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Redskins Blog: Danny Smith Considers Punting Prospects, Including Larry Michael


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Danny Smith Considers Punting Prospects, Including Larry Michael

Posted Apr 7th 2011 11:14AM by Matt Terl

Take a look at the picture above. You can tell from the gold pants that it's from last season, and it's pretty clearly someone punting the ball ... but it wouldn't surprise me at all if you couldn't tell me the guy's name. Four guys punted the ball last year (although one of them was kicker Graham Gano being pressed into emergency duty) and none of them exactly stood out.

Josh Bidwell punted in three games, with a net average of 37.7 yards and 3 punts inside the 20. Gano, in his one fill-in game, punted four times and saw one of them blocked. Hunter Smith punted in nine games in relief of Bidwell, and finished with a net average of 33.7 yards, one return TD against, and 17 punts pinned inside the 20. And Sam Paulescu -- he's the one pictured above, in case you really were unsure -- punted 17 times in the last three games of the season for a net average of 33.1 yards.

Nothing catastrophic, but certainly no punter that serves as field-flipping weapon, either. So when special teams coach Danny Smith appeared on Redskins Nation, Larry Michael asked the obvious question: who would be punting for the Redskins next season?

Smith's answer certainly seems to indicate that the team is casting a pretty wide net. "If you could punt, Larry, we'll give you an opportunity," Smith said. "I mean, we'll take anybody in this building to go out there. We've had seven punters in two years. That's unbelievable. We had three punters in '09, we used four punters this year if you count the game with Graham Gano in the St. Louis game. I mean, we had four punters punt in the National Football League for the Washington Redskins this year. That's unheard of."

It's a theme that Smith would return to again later, in a way that doesn't exactly serve as a ringing endorsement for Paulescu. "We'll take anybody at this point," Smith said, "because I think anything would be an improvement, to be quite honest with you. I really do. But you'd like to get a veteran who has some games under his belt."

Mildly amusing answers aside, Smith is keenly aware of exactly how important this issue is.

"We've gotta solidify that position," Smith said. "We need to get a punter who can do the things that we ask him to do. And again, there's a lotta young kids out there who, I think, can do it."

But Smith has some concerns with a young punter that he might not have with a veteran -- which would help explain why the 34 year old Bidwell came in to last season as the team's starter. "A lot of young guys have strong legs and they think that's all it takes," Smith told Michael. "You gotta have 'game.' That's what I call it. That's why you see these older punters. That's why Jeff Feagles punts still-he's 43 years old! They try to get guys like that beat out, but these young guys can't do it because they don't have the 'game' he has, so to speak."

With all of that said, though, Smith isn't limiting his options -- to veterans OR to rookies. He's looking everywhere.

"Everybody is viable," Smith said, "and that's why we do the combine, and that's why, right now we're doing tapes on every punter that's coming out in this draft, y'know? You'd like not to have to use a draft pick on that particular position when you have other needs. But you can't out-rule it either -- IF there's a guy there that you think he can do it."

Still, the more you listen to Smith explain his philosophy to Michael, the more it sounds like he's leaning toward a veteran again. "Alot of these guys need to get recycled a lot of times before they make it in this league," Smith said. "I'll give you an example with David Akers: he was a Washington Redskin, 10 to 15 years ago. But he gets recycled and look what he's done: he's had a great career in Philly, and he's an excellent kicker in our division. You'd like to get a guy like that. Same thing involved with punting. Sometimes these guys need to be recycled because they have strong legs but they don't have the 'game' that goes with it: the touch, the direction. You can't punt down the middle of the field. You can't kick down the middle of the field on a regular basis to the returners in this league and be successful."

So if you're a veteran punter and you're reading this, it might be worth sending a resume and cover letter to Redskins Park -- just in case, you know?


I don't see how Danny Smith doesn't take some of the blame for this.

Our lack of consistency at the kicker/punter position has got to be traced back to him eventually.

I don't know how much he has to say when it comes to scouting of special team players but he hasn't been able to develop a kicker or punter.

Sure our coverage teams have been good and getting Banks has been a spark to our return team but I don't get the love for Danny Smith on the board considering how bad our kickers/punters have been.

