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Cowboyszone Just Closed And Moved tr1's Thread LOL!!!

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I'll help you out here, since the Cowboys fan arrogance is overtaking your analytical abilities again:

Tom: "didn't you just make a thread..."

tr1: "That's before I read this."

For those without reading comprehension problems, they can see what I'm getting at :yes:...

And I'll ask you again: did you NOT see where he claims the Cowboys will still win? Did you NOT see where he said that, after reading about Garrett that he's not as completely confident as before, and thus wouldn't have bothered going onto a Cowboys fan message board and starting a thread making that declaration, even though he still thinks they'll win?

Actually, I know the answer...I know the answer from 95% of all Cowboys fans, and that's an answer that involves delusion, avoidance and rationalization lol :)...so please, respond as I expect you to and tell me how I was foolish to point out that tr1 said the Cowboys would win both on CZ and here on ES, and how I was wrong. Point out how tr1 "came back here and declared the Giants to win the game", and then ignore that he said just the opposite...go ahead, backtrack and re-define your stance once it's shown that you are wrong. I expect nothing less from you. :thumbsup:

You'd make a good CZ mod, you know that? :cool:

Puke fans have problems with reading comprehension.

I just got home...had to shower after Aikman and Buck soiled me...

Now, what's this about CZ? Excuse me while I go post in that thread I started...

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I don't know Califan007, it looks pretty trollish on your part. I just know that if a Cowboys fan came here looking for trouble like that, they would be getting abused. And this has nothing to do with who is right/correct with the facts. But I will agree with you about the mods closing a thread as weak sauce.

Trolling?...Admitting you were right about the Cowboys winning is trolling? When tr1 posted that the Cowboys would win, more than a few on there said he was doing nothing but trolling, even though he gave reasoned and factual explanations as to why they would.

How in the hell is that trolling? lol :ols:...

And then for me to say "Hey, I was right...you guys won"...how is THAT "trolling" in any way, shape or form?

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I declare that TR1 and all Forreskin fans are absolutely # 1 DOUCHEBAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is all, you bunch of horse turds.
Hey, don't lump all of us in with tr1. We may all dislike the Cowturds, but most of us aren't obsessed lie he is.
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Trolling?...Admitting you were right about the Cowboys winning is trolling? When tr1 posted that the Cowboys would win, more than a few on there said he was doing nothing but trolling, even though he gave reasoned and factual explanations as to why they would.

How in the hell is that trolling? lol :ols:...

And then for me to say "Hey, I was right...you guys won"...how is THAT "trolling" in any way, shape or form?

You know what I'm going to do.. I'm going to bet the lines at Vegas. One day I'm going to say one team will win, the other day I'm going to say another team will win. When my pick is wrong, I'm going to argue nonstop and declare that I picked the right team to win at any given day. How does that sound to you?

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You won't be able to lol...it's locked and buried on something like page 7 :ols:...

Okay califan, I just reread that entire thread with tr1 retracting his Cowboys win prediction.. the only other post he did was ...

"No, no, no.

The pukes will lose out, and they'll have the first pick...they'll get another WR, because you can never have enough of those.

What we're seeing here is last remnants of the Parcells era coming to an end.

Jerruh will not give up control now, because he doesn't have much time left...and his son is a joke.

When the pukes took Felix over Chris Johnson, I knew their demise was complete.

And, consider this...Romo sits to pee will likely never be as effective as he was simply because there isn't enough time in his career to build that o-line. Without a running game, he's destined for a number of years courting the IR. "

Can you please explain this or provide direct evidence of him proclaiming victory after his retracted statement, sir?

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You know what I'm going to do.. I'm going to bet the lines at Vegas. One day I'm going to say one team will win, the other day I'm going to say another team will win. When my pick is wrong, I'm going to argue nonstop and declare that I picked the right team to win at any given day. How does that sound to you?

What the hell? lol...

Listen: I'm only gonna do this one more time...

Did tr1 claim on CZ that the Cowboys would win, and give reasoned, intelligent reasons why? Yes.

