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Grade Kyle's Playcalling and/or Give Your Impressions


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In light of what he had to work with and presuming he was not totally on board with signing McNabb, and now taking into consideration injuries, etc. etc., how do you think Kyle did this year?

I think it was a mixed bag, but overall not good, C.

It just seemed to me that he never got in a rhythm, and the reason I say that is when he was you could tell.

The inconsistency with Cooley in the first half of games was ...weird.

The constant throwing on 3rd and 2 and under was nuts ...

Do we ever throw back shoulder passes? EVER?

Two instances that jump out to me were the Tampa Bay game where Torain was killing in that first quarter. We never did leverage all those huge chunks of yards with the passing game. I mean, I get it, if its working, its working, but they literally ran him 15 times in a row and what did that net us? Nothing ... greats stats, no points.

The other was the horrible Philly game ... when the skins were putting toghether a resemblance of a comeback, they were stickign to the run, despite being down I think 35 at that point. When we got it 35-14 and were rolling, I remember us totally abandoning the run ... totally. It was the nice mix of run/pass playing calling that got us back in teh game, so why abandon that after it got us points??

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I gave him a B but I might be a little biased since I think very highly of him. I thought he did a good job generally. He might have gotten a little pass-happy at times, but it was 2010, not 1986. Look how teams close out their opponents these days...they go for the jugular and get that final first down. So, when I look back at the times that we seemed a little too pass-happy (Houston, for example), I think about how if we just execute some relatively simple throw-catch combos, we win that game.

I think he did a pretty good job with what we had and look forward to him only improving.

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The fact that we have 2 talented tight ends and we failed to effectively use them in the passing game was very disappointing. He said at the beginning of the year that he had a playbook that could get both of them involved at the same time on the field. But we saw that this wasn't true in the least. Instead of using 3 WR sets with Galloway or Williams, Cooley should've been used in the slot more like he was with Gibbs. It's a mismatch against 3rd and 4th corners. Gibbs/Saunders got more production from Cooley and Yoder than Kyle got from Cooley and Davis. Its a shame!

He gets a C

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The fact that we have 2 talented tight ends and we failed to effectively use them in the passing game was very disappointing. He said at the beginning of the year that he had a playbook that could get both of them involved at the same time on the field. But we saw that this wasn't true in the least. Instead of using 3 WR sets with Galloway or Williams, Cooley should've been used in the slot more like he was with Gibbs. It's a mismatch against 3rd and 4th corners. Gibbs/Saunders got more production from Cooley and Yoder than Kyle got from Cooley and Davis. Its a shame!

He gets a C

You can't put Cooley in the slot when you are actively using Santana at the same position. Santana was most effective during his time in the slot this year.

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The play-calling really didn't change with Rex in, we were just able to open it up and use more motion sets which we couldn't do with McNabb's lax-a-dasical tempo. I'd give him a B, because I felt Rex showed that if you up the tempo how good the offense can be. The issue is he just didn't realize we don't have an Andre Johnson or big bodied receiver type yet. I think he'll only get better.

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Playcalling could have been better. I think we were handicapped by talent and Kyle was trying to manufacture big plays in down and distance situations to compensate, instead of operating the offense like you'd normally want to (throwing it 60 yards instead of the 2 we needed, zone plays on 3rd and short, etc.). But obviously it didn't work out a lot of the time (I think we ended up the worst 3rd down offense on record?).

What immediately jumps out are all the boot actions (with the pass blocking issues up the middle), which was all fine. The stretches helped set up the passing counters off that regular action of the line. Featuring Moss underneath like we did was alright when Cooley wasn't catching them, but Armstrong and Davis not getting more targets was disappointing.

The most creative part of last season for me was the use of Banks around the goalline and the receivers' backside blocking. Putting Banks in the backfield really crossed up the defenses. The receivers motioning to get in the way of the non-playside end was really effective.

For the concept, I guess I'd give him a B.

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well I gave him a B He consistently had receivers open all by themselves for big plays, but either line break down or bad qb play hindered the ability to score pts.

red zone play calling could use some work but other than that we were prolific, as far as yardage, at times as far as big plays and moving the ball outside of the redzone, just couldn't score points

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Often times he seemed confused. He also seemed to not play to the strengths of the team. I could recognize a lot of the plays before they fully developed so I know the defense could. Part that probably was due to McNabb's unfamiliarity with the system, but I blame KS in his inability to correct the problem. He frequently just looked lost.

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I think he did a solid job in his first year here. He was hampered by personnel and a QB the team probably never should have traded for.

What I love about this scheme is how open receivers get. Santana Moss was our only legit receiver and teams knew it.... yet he had a career year. Anthony Armstrong -- from the Intense Football League -- also was open a lot.

Next year should be interesting. I think Grossman did a nice job in three games. Especially considering he hadn't played forever and his career was on the line. People are hard on the guy because of his reputation. If anyone else threw for 7 tds in three games and almost 900 yards we all would be pretty damn excited. I seriously think Grossman will have a better year than McNabb next year if both are NFL starting QBS. Crazy I know.

Running back is also a big question. Torrain showed flashes, that's for sure. But can you depend on him? And we need a big receiver -- have forever. And a linemen or two. Again, what else is new?

Overall, I'm a big Kyle Shanahan fan. First year on a new team is always tricky. Next year will be the real measuring stick.

