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Carlos Rogers and the Transition TAg

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Anyone know why we haven't tagged Carlos Rogers with the transition tag? I don't think he is worth the average of the top 5 salaries of NFL corners, so obviously I wouldn't franchise him. But from what I understand, the transition tag is similar to the NBA restricted free agent, to where we'd be able to match any offer he gets. If not Carlos, Santana....I don't think we can afford to lose either of these guys.

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I agree very strongly that we can't afford to lose Santana, but Carlos on the other hand....

I'm not a huge Carlos fan, but the fact of the matter is, he is better than anyone else available that isn't going to demand a top salary at that position. We really can't afford to have another need to fill, so unless you think we can roll with Barnes as the #2 corner, we need to bring Los back

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I'm not a huge Carlos fan, but the fact of the matter is, he is better than anyone else available that isn't going to demand a top salary at that position. We really can't afford to have another need to fill, so unless you think we can roll with Barnes as the #2 corner, we need to bring Los back

And there you have it.

I hope we find a way to keep Carlos.

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All the inside guys seem to think Carlos is on the way out. I liked Carlos for his cover skills and physical style of play as a corner, but honestly I think it's for the best he looks to get paid elsewhere.

Landry, Hall, Atogwe (if he signs) is a play making, game changing, moderately young, experienced secondary. If Barnes can continue to progress as our #2 or nickle CB and we bring in another cheaper FA CB or draft someone to come in and contribute along with Barnes in a rotation is a better way to go IMO. I think that route has more upside than trying to make Carlos happy with a fat contract so he can continue to decide when he wants to give 100% and drop easy picks for us for a few more years.

Later Carlos it's been...frustrating.

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All the inside guys seem to think Carlos is on the way out. I liked Carlos for his cover skills and physical style of play as a corner, but honestly I think it's for the best he looks to get paid elsewhere.

Landry, Hall, Atogwe (if he signs) is a play making, game changing, moderately young, experienced secondary. If Barnes can continue to progress as our #2 or nickle CB and we bring in another cheaper FA CB or draft someone to come in and contribute along with Barnes in a rotation is a better way to go IMO. I think that route has more upside than trying to make Carlos happy with a fat contract so he can continue to decide when he wants to give 100% and drop easy picks for us for a few more years.

Later Carlos it's been...frustrating.

I'm not down with overpaying for anyone. Despite the stigma the skins have seemed to keep (and rightfully so) through the media about overpaying for players is actually not reality anymore. Bruce Allen's calling card is being a cap guy and a great negotiator; I'd be shocked if we over-payed for anyone from here on out.

That being said.....a lot of my friends at work (who are fans of different teams other than the skins) are really high on Los...so I'm thinking he may be valued by other teams. It is likely a team like Oakland (after asomugha leaves) could over pay for Los. I think your scenario could be a realistic one...I'd actually rather get OJ and roll with Barnes than not sign OJ and roll with Moore and Rogers.

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Here's apparently where it stands: Our FA that we want to keep, or at least try to work on a deal with, we've been in talks with. Carlos said himself he's heard nothing at all from our FO since the season ended. If you like Carlos here, that's a bad thing. If you don't, that's a good thing.

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Here's apparently where it stands: Our FA that we want to keep, or at least try to work on a deal with, we've been in talks with. Carlos said himself he's heard nothing at all from our FO since the season ended. If you like Carlos here, that's a bad thing. If you don't, that's a good thing.

Where did you hear this? I am hoping that the talks are with Moss and not McIntosh....glad to hear Los isn't coming back...because he isn't worth the money he wants

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All the inside guys seem to think Carlos is on the way out. I liked Carlos for his cover skills and physical style of play as a corner, but honestly I think it's for the best he looks to get paid elsewhere.

Landry, Hall, Atogwe (if he signs) is a play making, game changing, moderately young, experienced secondary. If Barnes can continue to progress as our #2 or nickle CB and we bring in another cheaper FA CB or draft someone to come in and contribute along with Barnes in a rotation is a better way to go IMO. I think that route has more upside than trying to make Carlos happy with a fat contract so he can continue to decide when he wants to give 100% and drop easy picks for us for a few more years.

Later Carlos it's been...frustrating.

What inside guys? Just curious, not bashing you. And also, didn't Bucannon take most of the playing time at corner opposite of DHall?

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Where did you hear this? I am hoping that the talks are with Moss and not McIntosh....glad to hear Los isn't coming back...because he isn't worth the money he wants
What inside guys? Just curious, not bashing you. And also, didn't Bucannon take most of the playing time at corner opposite of DHall?

