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Are We Showing Confidence in Grossman?


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Rex is a stop-gap, place holder for us. Nothing more. People need to stop treating the situation of us not taking a QB in the first round as if Shanny & Allen are choosing Grossman to be our franchise QB.
Heard that before. Just a backup for us, nothing more. Going to backup Campbell, going to backup McNabb, knows the playbook, etc.

We should all face the fact that Rex Grossman is Kyle Shanahan's choice of QB for his offense.

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Once again, we keep passing up on QB's. We could have had Mckelroy on numerous occasions.

---------- Post added April-30th-2011 at 03:29 PM ----------

I also think its very interesting that Rex has been in this offense for 3-4 years. When is the last time we had a QB who had this type of mastery of a single offense?

This will be a HUGE advantage for Rex.

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