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Thank You Ryan Torain


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You played one hell of a game.... Too bad the rest of the team totalled screwed you and couldn't rally around your awesome performance and pull out a W.

rest of the team screwed around? How about the coaching staff....because for whatever the reason, they went away from the run. UNBELIEVABLE.

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rest of the team screwed around? How about the coaching staff....because for whatever the reason, they went away from the run. UNBELIEVABLE.

The Bucs started to shut down the run on first and second down in the second half (Torain got stuffed on 5 of his 6 second half carries). That leads to a lot of second and third and longs where passing is typically a better idea than running, it also means that we need to be passing more on first and second down to open up the run again. Unfortunately, we also aren't an efficient passing team on first and second down which puts us back in to second and third and long situations where, guess what, we need pass the ball.

It's an ugly, unending loop that we seem to find ourselves in fairly often. It's not something where blame can be placed squarely on the playcalling of Kyle or Mike Shanahan, either, because the simple truth of the matter is that the players frequently are not executing at a level that makes the run viable.

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The Redskins have found themselves a starting running back. the guy has heart, runs hard, and give is 100% every time they hand it off to him. he's not a pro bowl running back, but he's definitely a solid runner, and our starting running back for the next 2-3 years.

I've been a huge CP fan over the years, but Ryan might have sealed Clinton's fate with today's effort. At least as the starter. maybe bring clinton in on passing situations to pick up blitzers.

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The Bucs started to shut down the run on first and second down in the second half (Torain got stuffed on 5 of his 6 second half carries). That leads to a lot of second and third and longs where passing is typically a better idea than running, it also means that we need to be passing more on first and second down to open up the run again. Unfortunately, we also aren't an efficient passing team on first and second down which puts us back in to second and third and long situations where, guess what, we need pass the ball.

It's an ugly, unending loop that we seem to find ourselves in fairly often. It's not something where blame can be placed squarely on the playcalling of Kyle or Mike Shanahan, either, because the simple truth of the matter is that the players frequently are not executing at a level that makes the run viable.

I mostly agree. But who's job is it to get them to execute? And what's the solution if they aren't?

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I mostly agree. But who's job is it to get them to execute? And what's the solution if they aren't?

Naturally, the players and coaches share responsibility for execution. If anyone can't perform either on the field or on the sideline then they need to be replaced with someone who can. Simple enough and something most of us can agree on, no?

Where my opinion differs from that of some ES members is in my belief that the coaches really haven't had the time necessary to implement the proper solutions to our on the field woes. They're going to need at least one more offseason at an absolute minimum to really shape the roster into something better than what we've had the last few years.

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Torain and even the OL (on run plays) looked real good today.. Unfortunately the coaching staff screwed the pooch "again" and abandon the run in the 2nd half.. As well as taking him out of the game when we were on the 5 yard line.. Why put in Williams when Torain has been gashing them?? Poor play calling and team/clock management killed Torains career performance.. Figures if the O or D have a decent game, the Speacial Teams fail.. 3 missed easy FG's (one was the PAT) cost us the game.

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The Bucs started to shut down the run on first and second down in the second half (Torain got stuffed on 5 of his 6 second half carries). That leads to a lot of second and third and longs where passing is typically a better idea than running, it also means that we need to be passing more on first and second down to open up the run again. Unfortunately, we also aren't an efficient passing team on first and second down which puts us back in to second and third and long situations where, guess what, we need pass the ball.

It's an ugly, unending loop that we seem to find ourselves in fairly often. It's not something where blame can be placed squarely on the playcalling of Kyle or Mike Shanahan, either, because the simple truth of the matter is that the players frequently are not executing at a level that makes the run viable.

Spot on. The Bucs came out and made every attempt possible to stop the run. That's when our passing game should've taken advantage, but of course drop passes and errant throws ruined that.

But you know what, there's no point right now EA, as much as your attempts are valiant. It's ES hissy fit time, and there shall be no logic.

The coaches abandoned the run, why!?!?!?!1/1?1111/1? Waah, waah, waaaah! Why!?!? Mommy!

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But you know what, there's no point right now EA, as much as your attempts are valiant. It's ES hissy fit time, and there shall be no logic.

That it certainly is :ols:

Never hurts to drop a little objective dissenting opinion, though. Every now and then it can actually catch on and gradually spread over the course of the week(s).

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