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Finding a Saving Grace of the 2010 Season


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While we knew that the 2010 season was to be largely a re-build, nevertheless hope springs eternal. Now as we enter the playoff season once again as outsiders, I take some solace in knowing we, at the very least beat both teams who will now vie for the NFC championship...savor the moment and lets look forward to 2011:logo:.

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It's all well and good but we also once upon a time beat Dallas twice in a season in which they were 12-4 and won the Super Bowl. In the end it means nothing. We were not as good as that Dallas team back in 95 and we aren't as good as the Bears and Packers now.

Maybe we will someday soon but we also lost to below average to poor teams like Detroit, St Louis, Dallas, Houston, and Minnesota.

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we improved our win total by 50% even though we had a brutal schedule compared to last year's schedule which was a joke. We beat BOTH teams that are playing in the championship game, and were competitive in every game but two of em. We found young electric playmakers, Armstrong, Banks, Torain, and possibly our LT for the future.

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I know we as fans need to be positive and hope for brighter days, but multiple threads started since yesterday afternoon being giddy about beating Chicago and Green Bay seems like grasping at straws.

I wonder how many Patriots fans have started threads on their boards this morning saying "hey, but we killed the Steelers and Jets earlier this year........kick ass dude!!"

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If the only yardstick you measure this season against is the W/L record then you'll be disappointed, but that's pretty short-sighted.

This franchise has suffered for years from dysfunction, poor management and lack of an overall vision. Even when we did sign good players they frequently were misused to the point of worthlessness. Anyone that thought Shanny could wave a magic wand and fix it all overnight needs the perspective adjusted.

This season resulted in a solid unified management scheme, a reintroduction of discipline, accountability and professionalism that has been sadly lacking, and notable turnover in the roster under conditions not amenable to it. Substantial progress has been made towards being more competitive. These elements mean far more to me than saying "Well we did beat ________"

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