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AI: Apple ordering 65 million iPad screens for 2011


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Its basically a bigger version of the iPhone as far as I'm concerned. And the iPad can't make phone calls.

it could if they didn't lock down their device and prevent voip apps from running on it.

And that is why I refuse to get one. They are too strict on what apps are allowed on it. Consumers need to punish companies that pull that crap. Otherwise you wake up to find that popcorn costs the same as a movie ticket.

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For me, in the photography side of my work, it's very useful. We replaced lugging around a $2,000 laptop we used to view photos on at location shoots to a $300 iPad. It's lightweight, the interface is quick.

I didn't see the point of it when it first came out but it's just another device. You either find some way it makes your life easier or you don't. Sometimes pure enjoyment, novelty of being able to swoosh things around the screen with your finger is worth the money. It's not trite. Not everything is about how functional or utilitarian it is. Most of us probably wear clothes that have more style than function.

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For me, in the photography side of my work, it's very useful. We replaced lugging around a $2,000 laptop we used to view photos on at location shoots to a $300 iPad. It's lightweight, the interface is quick.

I didn't see the point of it when it first came out but it's just another device. You either find some way it makes your life easier or you don't. Sometimes pure enjoyment, novelty of being able to swoosh things around the screen with your finger is worth the money. It's not trite. Not everything is about how functional or utilitarian it is. Most of us probably wear clothes that have more style than function.

A fair point.

I normally go for practicality over syle 9 times out of 10, but I will say that I love using my IPAD as a digital picture frame. I could see where someone in your line of work could find it to be a huge perk (esp. not having to carry aroun bulky lap tops)

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I'm seeing iPads more and more in airports and on planes. Often I'll ask the person using it if they like it- I've always got an enthusiastic "yes"

I think it would have some appeal, but I doubt I'll ever get one. I'll stick with my laptop and cellphone combo- they are free :D

There is a cool factor that has been associated with Apple products for a while now. They also are enthusiastic about it because it is an expensive product. We have to defend our expensive purchases. My sister has an iphone, ipod touch, macbook and now an iPad. I asked her why does she need all 4 devices when she could only really need 2. She had no answer. She is middle aged, wife whose kids are out of the house. I think this is Apples new demographic. She does however feel the need to throw it in everyones face that she has all these Apple products. Why? No idea. Money spent? Cool factor? The only people who care about it is her one daughter in high school.

The iPad doesn't do anything remarkably well, nor anything groundbreaking. It is taking the form factor of the iPhone, removing cellphone capability and tell you it is revolutionary. The commercial tells you it is revolutionary. It fits in between a cell phone and laptop, and the question to ask yourself is can I do without a laptop? For some, the answer is yes and that is how they want to spend their money.

I have used both an iPad and a Samsung Galaxy Tab. I enjoyed both but found no compelling reason to own one. My smart phone does everything I need to do and more. I also have a desktop for college work and email.

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Yeah, when you haul around at least 3 lights, requisite tripods, power cables, various light modifiers, and cameras and lenses, blah, blah, blah... we're always looking to streamline. I think it's really the cost that makes it a winner for this. At $300 we can buy a new one for each shoot if we wanted to but it's harder and more expensive to replace a mac book pro if anything were to spill on it or it started raining.

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One thing tablets like Ipad does really well is magazines, comics and newspapers. It would really be a boom to those industries if they could come with a decent subscription model instead of charging something like 5 times the paper version.

No wonder they are dying, idiots refuse to embrace the future.

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That's because you are used to buying Microsoft products which suck for the first two generations on purpose.

Apples actually very good about putting out good products on day one. Apples actually very good on quality control in general. Excellent for a technology company. They have an entirely different mind set than Microsoft has pioneered.

Microsoft who is never first with anything, always stresses time to market in their sales. Apple which is always making their own market, stresses quality from day one...

I will grant you that with any technology if you don't absolutely have a need for it day one; you are better off waiting; because 12 months that same product will be cheaper and twice as fast. But that's not a rule for generation 1 products; that's a rule for all technology.

Which is also why Apple costs more. It's worth it, though; you get what you pay for in this instance.

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OK Ipad users, I'm almost sold on one as an option for me. I have a company laptop and a home desktop (my home laptop is dead)

I've used my brother in-laws ipad for most basic, home use functions. The ebooks are the most attractive thing to me personally. (I figure I can save money by getting an ipad rather than a netbook and an ebook reader like kindle)

I've seen that you can interface with microsoft office and open office via apps so I can do office work on it when I need to. I also learned that the presentation app is a really nice one and blows away powerpoint.

Lastly, rumor in the office is saying that in the next two years my company is considering going all ipad and ditching their Dell contract

I am involved with quite a bit of statistical analysis work and often rely on Minitab softwarfe to help with the heavy lifting. Can I use Minitab on the ipad? I googled it but didnt see anything right off.

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Under the "never buy a first gen mac product" law of consumerism, I've been waiting for the IPad 2 for a while now. We'll grab up one of the 60 million they hope to sell next year.

Apple is a far superior company and product. I have a first gen iPad and no glitches or issues to speak of. Had it for three months. Only minor issue is slow internet load times but some of that is ISP related. Everything else about it is intuitive and easy to use. The iPad makes me want to swap out every PC i have and get a macbook as well.

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Apple is a far superior company and product. I have a first gen iPad and no glitches or issues to speak of. Had it for three months. Only minor issue is slow internet load times but some of that is ISP related. Everything else about it is intuitive and easy to use. The iPad makes me want to swap out every PC i have and get a macbook as well.

same here, I'm strongly considering getting an iMac to replace my home PC.

