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Southwest tells woman, mother they are 'too fat to fly' (MSNBC)


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I don't care if you are fat, but please don't do it to your kids. It pissed me off so much because the kids can do absolutely nothing but grow up fat and unhealthy.

Exactly. I have one friend that fits this morbidly obese category. Borderline at least. When he walks in, you notice that he is way bigger than he should be. He's flown several times but I don't see how he can fit in a single seat. Unless he buys two tickets, there's no way you'd sit next to him if you could help it.

He's been this way since he was an infant. His mom is a good lady and I know she loves him but I think the way she fed him was a type of child abuse. Celebrate with food, reward yourself with food, console yourself with food, entertain yourself with food...there was no regulation. And you don't eat when you're hungry, you eat so that you don't get hungry. As an adult, his mind and body don't respond to food like normal people.

The closest point of comparison I have is a lady who can only have sex with her husband with supreme effort. She knows her husband is a good guy, she loves, and she WANTS to want to have sex with him, but something about getting raped when you're younger just messes with your mind.

Whatever happened to him when he was younger, (he can't accept that it was abuse) he knows he has to change and he is making efforts. He knows he can't keep killing himself. But calling him lazy is stupid. He's not lazy. He's just really screwed up.

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I do not believe the reason all fat people exercise or eat incorrectly is that they are lazy.

We disagree.

Cherry picking quotes is not a good way to win an argument. Here's the full quote:

Yes. I assume fat people are lazy. In some way or the other. Lazy has many different meaning, as I said above. They are health lazy. Or they are health knowledge lazy in that they go to the gym and work hard but don't do it correctly

I bet most of those people don't know how to properly exercise or eat. And yes, fat people need to know that more than skinny people due to their weight. It's not quite fair, but its reality.

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When you consider the average American watches 2.82 hours of television a day, only excercises .31 hours per day, has a sedentary job and eats out @ restaurants 4-5x per week, it's not a shock that obesity levels are rising.

I refereed a U-14 rec soccer game last week. Blew the whistle for the kickoff, and the ball moved up and down the field a couple of times. TWO minutes in the game I ran past a player for one team as I was following the play and was shocked to hear that the boy sounded like he was going to throw up a lung. 1/2 way through season and he couldn't play for more than a couple of minutes without being totally out of breath. Maybe he had asthma, I don't know. I do know that he is in same grade as my son yet weighs 50 lbs more than him.

What irritated me the most was the half-time snacks and post-game snacks passed out to all the kids. The average kid played about 45 minutes of soccer and ate/drank about 400+ calories. And...they didn't offer me any!

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Cherry picking quotes is not a good way to win an argument. Here's the full quote:

KDawg, I disagree with the partial quote, I disagree with your full quote, I completely disagree with the assertion that fat=lazy.

I don't know how many ways I can say it. I do not agree with you.

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KDawg, I disagree with the partial quote, I disagree with your full quote, I completely disagree with the assertion that fat=lazy.

I don't know how many ways I can say it. I do not agree with you.

Fine, but don't go cherry picking things to make you look better. It's bush league.

I happen to think you're burying your head into the sand here. But hey, to each their own.

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I bet most of those people don't know how to properly exercise or eat. And yes, fat people need to know that more than skinny people due to their weight. It's not quite fair, but its reality.

I agree with you. I think when people think "lazy" they're assuming it's someone that doesn't work, just sits around watching TV all the time. Obviously there are many obese people that are hard workers and productive members of society. But when it comes to their health, assuming they care, they are not proactive about handling it themselves.

I am officially "overweight" (5'9", 180#) per BMI calculator. I train for triathlons/races by doing an average of 4-5 hours of training each week, and have done so for the past few years. But, I am sometimes lazy about my caloric intake, and have only recently spent time working on improving my, and my family's, eating habits. I've never been "obese", but I have been unhealthy. It involves a total lifestyle change to go from being obese (or even unhealthy/overweight) to being healthy, and most people are unwilling to do that, either due to lack of discipline or they think it can't be done.

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Fine, but don't go cherry picking things to make you look better. It's bush league.

I happen to think you're burying your head into the sand here. But hey, to each their own.

Don't waste your time on this guy anymore KDawg. He's just a broken record at this point that's cherry-picking quotes, pulling the race card, etc. I'm starting to wonder if he's just trolling this thread.

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KDawg, I disagree with the partial quote, I disagree with your full quote, I completely disagree with the assertion that fat=lazy.

Compare it to a struggling student. In order for them to be able to get on the honor roll, they are going to have to change their study habits, spend less time with other distractions, study more, hire a tutor, etc. If they choose not to try and improve their grades, they are either apathetic or lazy as they have not worked to improve their situation. I think that's what Kdawg is trying to say.

