not the past tenures. We need to give them a break. They are not the norm at Redskin Park. They are a lot different. They deserve time before we call for their heads. I'd by lying if I said I think everything they've done has been gold. It hasn't been. But I certainly like our direction a hell of a lot more than I did before they arrived.

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The same Kyle Orton who competed with Rex Grossman in Chicago? No thanks.

He is certainly going to be an option, but I see better options...

Matt Flynn

Josh Johnson

Robert Griffin III

Ryan Tannehill

Andrew Luck (not happening, but one can still dream)

Other options that I don't like, but should be available: Jason Campbell, Kyle Orton.

I wish there was a comprehensive FA list somewhere.

And I'm not too sold on Josh Johnson, either, but dg likes him, so I figured I'd throw dg a bone after all the disagreements we've had :ols:

I strongly endorse the idea of having Matt Flynn as our QB. I liked the way he played in college, and being coached by Mike McCathy can't hurt either.

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Exactly. You get a decent QB, top pick even and what do you really have if your O line will get him killed, and you have no wideouts worth spit? When we had the "smurfs" back in the day when the Skins won big, height clearly was not the issue. What we have with our receivers is inconsistency and not great talent. Period. Great receivers are not inconsistent. And that is just our Offense we are talking about. Our Defense? Well I would be reworking our entire secondary, particularly at the CB position. Bye bye D-Hall to begin. We have also over hyped our run defense. They could not get off the blockers to make tackles yesterday or the prior week. HOw much faith did Haslett have in his blitz packages? None yesterday. Look I am one of the fans that thought we had something at 3-1. But now I am awake. I think our schedule ahead is difficult. I mean we have the Bills, Patriots, plus our own division, which is three more tough games. So that is 5 teams we are playing that can easily shred our secondary, and run all over us. Be prepared for Tom Brady to put on another clinic. We have a long way to go and a lot of positions that need quality players.

yes your right, ther smurfs at least had talent and could catch the ball.they didnt quit on their routes and they had a very good qb who could get the ball to them..and i agree d hall needs to go, he's just a pretty boy back there not wanting to get hurt..along with the rest of them..at 3 and 1 i wasnt impressed, i've seen this movie way too many times and with the same actors, i knew the wheels would fall off pretty soon, we caught the giants at a real good time,and the rams and cards victories aint to much too brag about. so yeah we are hurtin for certain. 7 and 9 would be good year for us,6 and 10 wouldnt suprise me, 8 and 8 would tho

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I strongly endorse the idea of having Matt Flynn as our QB. I liked the way he played in college, and being coached by Mike McCathy can't hurt either.

Flynn is my favorite FA option by about 1,456,785,678 miles.

But, I like Tannehill, Griffin and Luck better than Flynn :)

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