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MSNBC - Firm gives $1 million to pro-Romney group, then dissolves


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$5 million? :ols:

I am a huge fan of campaign restrictions. I would like to see a timetable for campaigning like in Europe with dates that restrict when you can campaign/advertise. I would also love to see a $$$$ limit. However $5 million is insane.

I heard "O" already has somewhere around 70M already, So 5 doesn't seem extreme.

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Right. What could possibly be wrong, for our democratic process, for our politicians to be receiving millions of dollars in untraceable cash, where the politician knows where the money came from, but the voter's don't?

Yeah like back in the Clinton years when there was that huge sum of money from the Chi-Coms but was ignored by the press.

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Ignored by the press?


seriously, where do you get these notions?


Bang, you and I both know that it had to be ignored by the press, that's why NavyDave knows about it, because it couldn't possibly be part of the fictional construction of NavyDave's own anti-Librawl narrative that would cause him to think that something that was soo very public was somehow ignored, to say otherwise might actually cause him to adjust his thinking, and God forbid our thinking change just because what we believe is proved false.

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Put a 5 million cap on ALL campaign spending. Problem solved.

5 Million?? Then what would happen to all of those Hollywood $30k a plate dinners for Obama? $5 million is barely enough to cover the cost for shoveling up the Barbara Streisand during his made in Canada Bus campaign.

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5 Million?? Then what would happen to all of those Hollywood dinners for Obama? $5 million is barely enough to cover the cost for shoveling up the Barbara Streisand during his made in Canada Bus campaign.

Uhhhh, that's kind of the point right? Miss Streisand would have to cancel their fund raising as would Big Oil and the NRA for the Right.


It just dawned on me, you don't want the money cut, because you like the amount of money that gets poured into GOP coffers.

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Yeah like back in the Clinton years when there was that huge sum of money from the Chi-Coms but was ignored by the press.
Ignored by the press?


seriously, where do you get these notions?


Bang, you and I both know that it had to be ignored by the press, that's why NavyDave knows about it, because it couldn't possibly be part of the fictional construction of NavyDave's own anti-Librawl narrative that would cause him to think that something that was soo very public was somehow ignored, to say otherwise might actually cause him to adjust his thinking, and God forbid our thinking change just because what we believe is proved false.

Hey, guys, go easy on ol Navy Dave. After all, it took the guy three months to come up with the idea that the way to dodge my question was to pretend that he didn't read it, and to try to deflect attention by spouting an untrue myth about Clinton.

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So I'll ask again.

If you limit it, how would candidates get their message out?

If it was limitted. Hillary would be POTUS right now.

Give them equal media access thru debates ,publishing policy papers and speeches on the publics dime

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So I'll ask again.

If you limit it, how would candidates get their message out?

If it was limitted. Hillary would be POTUS right now.

I for one think 5 million is too low, you couldn't adequately canvas an entire state for that amount. But, this limitless warchest, and with the PAC's are fully out of control, there was 5.3 billion dollars spent in the 2008 election campaign, and that's just what is spent for the Presidential, Congressional and Senate races

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So how do you legally limit it and also give EVERY candidate the same access to get their message out?

Do you want the Rent is Too Damn High guy to get equal funding to what Obama would get?

I dont have an answer myself. I just dont see how limitting money is 1-legal and 2- ends up doing more harm then good.

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So how do you legally limit it and also give EVERY candidate the same access to get their message out?

Do you want the Rent is Too Damn High guy to get equal funding to what Obama would get?

I dont have an answer myself. I just dont see how limitting money is 1-legal and 2- ends up doing more harm then good.

I'm somewhat with you.

My problem is that I don't see a way to ban, say, The Council For Giving Millions of George Soros' Money to Politicians While Hiding Who It's From, without banning what I think of as legitimate PACs, like the ACLU, the NRA, and the AARP.

(Although I do think that banning contributions from corporations is a simple, clear, binary kind of law that I approve of. But how to ban what I think of as "money laundering PACs" from actual groups of citizens banding together to influence politics? I don't see how.)

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