My dad is obese (probably 5-7, 210), yet is one of the hardest-working 68 y/o's I know. Whole time growing up, he never excercised, yet worked 40-50 hours a week, spent all day Saturday working on firewood/yard/etc. and had very little "entertainment" time, mostly comprised of fishing. Definitely not lazy. But, regarding his health, he was lazy in improving his lifestyle and working to protect himself against weight-related issues, even though is own father passed away @ 72 after years of diabetes, strokes, etc. Is apathy laziness, or is it just different priorities? I don't know.

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Exactly. I have one friend that fits this morbidly obese category. Borderline at least. When he walks in, you notice that he is way bigger than he should be. He's flown several times but I don't see how he can fit in a single seat. Unless he buys two tickets, there's no way you'd sit next to him if you could help it.

He's been this way since he was an infant. His mom is a good lady and I know she loves him but I think the way she fed him was a type of child abuse. Celebrate with food, reward yourself with food, console yourself with food, entertain yourself with food...there was no regulation. And you don't eat when you're hungry, you eat so that you don't get hungry. As an adult, his mind and body don't respond to food like normal people.

The closest point of comparison I have is a lady who can only have sex with her husband with supreme effort. She knows her husband is a good guy, she loves, and she WANTS to want to have sex with him, but something about getting raped when you're younger just messes with your mind.

Whatever happened to him when he was younger, (he can't accept that it was abuse) he knows he has to change and he is making efforts. He knows he can't keep killing himself. But calling him lazy is stupid. He's not lazy. He's just really screwed up.

That's how I look at it as well. Granted I'm only 21, but the kids I've grown up with, I have yet to see someone who was relatively healthy in say 7th grade, be obese at this point in their life. Most of the kids I've known for a long time who turned out overweight or obese did so because of the bad habits that they developed at a time in their life when they were completely under the supervision of an adult. The fat ones were fat before they became adults.

I vehemently disagree with the fat people are fat because of laziness as well. I think laziness plays a role but it's EXTREMELY hard to get rid of habits you developed growing up. It completely screws up your internal physiology when momma fatty was feeding you cupcakes, twinkies, McDonalds, Popeyes and Coke everyday during developmental years. The matter of fact is that an adult who has been battling weight and obesity for pretty much half or most of their life, they would have to surrender their job, education etc. to put in the amount of effort needed to shed the bad habbits and the weight. Is it laziness or is it a vicious social cycle that needs more awareness?

To me, it starts at the household level. Parents have the responsibility to make sure their kids don't grow up obese. Once you get to this level, you're talking about making sacrifices where you put your financial and mental stability at risk for the sake of shedding weight. It's not as simple as simply getting rid of laziness.

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KDawg, why are you trying to make it more than it is ? I don't even consider that a cherry pick. He has stated simply that he disagrees, several times.

Seriously, even when you add on the rest of the quote, you can't ignore the first part.

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Sure, man. When I'm ready for major league debate, I know where to find you.

Good call. I'll let you know when we're interested in calling you up... But cherry picking all the time for the easy stat padding isn't going to get you up to the big leagues any time soon ;)

Don't waste your time on this guy anymore KDawg. He's just a broken record at this point that's cherry-picking quotes, pulling the race card, etc. I'm starting to wonder if he's just trolling this thread.

Yeah. I'm done replying to him now :)

Compare it to a struggling student. In order for them to be able to get on the honor roll, they are going to have to change their study habits, spend less time with other distractions, study more, hire a tutor, etc. If they choose not to try and improve their grades, they are either apathetic or lazy as they have not worked to improve their situation. I think that's what Kdawg is trying to say.

100% on the money.

---------- Post added May-18th-2011 at 08:11 AM ----------

Seriously, even when you add on the rest of the quote, you can't ignore the first part.

Uhm. I define what I view as "lazy". The rest of the quote is more important than the first part. Unless you're trying to take something out of context ;)

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My argument was against the assertion that fat=lazy. I was fine with everything posted until that point but the simplistic assertion that fat people are lazy is clearly not true. You can not ignore economic/genetic/sociological factors that have nothing to do with the laziness or diligence of a particular individual. This is the same trap my racist father in law falls into when he looks around him and sees that minorities in his area are poorer than whites and assumes they could just change their economic condition if they weren't so lazy. He did it, why don't they? Because black people are lazy. In both instances, it is a poorly reasoned argument.

Separately, it is clearly true that the vast majority of fat people in our country eat poorly and do not exercise enough. But you can not move from there to assert that they REASON they don't exercise or eat correctly is that they are lazy.

you're right, instead of lazy he should have clarified they prefer to plant themselves on their couch or sit in front of a computer for hours while playing WOW and eating hot pockets while mom brings them 'bathroom'


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Even with the full quote and your definition...The statement still reads; that you assume fat people are lazy.