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This has been a sore spot for 15+ years, just not in the last 2. I would love for Gano to be our Janickowski and to find our own Lechler. Those 2 guys in Oakland have been there for over 10 years.

I miss the days of seeing Mosely and Hayes out on the field year in and year out.

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This has been a sore spot for 15+ years, just not in the last 2. I would love for Gano to be our Janickowski and to find our own Lechler. Those 2 guys in Oakland have been there for over 10 years.

Course, the Raiders spent a 1st and a 5th round pick to get those two guys.

People like to blame Smith, but he can only work with what he's given. It isn't like there are a long list of kickers who have failed here to go onto other teams and do much better.

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Course, the Raiders spent a 1st and a 5th round pick to get those two guys.

People like to blame Smith, but he can only work with what he's given. It isn't like there are a long list of kickers who have failed here to go onto other teams and do much better.

With respect Jason, I think it's incredibly naive to think the Special Teams Coach doesn't have a major say in identifying, scouting, and recruiting the specialist positions. I.E. Kicker/Punter/LS. Granted the rest of the guys are in the main depth guys off the roster handed to him for his coverage units, but I'd be astounded if a positional coach for teams doesn't have a major say in his kickers. And outside of that coverage, and the bonus of Banks last year; his units have been a miserable failure through his tenure in DC.

If the buck doesn't stop with the positional Coach when your units consistently under-performing in 3 out of 4 key areas, kicking, punting and kick/punt returns (and let's not forget he consistently sent out under-performing guys Sunday in, Sunday out back there. Maybe some of that's at the behest of the HC, but he's had options to change it up); then just where does it stop?

The continued love from fans and even more bizarre retention through successive regimes of a guy who's charges consistently under-perform baffles the living piss out of me with this team.


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Danny Smith has just sucked for what the past decade + ? It's all right there on tape and I cannot understand how anyone who evaluates his performance can continue to employ this guy. How many games have the ST cost the Skin in the last 5 years???

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Course, the Raiders spent a 1st and a 5th round pick to get those two guys.

People like to blame Smith, but he can only work with what he's given. It isn't like there are a long list of kickers who have failed here to go onto other teams and do much better.

With respect Jason, I think it's incredibly naive to think the Special Teams Coach doesn't have a major say in identifying, scouting, and recruiting the specialist positions. I.E. Kicker/Punter/LS. Granted the rest of the guys are in the main depth guys off the roster handed to him for his coverage units, but I'd be astounded if a positional coach for teams doesn't have a major say in his kickers. And outside of that coverage, and the bonus of Banks last year; his units have been a miserable failure through his tenure in DC.

If the buck doesn't stop with the positional Coach when your units consistently under-performing in 3 out of 4 key areas, kicking, punting and kick/punt returns (and let's not forget he consistently sent out under-performing guys Sunday in, Sunday out back there. Maybe some of that's at the behest of the HC, but he's had options to change it up); then just where does it stop?

The continued love from fans and even more bizarre retention through successive regimes of a guy who's charges consistently under-perform baffles the living piss out of me with this team.


Pretty much agree with GHH.

If there's no oversight by the ST coach into the scouting of the ST players then we're in a world of trouble.

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Course, the Raiders spent a 1st and a 5th round pick to get those two guys.

People like to blame Smith, but he can only work with what he's given. It isn't like there are a long list of kickers who have failed here to go onto other teams and do much better.

I didn't say use a 1st and a 5th for a kicker and a punter. I just want to find one person for each position and have them here for more than 2 years. It really can't be that hard, or is it? Because we can't seem to find either one. Is that scouting/GM or both? Our kicking/punting situation in terms of longevity/consistancy has been one of the worst if not THE worst in the league. I'm not talking coverage units, I'm talking finding a guy that will kick and punt consistant enough for more than 2 years. Even you can't gloss over that or make excuses for the front office about this. It's been pitiful and ridiculous.

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If this **** was happening down South with the 'Girls, we'd be having great fun at their expense.

But it's happening here. For WAY too long now. And it's WAY past being funny.

How many games have we lost over way too long a period of time through either missed kicks, or piss poor punting/ returning that fail to flip the field in this game were field position is king?

