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This board really needs to get a grip right now!

Ellis Dee

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I admit, I love getting on this board after a Redskins win... and I avoid it after its losses due to all the doom and gloom. But after yesterday's loss (I mean win but you wouldn't tell by looking on this site), I am seeing more, if not the worst doom and gloom about this team which is disappointing!

Here's my observations so far going into the bye week:

* If you told me we would be 3-1 going into the bye I would be ecstatic!! Good or bad Rex, whomever was QB, 3-1 for this team in a 'rebuilding' year is great. We should take it, appreciate it, embrace it, and be happy. I am a realist here and not many could have seen this coming.

* Forget all the 'Bring in Beck' thoughts. Have some faith in our coaches and management. If they thought Beck was good enough he would be playing. You want to give our management props for the draft and our upgraded personnel, then give them the benefit of the doubt on our QB situation. We will look at another QB this offseason through the draft or free agency. We all know Rex is not the long-term solution as does management. Deal with it.

* Amazing how a year in the 3-4 and some upgraded personnel makes! This D has carried us all year and should continue to do so. The D-Line is getting great push up-front and Haslett is devising ways to get to the QB. Bradford didn't stand a chance despite being put in a position with turnovers to tie the game late. Our D will keep us in some games and should only get better barring injuries..

* O-Line is looking better than I thought it would. Trent Williams has been playing strong minus game 1. Having somewhat of a mobile QB is huge in this offense with bootlegs and getting the QB out of the pocket. I would look for Hightower/Helu/Torain to continue strong. Its important not to abandon the run and get play-action happy. I wouldn't be surprised to see Torain get more carries than Hightower moving forward.

* Lastly, let's not get delusional with this team. Again I'm a realist but we should be happy going into the bye. We are who we are. Not world beaters but also not one of the worst teams in the league as some have predicted. Credit goes to the coaches and management on this. IMO, both the Cards and Rams games are games we would have lost in previous years. The fact we won says a lot about this team and its character moving forward.

See you guys after the bye!

P.S. - Who do I talk to for a name change? I never want to mention JZ on this site ever again!

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Homey, we're all drinking the kool-aid when it comes to the D. Given how boneheaded some of Grossman's throws have been, we're justified in criticizing him. Also, remember that we've been a forlorn fanbase for 20 years; it's in our nature to complain and worry about the future even if things look good.

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1. The Skins played a 4-3 just about the whole game. Unless you really consider Orakpo and Kerrigan to be LBs that happen to lineup at end on every down.

2. The team seems mesmerized by Grossman. As he goes, so does the team.

3. Playing "coinflip" games against sub par teams is not a good sign.

4. "Neppy" Shanahan is calling bizarre plays at the wrong times.

5. sharpourdaneshhof is also available.

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Coach Zorn,, perhaps we need a good ol' "Hip Hip Hooray!" to keep us medium.



I completely agree with the OP. I think we all need to realize this is a REBUILDING year! We are 3-1! Sexy Rexy isn't the greatest in the world but he has helped get us where we are. I am extremely happy with the direction the team is going in. Next year it will be about getting depth at Oline and some real Offensive skill positions (QB and WR).

We surely aren't an unstoppable force right now, but I love the feel of the team. They seem to believe in one another, and that is something we haven't seen in a long time!

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1. The Skins played a 4-3 just about the whole game. Unless you really consider Orakpo and Kerrigan to be LBs that happen to lineup at end on every down.

2. The team seems mesmerized by Grossman. As he goes, so does the team.

3. Playing "coinflip" games against sub par teams is not a good sign.

4. "Neppy" Shanahan is calling bizarre plays at the wrong times.

5. sharpourdaneshhof is also available.

So I'm asking you, before the season started would you have been happy with being 3-1 going into the bye? We are aware this team has problems (Which team doesn't?) but for everyone to moan and groan constantly is outrageous! We are in first place and should enjoy it with the Eagles coming into town.... And we all know what happened the last time that occurred.

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..... but a win is a win.

Not picking on your post specifically D man, just running with it as I HATE that. 'A win is a win.'

When a win is a win achieved in the manner of yesterday, totally dominating arguably the worst team in pro football; yet putting up a mere 17 points to show for it; and hobbling over the line by a one score victory in a game the Rams had 3 stone wall TD's chalked off through receiver drops, in a game they should NEVER of been in; a 'win is a win' is a false statement when you analyse the way it came about. The fears from the Cardinals game, another 'win is a win' game we dominated and so very nearly threw away, became more than just a concern again yesterday.

We dominate the Eagles next time out to such an extent, and fail to put them away; we might not get so lucky with the final result.


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The thing that has me scratching my head is with Shanny X2 I thought we would have an explosive offence. Especially in the lockout shortened season. Who knew it would be our D that is dominating games? Mind you, we have invested heavily in switching to a 3-4.

