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Fox Sports NFL: Big Ben's just a pawn for Goodell


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You can blame Brett Favre and Michael Vick for Roger Goodell’s brutally unfair treatment of Pittsburgh quarterback Ben Roethlisberger.

Goodell, the self-appointed NFL discipline czar, is using Big Ben as a shield in a behind-the-scenes battle to prove the commissioner’s office is not sexist or racist.

Peter King’s reputation is just unfortunate collateral damage in Goodell’s public-relations war.

I can’t fathom another reasonable explanation for the commish battering Big Ben in January for “crimes” the Pittsburgh QB committed nearly a year ago and was punished for at the beginning of the regular season.

The only other explanation is Goodell is stupid, and I’m not ready to buy that excuse.

In case you missed it, in an exclusive interview with King on Jan. 7, Goodell unloaded a helmet-to-helmet, blindside hit on Roethlisberger. Goodell estimated he talked to two dozen NFL players before giving Roethlisberger a six-game suspension for being accused (not charged) a second time of sexual assault and “not one, not a single player, went to (Roethlisberger’s) defense.”

King initially implied that Goodell meant that “not one Pittsburgh Steeler” came to Roethlisberger’s defense. King later clarified his report.

It doesn’t matter. Goodell made his point. A month before the Super Bowl, in a story Goodell surely knew would be published Super Bowl week, the commissioner took one final potshot at his punching-bag quarterback. In the same interview, Goodell poured another round of sympathy on Michael Vick, a star QB who was actually convicted of and jailed for a crime.


Because Goodell’s personal-conduct policy and his boneheaded decision to serve as judge, jury and executioner of the policy has forced the commissioner to play racial politics.

Big Ben is Goodell’s white whipping boy.

Big Ben is a prop Goodell can use to say to the league’s black players and race-baiters (Jesse Jackson) that the commissioner is equally tough on white players.

Big Ben is also a prop Goodell can use to say to female fans and journalists that he is tough on white quarterbacks who are predatory toward women.

Roethlisberger is the single stone that kills both birds.

You see, Favre opened the commissioner’s office to a lot of criticism. By dragging out the investigation of Favre’s alleged sextual harassment of Jenn Sterger and other female Jets contract employees and slapping The Old Gunslinger with a harmless $50,000 fine, Goodell left himself vulnerable to the Jesse Jackson and Gloria Allred crowds.

Those crowds were/are ready to accuse Goodell of racism and sexism as it relates to Favre.

Big Ben is the glove that doesn’t fit (so you must acquit). He’s the race card dealt from the bottom of the deck.

Seriously, can you imagine what would happen if Goodell took a needless potshot at Michael Vick? Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would shatter Usain Bolt’s 100-meter record in a dash to be the first person on ESPN to claim Goodell has a “slave-owner mentality.”

I know I’m not supposed to mention this, but Roethlisberger has actually handled his post-accusation situation better than Vick has handled his post-conviction situation.

Let me know when Big Ben hosts a parking-lot-shots-fired, white-linen party.

OK, let me also be clear: I like Roethlisberger, Vick and Favre. I like the underdog. A tiny part of me wants Favre to come back for another season and right the wrongs of this past season. I’m just built that way. I want things to work out for the people society wants to see fail.

For me, the perfect Super Bowl would’ve pitted Vick vs. Roethlisberger.

I want them both to experience professional and personal redemption.

Big Ben needs positive reinforcement as much as Vick.

Am I really supposed to believe there weren’t two dozen NFL players willing to throw Vick under the bus in the aftermath of his dogfighting controversy?

OK, maybe there were members of the Falcons willing to say good things about Vick during his dog days in Atlanta. That might say more about the low expectations Vick’s peers have for him than the kind of character Vick displayed while playing quarterback for the Falcons.

The Steelers, other NFL players and Goodell were previously offended by Roethlisberger’s behavior because they expected Ben to carry himself like a mature adult.

In America, we expect and demand that white people do the right thing. We hope and pray that we, black people, do the right thing, and we rationalize when we don’t. (Use of the N-word is Exhibit A in my defense.)

Maybe “not one” player coming to Big Ben’s defense is part of the reason he’s in his third Super Bowl, has healed his relationship with his teammates and appears to be working toward becoming a better human being.

Maybe had “not one” Falcon or enabler defended Vick’s every misstep in Atlanta, Vick would’ve changed course long before he arrived at a Leavenworth prison cell.

Let’s hope no one defends Goodell for his treatment of Roethlisberger.


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What was Goodell supposed to do with Favre? Suspend him?

Yes. Suspend him and take a game check. And he should have done it in week 8.

Goodell dragged his feet for 3/4 of the season because he did not want a suspension to end Favre's consecutive games streak. And then he just tried to run out the clock and hoped that Favre retired.

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Seriously, can you imagine what would happen if Goodell took a needless potshot at Michael Vick? Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would shatter Usain Bolt’s 100-meter record in a dash to be the first person on ESPN to claim Goodell has a “slave-owner mentality.”

This was another thing I saw, didn't we have a converstation like this just the other day? Why is this ok?

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Yes. Suspend him and take a game check. And he should have done it in week 8.

Goodell dragged his feet for 3/4 of the season because he did not want a suspension to end Favre's consecutive games streak. And then he just tried to run out the clock and hoped that Favre retired.