Lazy in the fact that they aren't gaining the proper knowledge to do what's necessary. Doing steady state cardio for 2 hours a day won't have much of an effect on them if they're not eating properly and weight training with it.

They can have the motivation and work ethic to do 2 hours on the treadmill with a decent intensity, but if they aren't supplementing that with proper knowledge, they're not going to get anywhere. Thus, they're lazy in that they don't care to do the research and they just want to get on the treadmill.

The statement is taken out of context. And now you're arguing for the sake of arguing.

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If 95-99% of fat people are indeed fat by laziness, then "fat people are lazy" is a very safe assumption to make. Right?

I only know one "really fat" person very well. Fat=lazy doesn't apply to him. I don't know if fat=lazy applies to the rest of the really fat people out there. My guess is there's some combination of depression/biological/childhood abuse thing going on with a lot of them. But that would be hard to evaluate without knowing the person pretty well. There's no way to tell just by looking at them.

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Lazy in the fact that they aren't gaining the proper knowledge to do what's necessary. Doing steady state cardio for 2 hours a day won't have much of an effect on them if they're not eating properly and weight training with it.

They can have the motivation and work ethic to do 2 hours on the treadmill with a decent intensity, but if they aren't supplementing that with proper knowledge, they're not going to get anywhere. Thus, they're lazy in that they don't care to do the research and they just want to get on the treadmill.

The statement is taken out of context. And now you're arguing for the sake of arguing.

i get what you are saying....but that's because i read your entire post.

---------- Post added May-18th-2011 at 09:01 AM ----------

I only know one "really fat" person very well. Fat=lazy doesn't apply to him. I don't know if fat=lazy applies to the rest of the really fat people out there. My guess is there's some combination of depression/biological/childhood abuse thing going on with a lot of them. But that would be hard to evaluate without knowing the person pretty well. There's no way to tell just by looking at them.

aren't fat people supposed to be jolly though?

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Compare it to a struggling student. In order for them to be able to get on the honor roll, they are going to have to change their study habits, spend less time with other distractions, study more, hire a tutor, etc. If they choose not to try and improve their grades, they are either apathetic or lazy as they have not worked to improve their situation. I think that's what Kdawg is trying to say..

This is a great analogy.

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I get what you are trying to explain here, at the same time, you still said Yes, that you assume they are lazy.

Some people can't get out of their own way KD. That is a reality.

I am certainly not arguing for the sake of it. I know you are stubborn and try to fight to go around what you said, you have done it for years. No reason to argue. Just trying to clarify your point of fat people being lazy in your opinion.

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I am certainly not arguing for the sake of it. I know you are stubborn and try to fight to go around what you said, you have done it for years. No reason to argue. Just trying to clarify your point of fat people being lazy in your opinion.


I'm not going around anything. I'm saying what I said. if you choose to take a single sentence out of an entire conversation and run with it, its on you. But I haven't done anything of the sort for 'years'.

And for the record, I am saying fat people are la- In the sense they aren't going after the knowledge necessary-zy (broken up to avoid misquoting ;)) when what they do isn't working. Then they ditch the diet/exercise and get worse. To me, that's laziness. To others, it may be ignorance. To others, it's a lack of education. Call it what you will, but that's what I define it as. In the world we live in today, not looking on the internet to find information on how to lose weight is unacceptable.

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I don't disagree with that at all K, not for a second. I call it ignorance. I won't just presume fat people are lazy though, which is what I believe he was trying to say. I am a little overweight (about 15 pounds), but not a fat guy by any stretch. I was within 5 pounds of my goal and had other things come up that needed to take priority. I blame the beer overall though. haha.

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I don't disagree with that at all K, not for a second. I call it ignorance. I won't just presume fat people are lazy though, which is what I believe he was trying to say. I am a little overweight (about 15 pounds), but not a fat guy by any stretch. I was within 5 pounds of my goal and had other things come up that needed to take priority. I blame the beer overall though. haha.

I see what he's trying to say. And I think that in terms of work ethic and the want to work hard (even in the gym) he's 100% correct. Fat people cannot be assumed to not have the drive to get off the couch and do it. I think most are going to fall into that lazy category, but there are exceptions to every rule and there are some extremely motivated fat folk. (But they usually aren't fat for long :))

The way I defined lazy, as someone who doesn't want to seek the knowledge to improve themselves, is where we're hung up. He keeps calling to fact that they're not lazy while not really arguing against what I'm saying, just arguing the semantics of the word.

That's all.

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It can not said all fat people are lazy, I would not call Kevin Smith Michael Moore or Chris Christie lazy, I would just say their either lack self control on eating or have an eating disorder or they do enough activity to off set their calorie intake.

There are many who exercise so they can eat what ever they want but still have the health problems with eating poorly

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