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Here are some other possible names for you:



















Just a few thoughts. Better lock some of these up quick!

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So I'm asking you, before the season started would you have been happy with being 3-1 going into the bye? We are aware this team has problems (Which team doesn't?) but for everyone to moan and groan constantly is outrageous! We are in first place and should enjoy it with the Eagles coming into town.... And we all know what happened the last time that occurred.
Happy? I suppose it's better than 1-3 and quite frankly it could be 4-0. It could also be 1-3 so let's not get too caught up in the record. Heck, I remember a sub par team starting 6-0 under Pardee then limping to 8-8.

The team is better prepared, that is the difference, plain and simple. A truly good team would roll them. Lucky the Skins have not played a truly good team or even a good team and won't play one until week 14. Until then, expect tight games that will go either way.

I just thought of TheismannWIlliamsRypienGeorge

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So I'm asking you, before the season started would you have been happy with being 3-1 going into the bye? We are aware this team has problems (Which team doesn't?) but for everyone to moan and groan constantly is outrageous! We are in first place and should enjoy it with the Eagles coming into town.... And we all know what happened the last time that occurred.

The problem is that the issues that we have will not allow us to continue to pull games out with a W. We were fortunate yesterday because of our Defense and the rams don't have ANY playmakers on offense or defense. The run game had another good day. But at some point we will have to stretch the field. And Rex must make better decisions. Unfortunately though, he is what he is. I suppose its frustrating because we could be better, but our deficiencies will probably keep us away from a promising season (which includes the playoffs).... with that said i'm very happy we're 3-1, and if we continue to win the way we have, then i'll take it.

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Not picking on your post specifically D man, just running with it as I HATE that. 'A win is a win.'

When a win is a win achieved in the manner of yesterday, totally dominating arguably the worst team in pro football; yet putting up a mere 17 points to show for it; and hobbling over the line by a one score victory in a game the Rams had 3 stone wall TD's chalked off through receiver drops, in a game they should NEVER of been in; a 'win is a win' is a false statement when you analyse the way it came about. The fears from the Cardinals game, another 'win is a win' game we dominated and so very nearly threw away, became more than just a concern again yesterday.

We dominate the Eagles next time out to such an extent, and fail to put them away; we might not get so lucky with the final result.


We won by 7, and they didn't come back. Breathe, my friend.

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We are what we are an 8-8 team, with luck 9-7. We played like a 8-8 team yesterday. As a Redskin fan, I thought we should of won 28-0. As a Logical Redskin fan. We played like we will probably play all year close to the cuff because we are lacking in certain positions, QB and WR, the O-line actually has played pretty good but we still need depth. So when I get frustrated I remember where we are as a team and we will get better next year with more talent added and another year under the same system. But the bottom line is we are still a 8-8, maybe 9-7 team and no amount of wishful thinking will change that only (Time) system experience and added talent. Beats 2-14 and 3-13 those moron anaylsts predicted.

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I am with GHH for once ;)

A win is not a win and a loss is not a loss.

What I mean by that is, how you win is almost as important to how you lose. It is obvious we do not have the QB in place to put teams away. I expected that this year. I am ecstatic that we are 3-1, but also know that we could be 2-2 or even 1-3 if our D doesn't bail us out yesterday.

We have 12 more games left. I remember in 2005 we started 3-0 and at some point in the season was 5-6. This season could very well go that way as well. I think what we should be looking at is not our record, but looking at how are we looking for the 2012 and 2013 seasons. That is the goal here. Not the 2011. The 2011 season is for the players. But for me (at least) it is the following two seasons.

Our D is showing what its capable of. We still have some holes there as well. But until our team can execute on offense in the 4th quarter on the road, we will always be a 500 team. 3-1 doesn't mean anything in the big picture. It just means that we have won early. The question is can the offense get better. So far, in my eyes, it has gotten worse.

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No offense AKM311, but in the NFL, all you have to do is win. We don't have to impress any voters, or any writers, or lobby for our team to be included in BCS talk...we just have to WIN. And there will be ugly ones, and easy ones...close ones, and not so close ones. Just win, baby...

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No offense AKM311, but in the NFL, all you have to do is win. We don't have to impress any voters, or any writers, or lobby for our team to be included in BCS talk...we just have to WIN. And there will be ugly ones, and easy ones...close ones, and not so close ones. Just win, baby...

Oh I agree. Not arguing that.

But to be a constant winner in this league, I personally believe we need to learn how to close games out and not just be happy with a win. Because we are still staring 7-9 or 8-8 in the face. I am nto saying dominate games front to finish. But when we are up 17-0 to start the 4th, we really need to learn to close teams out. Not let them hang around. That is why a win is not always a win. You have to learn how to win.

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