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End of the year giving? I could use your help to make a dream become real


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I want your support to help me launch a new radio show.

Many of you who've been around ES for a while know about my journey into NPR. Heck, several ESers have been a part of features that I've produced (Pez, Huly, Bang, Gbear, Major Harris, Djtj, etc.) and certainly helped launched my career through both criticism and some kind words to the station in the beginning. Now, I've reached the point in my progression that I'm ready to try to create my own show.

The show I'm planning to launch is called Cobblestones and the idea behind it is to find those great stories and people who never get the attention their work merits. It's going to be a mixture of live performance (music, comedy, poetry, storytelling, etc.) and interviews. While it's going to have a large performance component, each episode will also include interviews that will deal with community, culture, health, science, or a topic that hasn't gotten sufficient public attention. The interviews will mostly be evergreen, but hopefully linked to something that stems within the "live" performance. For example, a stand-up might talk about homelessness... that could lead to a discussion of small business or an economic story.

One of the things that I believe is that there are too many stories that we don't get. Even in the arts, we tend to get cookie cutter clones when there is really interesting, inspired work out there. That is one advantage of doing this show through a public radio model. I can risk airing works that are experimental, brilliant, or give exposure to people who are great, but as yet undiscovered.

There are two things I need: One is a broadcast vehicle. I think I can get that. The other is funding and marketing to show that there will be an audience for what I am launching.

So, I am asking if you or anyone you know is looking for a tax write off, a donation, or would be willing to help me out. Any donation would be appreciated be it a nickle, ten dollars, or a thousand. To get the pilot off the ground I need about $5,000.

Anything you donate can be given as a tax deductible donation as the project is a part of the Crucible of American Theater.

To donate or to listen to some sample pieces I've aired please go to-- www.cobblestonepath.org

If you have interest or an idea, please feel free to let me know. Keep this thread alive. Thanks for all your support.

Thanks also to Chipwich who voiced support for this idea earlier.

To stick with the premise of the thread, 50 members times $100 each equals $5000.

I'll donate $100.

P.S. I asked the mods for permission to do this and got the go ahead a little while ago, but it took me some time to make sure that all my ducks are in a row and that I have everything ready.

Also, sorry for the really long post. Asking for money is a very weird thing for me to do.

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Burgold. I am flat broke as we speak. My wife lost her job due to illness and I am the one who takes care of our son.

I would love to help with the show~ I have found myself homeless many times over the past decade, so these kind of issues are important to me.

Best of luck and I would encourage as many people who can, to help out with this exceedingly worthy cause.

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Hi Burgold, I have to wait until after the first of the year to see what my household finances will look like. Lots of moving parts right now with my wifes employment and even my own to think through. But if I can find a way, I'll gladly donate. What is your deadline for donations?

It's ongoing. Basically, what I want to do is be able to come to the radio station and say that not only do I have a great product, but that I have the support of the public and/or institutions. That way, I've got more balls in my court. The 5,000 figure is the general cost for putting on an hour of programming (though it doesn't include satelite and some of other stuff). I know they believe in me... at least they say they do and since May, 16 of my pieces have been picked up nationally which gives me much more credibility, but the more ammo I have with me the better chance.

In the radio world, as in many worlds, people look for reasons to say "no" much harder than they look for a reason to say "yes"

Another strategy, as Bang and others have suggested, is to use alternate platforms and be able to show through marketing that there is a hunger for this kind of show based on the number of hits and downloads. I do know that when I launch I want to have a good web presense since I think conventional sources of communication are only one way people get their info and entertainment... and one that is in many ways shrinking.

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When are you planning to air your pilot show? Do you have a tentative date?

I have a lot of the material in the can already and so on my end I'm pretty close to being ready on my end, but there's no date set yet. As far as the show goes basically all that's left is some post production... and of course a contract with a broadcaster. If the Crucible decides to go through non conventional means we could have the show up on the internet or through PRX really quickly.

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Yes, you would. My radio show is a project of the Crucible of American Theater which is a legit 501©(3) and so anything you donate you can write off your taxes.

The easiest way to make the donation right now is through the website-- www.cobblestonepath.org

and yes, I'd be happy to mail to you or email to you a donation receipt. (Although you do have to actually donate first ;) )

Edit: Just let me know what kind of info you're looking for.

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