WAY beyond being funny.


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I'm not sure at all how Danny Smith keeps surviving. I mean, good for him, he's keeping a job... Most people, however, would have been canned long ago based on his crazy lack of production as a coach. He must have some incriminating photos.


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Agree with Danny taking some of the blame here... he is well respected and liked throughout the league... Is that because they get to play against him? Just cant support anyone who kept ARE returning punts, sorry.

Well, now he's worked under three head coaches, and John Fox has tried to hire him twice. If he's truely bad, he would have moved on long ago.

As for ARE, who else on the roster was going to return punts? Certainly not anyone who starts. That was more of a personnel issue more than anything. (Oh yeah, ARE is still returning punts for Pittsburgh, so I guess we aren't the only ones who are idiots.)

With respect Jason, I think it's incredibly naive to think the Special Teams Coach doesn't have a major say in identifying, scouting, and recruiting the specialist positions. I.E. Kicker/Punter/LS. Granted the rest of the guys are in the main depth guys off the roster handed to him for his coverage units, but I'd be astounded if a positional coach for teams doesn't have a major say in his kickers. And outside of that coverage, and the bonus of Banks last year; his units have been a miserable failure through his tenure in DC.

I never said that he didn't have a say, but there are certainly questions about how much say he actually has, especially under Vinny. Did he really chose Brooks over Frost? Considering how mediocre Frost was, I could see it, but I could also see it the other way that Vinny wanted Brooks on the roster for extended work. I'm pretty sure that Smith had little say in the decision to cut Suisham. (Tho, the decision to sign Gano is probably on him.) I also doubt that the decision to not resign the Red Snapper had much to do with Smith.

But one thing that keeps getting missed is that coaches can only choose from what the players who get brought into Redskins Park. While the coaches have some knowledge of what is out there, it isn't their job to scout the league. That is what we have a scouting department for.

If the buck doesn't stop with the positional Coach when your units consistently under-performing in 3 out of 4 key areas, kicking, punting and kick/punt returns (and let's not forget he consistently sent out under-performing guys Sunday in, Sunday out back there. Maybe some of that's at the behest of the HC, but he's had options to change it up); then just where does it stop?

When was the last time that we had a consistant kicker? Chip Lohmiller. Punter? Matt Turk. Neither of those guys kicked for us for more than a decade. Brian Mitchell was probably the last threat in the return game. All of this have been problems for far longer than Smith has been here, and probably has little to do with coaching and more to do with the people we brought in here.

There is a lot I agree with what Smith has said above: many young kickers bounce around the league. It is because the jobs of many kickers are on the line with every kick, and all it takes is one or two misses to hit the unemployment line (ask Suisham about that). Have you noticed that many kickers end up kicking into their 40s? Why is that? It is because there aren't enough young players who can kick consistantly for NFL clubs.

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Well, now he's worked under three head coaches, and John Fox has tried to hire him twice. If he's truely bad, he would have moved on long ago.

As for ARE, who else on the roster was going to return punts? Certainly not anyone who starts. That was more of a personnel issue more than anything. (Oh yeah, ARE is still returning punts for Pittsburgh, so I guess we aren't the only ones who are idiots.)

Kick Returns Punt Returns

Rk Player Team Pos Ret Yds Avg Lng TD 20+ 40+ FC FUM Ret RetY Avg Lng TD 20+ 40+ FC FUM

82 Antonio Brown PIT WR 17 397 23.4 89T 1 9 1 0 0 19 110 5.8 21 0 2 0 1 1

82 Antwaan Randle El PIT WR -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 14 56 4.0 15 0 0 0 17 2

82 Emmanuel Sanders PIT WR 25 628 25.1 48 0 19 2 0 2 4 60 15.0 38 0 1 0 1 0

Quick copy & paste from NFL.com just to ensure this whole "ARE was returning punts on the Steelers" story is killed ASAP. This guy tortured us for years, and Danny Smith is as much to blame as anyone.

ARE didnt return a SINGLE kickoff last year (just to be sure people arent confusing kicks & punts). Of the punts he did return, he was an absolute disaster. And oh....big surprise, look what he DID lead in - FAIR CATCHES. Also fumbles, in case youre wondering. The guy is TERRIBLE.