He would have probably just quit right then and there. I know he dragged his feet, but I think because Favre held the upper hand with imminent retirement, Goodell proabably was saying, "is it really worth going through all of this for a guy who won't be here."

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Farve sent a picture of his dick to a coworker, big deal. That's just annoying.

Vick was responsible for killing and torturing thousands of dogs, did no time for animal abuse, not one second. He is a monster and should not be a free man.

Ben is a rapist and doesn't get put in prison, because he is a rich famous athlete. He should be in prison too.

Goodell is a liar and a *****. Enforcer my ass. He wants to be hard on a guy like pacman who nobody cares about, but only sees dollar signs when looking at a star QB.

My days of watching football are close to an end. The were over a dozen convictions for domestic abuse this year alone. The NFL is producing monsters of human beings and paying them million and millions of dollars.

With Big Rapey playing in the superbowl, I won't be spending one single dollar on a superbowl party or anything that will make anybody profit off a rapist. This will be the first SB I will miss in 37 years and that sucks.

Until there is an effort to have more Londons and Daniels and less Vicks and Littles in this league I will continue to watch less football and more Hockey.

**** you Goodell.

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Be careful with stuff like this. You're going to get the race-card users in here full-force :doh:

It has absolutely nothing to do with skin color, but I know exactly what you are talking about. If I had said NBA instead, of NHL, it wouldn't matter, but you are correct.

I'm talking about guys who just want to play the game and that's their focus. Don't do awful things off the field and don't feel so entitled.

I also doubt if a hockey, heck, even a baseball or basketball player did what these guys were doing, they would be playing overseas somewhere, not back on the biggest stage.

---------- Post added February-2nd-2011 at 05:52 PM ----------

one thing hockey DOES have is a Caps/pens matchup this sunday afternoon to pregame before the superbowl. yes! cant wait.

I'm a big Flyer fan, being from philly and I think we are going to slip a little. I know folks who work with the team very closely and they really enjoyed their break. :ols:

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Didn't hockey have that dude, what's his name, Chris Simon who slashed at someones neck with his ice skates? Lol, hockey players get to take out other hockey players so they are too tired to do this off-ice/field stuff...BTW I do agree that Goodell turns a blind eye to some complete monsters of people.

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Until there is an effort to have more Londons and Daniels and less Vicks and Littles in this league I will continue to watch less football and more Hockey.

**** you Goodell.

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Have you considered curling?

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I know it's bad all over, but that doesn't even begin to touch the NFL. It barely covers the Eagles. :ols:

Sports in general are getting to be a joke. The amount of money to promote such ****ty people, just doesn't seem like something I can get behind and support anymore.

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Vick had several teamates and colleagues justify his dog killing.

Not only that, don't you remember Portis backing him up?

""I don't know if he was fighting dogs or not, but it's his property, it's his dog," Washington Redskins running back Clinton Portis told WAVY-TV in Virginia. "If that's what he wants to do, do it. I think people should mind their business."

When told that dog fighting is a felony, Portis replied, "It can't be too bad of a crime."

"I know a lot of back roads that have the dog fighting if you want to go see it," he said.


This video is Portis defending Vick:


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Yes. Suspend him and take a game check. And he should have done it in week 8.

Goodell dragged his feet for 3/4 of the season because he did not want a suspension to end Favre's consecutive games streak. And then he just tried to run out the clock and hoped that Favre retired.

The NFL is a business. Of course Goodell isn't going to suspend his rating king. Can you honestly blame him?

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I know it's bad all over, but that doesn't even begin to touch the NFL. It barely covers the Eagles. :ols:

Sports in general are getting to be a joke. The amount of money to promote such ****ty people, just doesn't seem like something I can get behind and support anymore.

Lol, that made my morning, it barely covers the birds. I don't like a lot of what these athletes do, but if I decided I couldn't support the NFL as a whole then I would also be throwing in the towel on people who have earned my respect such as daniels, fletch, orakpo, williams, banks, armstrong, moss, etc. There are a whole lot of idiots and jerks in the NFL, but not supporting it as a whole also includes those who have been the greatest role models they can be. I don't like what Goodell is doing so maybe there should be some sort of notice sent to him instead, only he can really make a change.

Not only that, don't you remember Portis backing him up?

""I don't know if he was fighting dogs or not, but it's his property, it's his dog," Washington Redskins running back Clinton Portis told WAVY-TV in Virginia. "If that's what he wants to do, do it. I think people should mind their business."

When told that dog fighting is a felony, Portis replied, "It can't be too bad of a crime."

"I know a lot of back roads that have the dog fighting if you want to go see it," he said.


This video is Portis defending Vick:


Man I love me some Portis, he's been my favorite rb since he was on the Broncos, but I still can't believe he defended Vick...I like VT and I still think Vick is hot garbage.

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Yes. If popular players get overt preferential treatment from the league commissioner, then the NFL might as well be professional wrestling.

Just like Vince McMahon overlooked steriods for years why his ratings soared....he's not going to suspend one of his most popular wrestlers either. It's ultimatley money out of his pocket just like it is for the Commish

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Of course they do, because they want to win. But the league commissioner is supposed to be impartial. If he's fixing games by making sure that certain rules don't apply to certain players; then that's a whole different matter.

put that in your pipe and smoke it!

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