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Cowboyszone Just Closed And Moved tr1's Thread LOL!!!

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Thanks for the effort, but don't get banned...it's not worth it.

It's obvious CZ is afraid of honest, factual debates...and, if you don't tow the masterbatory mantra of puke love, you're subject to the whims of their mods.


There's a reason I have 5 times as many posts here as I do on CZ. But, to their defense as well, ES is a very smooth site and one of the only team forums with any sort of activity in their NFL Discussion forum.

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Thanks for the effort, but don't get banned...it's not worth it.

It's obvious CZ is afraid of honest, factual debates...and, if you don't tow the masterbatory mantra of puke love, you're subject to the whims of their mods.


I did not bring the topic up. A mod decided to post that he "should do" something and all I did is tell him he did not have the cahones to do it. I also posted within an hour or so of the mod so I was not bumping an old thread. Actually I am getting a bit tired of the hypocrosy that goes on over there. They have 1 set of rules for Cowboys fans and another for fans of other teams. As long as you claim to be a Cowboys fan, you can bash them all you want. If you are fan of another team, you get banned for it. SKH started a "Where did all of the Cowboys fans go?" thread. It was an interesting read. Nothing was too inflammatory, just fans ribbing each other a bit but nothing serious. It got deleted. After our loss to the Eagles, a Cowboys fan posted "Where are all of the Skins fans?" thread. That one is going strong and the Cowboys fans are a lot more asanine in their comments in it than the Skins fans were in theirs. Complete hypocrosy. I think you got banned on your reputation rather than actually breaking any of their hidden rules and it bothers me a bit.

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I did not bring the topic up. A mod decided to post that he "should do" something and all I did is tell him he did not have the cahones to do it. I also posted within an hour or so of the mod so I was not bumping an old thread. Actually I am getting a bit tired of the hypocrosy that goes on over there. They have 1 set of rules for Cowboys fans and another for fans of other teams. As long as you claim to be a Cowboys fan, you can bash them all you want. If you are fan of another team, you get banned for it. SKH started a "Where did all of the Cowboys fans go?" thread. It was an interesting read. Nothing was too inflammatory, just fans ribbing each other a bit but nothing serious. It got deleted. After our loss to the Eagles, a Cowboys fan posted "Where are all of the Skins fans?" thread. That one is going strong and the Cowboys fans are a lot more asanine in their comments in it than the Skins fans were in theirs. Complete hypocrosy. I think you got banned on your reputation rather than actually breaking any of their hidden rules and it bothers me a bit.

Well, it just demonstrates the quality of this site in relation to the CZ (CowardZone) site.

I can understand why puke fan mods are worried about honest debate...it would destroy that patina of superiority they all hold in their tiny minds.



I've got to tell you, Hostile sent me a message to make sure it was me who was posting over there. Then he said he looked forward to some good debates.

I guess he was just plain lying.

Puke fans should be ashamed of that site.

I'm glad many here have stated that.

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There's a reason I have 5 times as many posts here as I do on CZ. But, to their defense as well, ES is a very smooth site and one of the only team forums with any sort of activity in their NFL Discussion forum.

Their version of the ATN forum is a ghost town lol...you're likely to see threads from 2 months ago still on the first page :ols:...

The only threads I remember getting any significant number of posts at all were either about the Redskins or about Extremeskins...or, ironically enough, about tr1 lol :)...

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Their version of the ATN forum is a ghost town lol...you're likely to see threads from 2 months ago still on the first page :ols:...

The only threads I remember getting any significant number of posts at all were either about the Redskins or about Extremeskins...or, ironically enough, about tr1 lol :)...

I'm going to look for another puke board to try out some threads about football.

Can you believe I once thought the CowardZone was actually affiliated with the pukes' organization? At least the pukes have enough sense to stay away from a message board apparently run my fellas who are afraid of their own shadow...:rotflmao:

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