One of our insiders on Twitter:

skins have talked to there fas in the plans going forward. Los hasn't been contacted.stringing him out/not in the plans
Considering discussions have been had with players we want to keep.. the fact los hasn't heard anything is very telling. Needs to want less$

He's also said that if there's FA, Ryan Harris is a lock to be here, and we are also looking at big #1 WR's....and James Jones isn't viewed as one by us. Oh, and that unless something goes terribly wrong, Moss will be back. Rocky won't.

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What inside guys? Just curious, not bashing you. And also, didn't Bucannon take most of the playing time at corner opposite of DHall?

LL56 mostly, I think there were a few comments made by TK hinting the same but I can't remember exactly. LL56 has been making it pretty clear he believes Los is not part of this regimes plans moving forward though.

Bucannon is a FA as well, I don't know if we've got plans to resign him or not but even if we did I don't consider him an adequate starting corner. I'd rather have Barnes or someone else (FA / draft pick) as our #2 CB or rotational guy with Barnes than rely on Phillip like we did last year.

edit* CONN beat me to it.

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I thought the answer to this question might actually consider the rules for transition tags. If the information in the following two sites is correct, a) we could use either a transition or franchise tag, but not both, B) a transition tag would cost the greater of 120% of last year's salary or the average of the top 10 in that position in the league, apparently somewhere over $8 million/year for cb in 2009 (much greater for 2010, if anyone signed a cb to an inflated contract in last year's uncapped year), c) it would only get us the right to match, not any compensation, if signed by another team, and d) another team's offer, though in theory we'd have the right to match, would be subject to a potential "poison pill" by which the other team could add language to its offer that would be far more onerous on us if we matched than on them, e.g., the player is to be paid an additional $1 million for each game played in Maryland or D.C.

So that's a pretty compelling set of reasons why we're not transition tagging Rogers: $8+ million (which we don't want to pay him) to get a worthless right to match a poisoned offer w/o compensation to us.



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One of our insiders on Twitter:

He's also said that if there's FA, Ryan Harris is a lock to be here, and we are also looking at big #1 WR's....and James Jones isn't viewed as one by us. Oh, and that unless something goes terribly wrong, Moss will be back. Rocky won't.

I wonder if the big # 1 is Jacoby Jones or Sidney Rice

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Where did you hear this? I am hoping that the talks are with Moss and not McIntosh....glad to hear Los isn't coming back...because he isn't worth the money he wants
I wonder if the big # 1 is Jacoby Jones or Sidney Rice

I doubt its Jacoby Jones...he's even worse than James Jones, honestly, who we don't view as a potential #1. It almost has to be Rice. He'll be a hot item in FA, though. Doubt we get him if we've really stopped setting new contract-records.

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I had to look up "Transition Player"

A transition player has received a minimum offer of the average of the top 10 salaries of last season at the player's position or 120 percent of the player's previous year's salary, whichever is greater.

• A transition player designation gives the club a first-refusal right to match within seven days an offer sheet given to the player by another club after his contract expires. If the club matches, it retains the player. If it does not match, it receives no compensation. Transition players can be signed from March 3 through July 22."

Unless the Skins really want to keep Rogers, I don't see why they'd put a transition tag on him.

Is he in the top 10 of CBs in the league? It looks like there's a lot of exposure contract-wise and a team could still wind up with nothing. This might work for players like Long Snappers, Kickers, Punters, Punt-Returners, Fullbacks, and some of the lower-paid positions -- but not a CB.

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I feel Jacoby Jones is a lot better receiver than James Jones...James' hands are horrible...he drops passes at very critical times (super bowl)...I agree they both aren't potential # 1 receivers, but Jacoby could be a solid cheap option

Oh, he's an option, especially considering the scheme. I was just looking at him through the lens of "potential #1 receiver" because that's what the insider said we were interested in. And he isn't one.

At the same time, Jacoby Jones has had EVERY chance to not only succeed, but to flourish, across from AJ in Houston. Even the starting TE, Daniels, was out or injured for much of the season. So for all intents and purposes, he was the #2 target for Schaub. And he's never taken advantage of that. I don't think he'd miraculously put it all together here.

Oh, and both Jones' dropped a significant, and nearly equal, number of passes this season. They were at the top of the list for the league's drop percentage.

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good point...I agree he is more of a number 2 was just saying I liked the Jacoby Jones option over James Jones thats all

Yeah. I'd just rather stay far away from both, if I had a choice. There are options I'd be more interested in, for sure.

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