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Apple is a far superior company and product. I have a first gen iPad and no glitches or issues to speak of. Had it for three months. Only minor issue is slow internet load times but some of that is ISP related. Everything else about it is intuitive and easy to use. The iPad makes me want to swap out every PC i have and get a macbook as well.

I switched to a Mac for business about 1.5 years ago. 1 year ago I replaced all machines in my house with Apple.

I would never consider a PC again.

My Mac boots like the day I bought it. No issues with viruses/adware.

My wife likes the iPad more than I do. I get frustrated with typing on it. I use the keyboard I bought for it whenever possible.

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Can you imagine having to write a paper in college on a iPad? Just not going to happen.

Could you imagine having all your text books, all your lecture notes, and all the video's of your lectures indexed and available on your ipad? Instread of carrying around 100 lbs of incomplete books you carry around a 1 lb ipad which gives you everything you need; even research material online. Only it's about 1000x's more efficient. You can even collaborate with your classmates online via mobil wifi or direct ipad to ipad connections.

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Could you imagine having all your text books, all your lecture notes, and all the video's of your lectures indexed and available on your ipad? Instread of carrying around 100 lbs of incomplete books you carry around a 1 lb ipad which gives you everything you need; even research material online. Only it's about 1000x's more efficient. You can even collaborate with your classmates online via mobil wifi or direct ipad to ipad connections.

Great point, man I sure wish the tech that's available now was around when I was in school.

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I have to agree on Apple vs. manufactured PC's. The only way a PC is better is when you build it yourself. Since not very many people like to do that (for me it's a blast) Apple and their model hardware/software is a winner. Personally, I want more freedom to install what ever I want and upgrade components and Windows 7 is the best OS I've ever seen out of MS.

For laptop/tablet this isn't an issue anyway and I'm wishing I wouldn't have bought my netbook. I'd rather have an iPad or better yet a bigger version of an Android tablet and the freedom Android allows (love my droid II). As an aside, I wish they would come out with a system to let you build your own laptops.

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I have to agree on Apple vs. manufactured PC's. The only way a PC is better is when you build it yourself. Since not very many people like to do that (for me it's a blast) Apple and their model hardware/software is a winner. Personally, I want more freedom to install what ever I want and upgrade components and Windows 7 is the best OS I've ever seen out of MS.

Apples better. Even building your own pc's you have to rely on your hardware components for quality or you get into an endless loop of hassles. Apple has bleeding edge hardware few pc manufactures can match ( coarse you pay a premium for them)... And their quality controls are just vastly superior to the gang of independents catering to microsoft.

If you want to run Window's 7. Buy a Mac and take advantage of the built in duel boot capability, or vertial machine capability also built into the OS.

Think of the MAC is just a better more customer friendly Dell, Gateway, HP or Alienware; with better hardware.

For laptop/tablet this isn't an issue anyway and I'm wishing I wouldn't have bought my netbook. I'd rather have an iPad or better yet a bigger version of an Android tablet and the freedom Android allows (love my droid II). As an aside, I wish they would come out with a system to let you build your own laptops.

I hear they are coming out with a Android Pad, but it will only be about half as large as the iPad.

---------- Post added December-30th-2010 at 12:42 PM ----------

Great point, man I sure wish the tech that's available now was around when I was in school.

My field requires me to read a lot of technical journals and books. My basement is full of the things. What I love about my ipad is I can fit 100's of books on the thing and it remembers my reading history and gives me multiple ways ot index my library and it's so portable...

My big question is I know folks with a Kindle who love it. It was like the #1 xMas gift the last two xmas's. I need to find somebody who has experience with both the ipad and the kindle to tell me which they like better... I think the kindle is as good or bettr book reader. I think the iPad is more versitle generally.

Anyway what I find most intreaguing of the ipad is the interface doesn't necessarily require a touchscreen. you could interface with those same gestures using a glove; and use either visor or apples new holographic projectors as a display. Now that would really take computers to new horizons and applications....

What I like is we are finally getting away from the clunky keyboards and mouse. Not in every instance; but in some; which is really revolutionary.

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Apples better. Even building your own pc's you have to rely on your hardware components for quality or you get into an endless loop of hassles. Apple has bleeding edge hardware few pc manufactures can match ( coarse you pay a premium for them)... And their quality controls are just vastly superior to the gang of independents catering to microsoft.

If you want to run Window's 7. Buy a Mac and take advantage of the built in duel boot capability, or vertial machine capability also built into the OS.

Think of the MAC is just a better more customer friendly Dell, Gateway, HP or Alienware; with better hardware.

Considering I put myself in the place of Dell, etc. I am even more friendly than Apple (when it comes to manufacturers). As for components, not very many of them are custom made for an Apple box. They use previous generation for most parts and proprietary Motherboards but they do use the same parts for everything else and they are high quality no questions. But so do I. I'd put my machine up against any Mac for just about any purpose. Plus I got to build in this neat box that fits under my tv without drawing attention*.

I guess my point originally was that if you build your own you can beat Apple hands down but most people don't do that.

Why would I want to run Windows on a Mac when I can run it on a PC that's equally well built, cheaper, initially more customizable and and upgradable?


*on the right exactly the same size as my Pioneer AVR.

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I thought about buying a Mac, but I couldn't do it. To get the same specs that I have on my laptop, I'd have to spend about $1300 on a Mac. So why not save the $600?

You don't need equivalent specs.

2 years after owning your Mac, it will run like day 1. Your PC will need to be reloaded, registry all junked up, spyware, adware, malware. Meanwhile the Mac just works.

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