Furthermore - Danny Smith has had more opportunities than anyone in the league to get a kicker and a punter. He has an owner who will write a check for anything the coaches want. He had an opportunity to get the best punter in college a few years back and did nothing with him. He can bring in any free agent he wants off the street and pay them anything. He has had YEARS to fix this hole...I cant believe the guy has the audacity to say "there are so many young guys out there that can do this" - then find just ONE and get them in here already!

Put me in the camp who wants this dude out ASAP. The NFL is not just about blue collar character guys who can lay lumber on special teams like Rock & Alexander. We need electricity from our return game and consistency from our kickers, and this dude has no idea how to bring that to this franchise.

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But one thing that keeps getting missed is that coaches can only choose from what the players who get brought into Redskins Park. While the coaches have some knowledge of what is out there, it isn't their job to scout the league. That is what we have a scouting department for.

Let's presume for the sake of argument that's the case. He has no choice but to work with what's given to him.

Isn't the main remit of a coach to teach and make players better? Regardless of the standard of players he's given?

Not seen much of that through Smith's tenure.


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He can bring in any free agent he wants off the street and pay them anything. He has had YEARS to fix this hole...I cant believe the guy has the audacity to say "there are so many young guys out there that can do this" - then find just ONE and get them in here already!

This part of your quote is so true. If there is any "young" talent at kicker/punter, how come the other 31 teams manage to find them and we can't? What the hell are we doing that is so wrong?

---------- Post added April-8th-2011 at 01:38 PM ----------

I'd also like to add that many of us in here have been saying that we should draft guys like Mason Crosby, Lechler and such over the years and these guys have turned out legit. You wonder what the FO hasn't seen in the past 15 years that we as fans see. I loved Crosby coming out of Colorado. I was so on his bandwagon the year he was drafted and we ignored him.

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Kick Returns Punt Returns

Rk Player Team Pos Ret Yds Avg Lng TD 20+ 40+ FC FUM Ret RetY Avg Lng TD 20+ 40+ FC FUM

82 Antonio Brown PIT WR 17 397 23.4 89T 1 9 1 0 0 19 110 5.8 21 0 2 0 1 1

82 Antwaan Randle El PIT WR -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 14 56 4.0 15 0 0 0 17 2

82 Emmanuel Sanders PIT WR 25 628 25.1 48 0 19 2 0 2 4 60 15.0 38 0 1 0 1 0

Quick copy & paste from NFL.com just to ensure this whole "ARE was returning punts on the Steelers" story is killed ASAP. This guy tortured us for years, and Danny Smith is as much to blame as anyone.

ARE didnt return a SINGLE kickoff last year (just to be sure people arent confusing kicks & punts). Of the punts he did return, he was an absolute disaster. And oh....big surprise, look what he DID lead in - FAIR CATCHES. Also fumbles, in case youre wondering. The guy is TERRIBLE.

Well, first off ARE doesn't return kicks. He rarely has in his career. Second, ARE was used situationally all year long as a punt returner. My guess, from the few Steelers games that I watched, was he typically was the guy back there when they were expecting a short punt and a lot of traffic. They seem to trust his hands and decisionmaking more than the other two guys in those situations.

Course, you haven't provided me with any alternatives on the roster for ARE, noting that in the NFL in general it is usually frowned upon to have a starter on offense or defense to be regularly returning kicks or punts. (See how Hester's stats suffered as he got more playing time.) Personally, I never saw a good alternative to ARE on the roster, which is why he kept getting pushed out there.

Furthermore - Danny Smith has had more opportunities than anyone in the league to get a kicker and a punter. He has an owner who will write a check for anything the coaches want. He had an opportunity to get the best punter in college a few years back and did nothing with him. He can bring in any free agent he wants off the street and pay them anything. He has had YEARS to fix this hole...I cant believe the guy has the audacity to say "there are so many young guys out there that can do this" - then find just ONE and get them in here already!

And we've seen how all of these resources have bought us winners on this team. :rolleyes:

I think you forget that there is this thing called a salary cap, and that teams usually try to keep the best players off the market, which includes kickers and punters.