Did tr1 claim here on ES that, even after hearing about the player's possibly hating Garrett that he still expected them to win? Yes.

Is pointing out on CZ that tr1 was right in his assessment that the Cowboys would beat the Giants "trolling"? Abso-****ing-lutely not.

Should his thread have been locked and my post deleted? No effin' way.

Is starting a thread here on ES about that asinine move from the mods over on Cowboyszone more than ok to do? Yep, definitely.

Have you proven me wrong on anything I've said? Nope.

WAS tr1 right about his predictions on this game? Yes.

Did the overwhelming majority of Cowboys fans on CZ think his argument had any merit whatsoever? No.

Were they all wrong? Yes.

That's it. Simple.

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You know what I'm going to do.. I'm going to bet the lines at Vegas. One day I'm going to say one team will win, the other day I'm going to say another team will win. When my pick is wrong, I'm going to argue nonstop and declare that I picked the right team to win at any given day. How does that sound to you?

I never picked the Giants to win. Was I less confident after the Garrett story? Yes...and, I likely wouldn't have posted that thread on CZ...but, still thought the pukes would win...

Now, try to read through stuff and not put words in my mouth.

And, aren't you ashamed that you only show up here after a win?

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Okay califan, I just reread that entire thread with tr1 retracting his Cowboys win prediction.. the only other post he did was ...

"No, no, no.

The pukes will lose out, and they'll have the first pick...they'll get another WR, because you can never have enough of those.

What we're seeing here is last remnants of the Parcells era coming to an end.

Jerruh will not give up control now, because he doesn't have much time left...and his son is a joke.

When the pukes took Felix over Chris Johnson, I knew their demise was complete.

And, consider this...Romo sits to pee will likely never be as effective as he was simply because there isn't enough time in his career to build that o-line. Without a running game, he's destined for a number of years courting the IR. "

Can you please explain this or provide direct evidence of him proclaiming victory after his retracted statement, sir?

Hey, did I say the pukes are going to win out? LOL!

I said they'd beat the Giants.

Come back after the next few weeks of fail, and tell me that you were wrong and I was right.

Dear lordie, I suppose you think you're going to the playoffs, right?


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Okay califan, I just reread that entire thread with tr1 retracting his Cowboys win prediction.. the only other post he did was ...

"No, no, no.

The pukes will lose out, and they'll have the first pick...they'll get another WR, because you can never have enough of those.

What we're seeing here is last remnants of the Parcells era coming to an end.

Jerruh will not give up control now, because he doesn't have much time left...and his son is a joke.

When the pukes took Felix over Chris Johnson, I knew their demise was complete.

And, consider this...Romo sits to pee will likely never be as effective as he was simply because there isn't enough time in his career to build that o-line. Without a running game, he's destined for a number of years courting the IR. "

Can you please explain this or provide direct evidence of him proclaiming victory after his retracted statement, sir?

Did you bother reading the post that he was responding to?...Because it was someone saying that the "worst case scenario" would be the Cowboys losing out, ending up 1-15 and getting the #1 overall pick.

tr1 said no, that wouldn't be the worst case scenario, because in that scenario (Dallas losing out), they would probably draft another WR anyway, so it wouldn't matter. He then showed how he felt that whatever talent the Cowboys had on their team at the moment was due overwhelmingly to Parcells, and that this 1-7 start was a reflection of Parcell's "footprint" on the Cowboys now being almost completely gone.

It was not a prediction that Dallas would lose the rest of their games...it was a response to someone else stating that Dallas losing the rest of their games would be terrible.

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If you want to claim me being ****y, look me up as "mkindred" on Cowboyszone ... I never thought we would win this game. I just wanted us to come out and play like we had a pair. Have I claimed ****iness over this win once? Or did I merely point out that tr1 was playing both sides of the fence? Thanks.

I had a bad feeling about this game since Friday Night. I still do! :doh:

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TR1 is a closet Cowboy fan and that is his only redeeming quality. Other than that, he's a douche.

lol..... Haterrr!!.... Puke nation wishes they could just be half as right as tr1 has been this year. Only then might puke fan's be considered an intelligent group of fans.. lol

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