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Albert Pujols deadline passes, will become free agent after 2011 season


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From ESPN.com:

A source close to the negotiations told ESPN's Karl Ravech the biggest issue is not the number of years, but the amount of money the Cardinals offered. St. Louis' offer would place Pujols in baseball's top 10 in salary, but not in the top five in average annual salary, the source said.

If this is true...if I were running the Cardinals I would have simply said "Albert, we can't afford you" rather than making such an insulting offer. As if there are five or more players that should be making more money than Albert Freakin' Pujols, who is unquestionably the best player in the game. Hilarious.

The Yankees are set with Mark Texieria at 1B for years to come. The Red Sox just traded for Adrian Gonzalez but haven't signed him- yet. The Mets are in the midst of an ownership mess.

The Cubs? The Angels? Some out-of-nowhere mystery team? Remember, no one thought A-Rod was going to end up with the Rangers or that Bonds would end up with the Giants.

Anyway, it's an interesting story that ESPN and the rest of the media will mercilessly beat into the ground until November. I seriously hope Pujols can have a nationally televised at-bat without the announcers continuously speculating what his future will be.

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I know it's absurd to say that 20 million is an insult, but in this situation, it is.

I figured all along the issue would be years, not money. To hear that the Cards offered 8 years at $20 per shocked me. 8 for 240 would have gotten this done, I'm sure. Probably 8 for 225 would have, because it still would be more per season than Arod.

The fact that the gap is this large bumps my thoughts of him leaving from no chance to 20 percent.....

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We knew this was going to happen. The Cardinals will still have a chance to re-sign him come the offseason.

There are maybe 5 teams in baseball that can afford Pujols. The Yankees, Red Sox, Mets, Cubs/Dodgers, and Phillies.

Of those, only two have a realistic chance to sign him (the Mets and the Cubs). Pujols cares about winning too, so that leaves the Mets. And they really aren't as competitive as they'd like to think. The Yankees, Sox, and Phils would have to find a way to move their current first basemen, all of whom are signed to huge deals, have no trade clauses, and all wanted to be where they are now. The Dodgers and the Cubs are in the same boat. They are quite a bit away from being competitive. .

So really, unless someone offers just immense amounts of money, or they can convince him that they are just one or two players away from going to the World Series, he won't be signing with someone else.

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You didn't mention the Nats. :)
Yeah seriously, the Nats owner is flush with cash, more than enough to compete with the big boys. Now whether or not he's willing to do so is a different question.

Its not about cash, strictly speaking. Its about winning. The Nats will be lucky/satisfied to finish within 5 games of .500. The Cards are usually in the playoffs. Big step down for the guy.

Not to mention, the Cards spent big money on Holiday, just so he could hit behind Pujols. If they let Pujols walk, thats essentially a wasted investment.

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I posted this in another thread but it bears repeating: According to Tom Loverro, there are reports that Albert has a list of teams he's interested in.

And yep....the Nats are "supposedly" on the list.

And people on ESPN radio this morning concluded that the Orioles were a likely landing spot for Pujols.

Neither is going to happen. He ain't going to a team in this area.

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You might be right.... but which area team do you think has the BEST shot of landing him?

Based on the end of last season, assuming that the Orioles are a potential team on the rise and continue to play hard, I would say Baltimore. However, that could all change once the season starts. I think the Orioles definitely have the advantage when it comes to the division they play in. And OPACY is a pretty nice park to hit in.

I wouldn't want Pujols anyway. Let him go to one of the big teams. I don't care.

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I wouldn't want Pujols anyway.

Errr.... really?

The best, most reliable hitter in baseball, who gives you .340 BA, 40 homers, 120 RBIs and Runs year in and year out. A guy who leads all active players in career batting average, career slugging percentage and career on base percentage? A nine time All Star (out of ten seasons) and three time MVP?

And you wouldn't want him?

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Errr.... really?

The best, most reliable hitter in baseball, who gives you .340 BA, 40 homers, 120 RBIs and Runs year in and year out. A guy who leads all active players in career batting average, career slugging percentage and career on base percentage? A nine time All Star (out of ten seasons) and three time MVP?

And you wouldn't want him?

No doubt that he is one of the best players ever. But there are questions about his age (some speculate that he is possibly three years older), and even if his age is legit I would be hesitant to give him $300M over 10 years. I doubt he is going to be producing at the same level when he is 42 (or possibly as old as 45).

I am torn. That is a lot of money.

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Here's my take.

I think there are too many people who assume that he wants to resign with the Cardinals. I'm starting to get the feeling that he may want to go elsewhere for several reasons.

1. He knows if they sign him to this massive contact extension it essentially handcuffs the organization from getting anyone else. It's almost like the Texas/Cliff Lee situation. Texas knew that if they signed Cliff Lee they weren't going to be able to go out and get anyone else like the Yankees and Red Sox can do. I think there is a similar situation with the Cardinals.

2. With LaRussa retiring soon does Albert really want to chance who the organization brings in as their next head coach?

3. He simply wants to go somewhere else for his own reasons.

Again, I just think too many people are assuming he wants to stay. To me, if he really wanted to stay then he would of pushed for his agent to get a deal done. This has a Lebron James, Cleveland type feel to it

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Errr.... really?

The best, most reliable hitter in baseball, who gives you .340 BA, 40 homers, 120 RBIs and Runs year in and year out. A guy who leads all active players in career batting average, career slugging percentage and career on base percentage? A nine time All Star (out of ten seasons) and three time MVP?

And you wouldn't want him?

There's no questioning his ability as a player right now, but giving him 10 years/$300 million is like giving a good running back a 7 year deal when he's 27. You know you'll get a couple good years, but there's no way of knowing what happens after that.

A lot of people are assuming that because he is so good now, he'll be one of those guys who will produce into their late 30s. I have my doubts. Few people, even the all time greats, are capable of doing that. And if he does fall off, no one will want to pick up $30 million a year through a trade.

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I also think Pujols is getting pressured by the player's association to get a big contract. He hits a new ceiling with his contract, the floors of others will come up as well. His 30 million could mean an extra million for another guy next year.

Yeah, I think you are right, but I don't know how much higher contracts can go. They are already absurd in baseball, and when you start talking $300M contracts, you can go ahead and eliminate two-thirds of the league from being able to compete. There has to be some restraint at some point, or there is going to be a lockout. And the last work stoppage went so well in baseball.

Comparaitvely speaking, Pujols probably deserves $30M a year, but there has to be a ceiling somewhere.

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