Put me in the camp who wants this dude out ASAP. The NFL is not just about blue collar character guys who can lay lumber on special teams like Rock & Alexander. We need electricity from our return game and consistency from our kickers, and this dude has no idea how to bring that to this franchise.

ST is MOSTLY about blue-collar guys who are nuts about running down the field full speed with the other team doing likewise. That part of our game, despite all the roster turnover, has been pretty solid to good. In my eyes, it is the largest part of a ST coach's job, and a pretty thankless part of his job.

Let's presume for the sake of argument that's the case. He has no choice but to work with what's given to him.

Isn't the main remit of a coach to teach and make players better? Regardless of the standard of players he's given?

Not seen much of that through Smith's tenure.


Again, the coverage units have been pretty good under his time here. Returns have been less good, but that is probably as much a factor of who was doing the returning as much as the people blocking for them. Course, when you have lots of injuries and are continually putting in new people (as has been true the past two years), such things are going to suffer. Under the circumstances, I think he's done quite well.

As for developing kickers, well we have a young kicker who has been on this roster for just over a year, and fans want him gone already. How do you develop anyone under those circumstances?

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Coaches also should have "game". Danny Smith has not either A. Convinced multiple coaches of how important a priority special teams is, B. Been capable of judging any talent or C. Been capable of teaching the talent.

Special teams has been terrible for a long time, and while players cycle in and out one constant has remained, and that is Danny Smith. He must be a real jovial guy and awesome to be around, because it doesn't seem like hes a good coach :-/

Well liked and respected is great. How many games does that win us? I thought it was actual performance that mattered in football but perhaps I am wrong in that...

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Well, first off ARE doesn't return kicks. He rarely has in his career. Second, ARE was used situationally all year long as a punt returner. My guess, from the few Steelers games that I watched, was he typically was the guy back there when they were expecting a short punt and a lot of traffic. They seem to trust his hands and decisionmaking more than the other two guys in those situations.

Situationally? Dude he returned 14 punts - 2nd on the team. He averaged FOUR YARDS a return. Obviously the "situations" he kept finding himself in weren't good ones, I'm guessing? His hands & decision making - WAY more fair catches, and led the team in fumbles. Huh? The facts and stats are all there in black and white. Dont try to squirm around it - he sucks, period.

Course, you haven't provided me with any alternatives on the roster for ARE, noting that in the NFL in general it is usually frowned upon to have a starter on offense or defense to be regularly returning kicks or punts. (See how Hester's stats suffered as he got more playing time.) Personally, I never saw a good alternative to ARE on the roster, which is why he kept getting pushed out there.

You are proving my point - this is another indictment of Danny Smith. All those years ARE sucked, and not once did he obtain a replacement. Not once did he look at the roster and successfully use a depth DB or depth WR to fulfill PR duties because ARE sucked. Hello?

And we've seen how all of these resources have bought us winners on this team. :rolleyes:

Irrelevant. Your argument is fallacious - because we failed with Adam Archuleta, Danny Smith earns a pass for not leveraging his owners open checkbook to solve our gaps on special teams over 10 years? Give me a break.

This is another indictment of Danny Smith. He is batting exactly .000 with free agents and draft picks in the kicking game. How many years has he had an opportunity to fill these 2 positions? How many blown opportunities?

I think you forget that there is this thing called a salary cap, and that teams usually try to keep the best players off the market, which includes kickers and punters.

[sarcasm]Right. Because the salary cap affects us every year, holds us down from signing free agents all the time [/sarcasm]. Adam Vinatieri...heard of the dude? Free agent. Im sure there are many more that were out there....and nevermind the big name guys. Probably half of the top punters in the league went undrafted or drafted in a late round, nevermind kickers - what are we doing??

ST is MOSTLY about blue-collar guys who are nuts about running down the field full speed with the other team doing likewise. That part of our game, despite all the roster turnover, has been pretty solid to good. In my eyes, it is the largest part of a ST coach's job, and a pretty thankless part of his job.

I dont disagree, coverage has been OK. AGAIN another indictment of Danny Smith. Thats my point. NFL ST isnt just about blocking and tackling anymore...you need a kicker who can knock it in the end zone. A punter who can pin a team in the 10 consistently. A return man who can win a game or two for you in a season. We dont have this, and for years we've failed to get it together. Who's fault? How about our ST coach.