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I lowered his mark because he's too pass happy. The Redskins were 31st in the league in rushing attempts per game. And it wasn't because of lack of production from the running backs, the Redskins were 15th in the league at 4.2 yards per carry, they just didn't stick with the run enough.

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I think he did a solid job in his first year here. He was hampered by personnel and a QB the team probably never should have traded for.

What I love about this scheme is how open receivers get. Santana Moss was our only legit receiver and teams knew it.... yet he had a career year. Anthony Armstrong -- from the Intense Football League -- also was open a lot.

Next year should be interesting. I think Grossman did a nice job in three games. Especially considering he hadn't played forever and his career was on the line. People are hard on the guy because of his reputation. If anyone else threw for 7 tds in three games and almost 900 yards we all would be pretty damn excited. I seriously think Grossman will have a better year than McNabb next year if both are NFL starting QBS. Crazy I know.

Running back is also a big question. Torrain showed flashes, that's for sure. But can you depend on him? And we need a big receiver -- have forever. And a linemen or two. Again, what else is new?

Overall, I'm a big Kyle Shanahan fan. First year on a new team is always tricky. Next year will be the real measuring stick.

This was exactly my impression too. I especially agree with your assessment of Grossman. I feel like Malcom Kelly could be the big receiver, they must have some plan for him or they woulda got rid of him already. And there's the chance that we draft Julio Jones too.

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I'm still upset about the game that McNabb was benched for Grossman on the final drive. Grossman is notorious for screwing up, especially in pivotal situations, and you think he had a better chance to drive down the field?? I still not sold on Mike's son and until Mike's son does something good, I will always be skeptical of Mike's son. He hasn't earned the right to be called by his name.

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I dunno, I'm not voting. I think too many fans think they know what good playcalling is. As if they know the personnel enough to judge the coaches. We make everything sound so easy.

Like, if Zorn's back to back Sellers' goal line dives produced a TD he'd be a genius or whatever.

I will say, under Mike and Kyle, it has to be better at least. Mike is in on the playcalling, and he knows what he's doing. There's a reason for every play. Maybe you don't run on 3rd and short because your center has been everyone's ***** all year. Maybe you're trying to fool the other guy. Maybe you're laying out the plan for the rest of the game. There's a lot going on in the whole play-calling department, and the typical fan frankly doesn't know what they're talking about on the matter.

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I was one of Kyle biggest proponents when he was announced as the OC.

I still believe the scheme is sound and that Kyle is gonna be a very good play caller and OC.

But I consider this season a disappointment on offense for these reasons:


o not settling on an OL prior to the start of the season if Artis Hicks and Dockery didn't fit the system they should have figured that out during the offseason/preseason

o WR development: starting and playing Joey Galloway stunted the development of the WRs behind him and it hurt the production of the passing game (Old man Joey had the worst catch rate and got more targets and playing time then Fred Davis)

*o* Underuse of Fred Davis. Despite having the highest catch rate on the team and a high YPC Davis received fewer targets and less playing time then the 3rd WR which had the lowest catch rate on the team


o not very multiple from a formations standpoint; We often showed the look of different formations but seldom made use of them but teams like the Steelers vary from power run sets to bunch to 5 wide and use each set often

o Underuse of double TE passing sets

o lack of creativity in designing plays specifically to get the ball in space to players like Moss or even Banks

o limited use of the screen game

o Lack of Balance/Commitment to the run

o Handling of McNabb

2010 Numbers:

31st/29.3% in 3rd down conversion (2009 16th/39.8%)

22nd/51% in RZ conversion (2009 8th/56%)

I'm hard on Kyle because I had much higher expectations my grade: D

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I lowered his mark because he's too pass happy. The Redskins were 31st in the league in rushing attempts per game. And it wasn't because of lack of production from the running backs, the Redskins were 15th in the league at 4.2 yards per carry, they just didn't stick with the run enough.

That's not really Kyle's fault when you consider just how ineffective our team was in executing many of those first and second down calls. We found ourselves in an inordinate number of second and third and long situations because of McNabb's incredible inability to complete short, high percentage passes and the fact that Torain was somewhat of a boom or bust runner (lots of runs of 10+ yards, lots of runs for negligible yardage or a loss).

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I gave it the 2nd C which would be a D. I really didn't like how he would just abandoned things when they worked. For instance the last Giants game, every time the Redskins ran the ball well, he stopped and started passing. When the pass game started to work, he started to run the ball. He was a huge drive killer all by himself. I'll give him another year, but I wasn't impressed after this season.

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The difference that I saw in the offense with Grossman under center, someone who understood the system completely and completed the "easy" high-percentage passes regularly, was enough that I'm willing to NOT spend this entire off-season criticizing Kyle...which is saying something, because other than personnel issues, there's not going to be much to do other than discuss Kyle and Haslett's respective schemes.

That' doesn't mean I fully approved of his work this season, or that I think he'll be perfect in the future, even with better players...I'm just saying that I saw enough to give me a lot of hope for our second year in the system.

For instance, I don't think our offense has or will hit any type of wall, like Zorn's inevitably did, where defenses will just pick our playbook apart. I'm confident that this is a legit professional offense that can and will be effective, given the time and resources. I never felt that way with Zorn, so right now I'm feeling pretty good about the offense. Even under Gibbs II our offense lacked any type of identity, with the differences between Gibbs/Saunders schemes (other than pounding Portis into the ground, of course.) And I don't see that being the case here. I think by mid-way through next season, our offense will be clicking.

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