As for developing kickers, well we have a young kicker who has been on this roster for just over a year, and fans want him gone already. How do you develop anyone under those circumstances?

No disagreement there.

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Obviously the "situations" he kept finding himself in weren't good ones, I'm guessing?

From what I saw, he was the #1 choice when the other team was punting from the short field and trying to pin them back. In those situations, you will have a lot of fair catches and a greater chance of a fumble happening.

I'm not "squirming" about anything with ARE. Despite the fumbles (which are not good), Pittsburgh used him all year long in that role. That is my only point.

You are proving my point - this is another indictment of Danny Smith. All those years ARE sucked, and not once did he obtain a replacement. Not once did he look at the roster and successfully use a depth DB or depth WR to fulfill PR duties because ARE sucked. Hello?

So, you find him guilty for not being able to polish a turd? Again, who is this mythical person who could have been a serviceable returner on punt returns? I am not seeing any names.

Irrelevant. Your argument is fallacious - because we failed with Adam Archuleta, Danny Smith earns a pass for not leveraging his owners open checkbook to solve our gaps on special teams over 10 years? Give me a break.

This is another indictment of Danny Smith. He is batting exactly .000 with free agents and draft picks in the kicking game. How many years has he had an opportunity to fill these 2 positions? How many blown opportunities?

Actually, I'd say that Suisham was one of the most solid kicker we've had in recent years. Before he was cut, he was actually having a pretty good year. Course, a couple of key misses can put someone on the unemployment line pretty quickly, but that's the way of things. Hall also was pretty good, when he was healthy. (Which was his biggest problem.) So, I don't know what you mean by "striking out".

[sarcasm]Right. Because the salary cap affects us every year, holds us down from signing free agents all the time [/sarcasm]. Adam Vinatieri...heard of the dude? Free agent. Im sure there are many more that were out there....and nevermind the big name guys. Probably half of the top punters in the league went undrafted or drafted in a late round, nevermind kickers - what are we doing??

Course, if we had signed him, people here would ***** about how idiotic the FO was for paying so much for a kicker, when the rest of the team sucked.

I dont disagree, coverage has been OK. AGAIN another indictment of Danny Smith. Thats my point. NFL ST isnt just about blocking and tackling anymore...you need a kicker who can knock it in the end zone. A punter who can pin a team in the 10 consistently. A return man who can win a game or two for you in a season. We dont have this, and for years we've failed to get it together. Who's fault? How about our ST coach.

How about the FO who was unable to find those type of players? It annoys me when people think of coaches as miracle workers.

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You are stretching on all of the above points man. Its a long list of failure after failure after failure. Each line is an example of where ST has failed. Regardless of head coach, front office....at some point you need to have accountability for your squad. Greg Blatche took the blame. Jim Zorn, Al Saunders, Marty, Vinny you name it....they all took the blame for their failure and got what they deserved (maybe not Marty). How does Danny Smith survive?

95% of this board would like to know. If you have the answer, we're all here waiting, it hasn't been conveyed yet.

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You are stretching on all of the above points man. Its a long list of failure after failure after failure. Each line is an example of where ST has failed. Regardless of head coach, front office....at some point you need to have accountability for your squad. Greg Blatche took the blame. Jim Zorn, Al Saunders, Marty, Vinny you name it....they all took the blame for their failure and got what they deserved (maybe not Marty). How does Danny Smith survive?

95% of this board would like to know. If you have the answer, we're all here waiting, it hasn't been conveyed yet.

Because three NFL head coaches (two of which have been highly successful in their careers and one is a HOFer) know more about what Smith has done or not done than an ignorant fanboy.

The problem with your logic is that you have no good argument to if Smith was a bad special teams coach, why is he still on his team, since there has been massive turnover throughout the team. Really, the only common thread is Dan Snyder, and that is a weak, at best, argument.

It must mean the premise is faulty: he is not a bad special teams coach. In fact, all must think he's a pretty good one, since they all had opportunities to get rid of him, but he continues to work.

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