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Cowboyszone Just Closed And Moved tr1's Thread LOL!!!

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Personally, and I know this is going to sound bad, but I don't post much on CZ because Cowboys fans tick me off more than any other fan base in professional sports. Ironic, huh? Yes, I have my beef with them as many of you do ... bandwagon, etc, etc, so no, I do not know what rules were broken. All I've pointed out here was how tr1 came to CZ proclaiming a Cowboys victory then coming back here laughing about the supposed locker room respect Garrett has of the players and tr1 retracting his post from CZ on here claiming the Cowboys would win. And so far, I have not seen one bit of evidence to refute my claim that tr1 was playing devils advocate other than all Redskins fans thinking he was right yet my quotes have clearly stated how he retracted his posts.

I never retracted my prediction of a puke win. Read the my first original post: "I still expect the pukes to put up a fight and win...but, who really knows."

So, again, don't make stuff up.

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Just because of your name alone, you are going to be labeled as a troll over there. But I imagine if you are willing to take the abuse you would get for long enough like some of the Skins fans regulars over there, then they would probably cut you a little more slack.

Like I said before, it is not a tolerable environment. The homers rule the scene over there. But I hope you give it a shot. It would be a lot better place if more people were allowed to post different viewpoints.

Hey, I got the ground rules...I didn't break any.

I'm sure I'll get a reasonable explanation.

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Personally, and I know this is going to sound bad, but I don't post much on CZ because Cowboys fans tick me off more than any other fan base in professional sports. Ironic, huh? Yes, I have my beef with them as many of you do ... bandwagon, etc, etc, so no, I do not know what rules were broken. All I've pointed out here was how tr1 came to CZ proclaiming a Cowboys victory then coming back here laughing about the supposed locker room respect Garrett has of the players and tr1 retracting his post from CZ on here claiming the Cowboys would win. And so far, I have not seen one bit of evidence to refute my claim that tr1 was playing devils advocate other than all Redskins fans thinking he was right yet my quotes have clearly stated how he retracted his posts.

I've already pointed out how your interpretation of tr1's posts was way off. Hell, even HE pointed out to you. All you can do is try and understand what was being said and accept that you got it wrong, or try and understand what was being said, and still disagree with it. Or, you could take the 3rd route--which you seem to have done--and ignore the explanations completely and just stick to your initial interpretation as if nobody has bothered to refute it. Again, he said it right up front: "I still expect (the Cowboys) to win..."...You can't get any clearer than that.

And if Hostile REALLY felt that tr1 was "playing both sides of the fence", why didn't he lock the thread on CZ the minute he saw tr1's thread over here? Why didn't Hostile post on that thread and make the claim that he read something by tr1 on ES that now makes him think tr1 wasn't being sincere when he said the Cowboys would win? Hostile did neither, he did nothing of the sort. He didn't even give a public warning to tr1 about "finding out you're only doing this to cause trouble". There's zero to suggest that Hostile read something over here which made him judge tr1's thread or conclusions in a different light.

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Do you guys know how PAINFUL it was for me to predict a puke win? And, to do it on a puke message board?



Like it's some mysterious plot.

I just wanted to talk to some puke fans...there haven't been many around here lately.

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1) I ALSO predicted the Cowboys would win on that thread. Do you really believe that if I had quoted my post on that thread saying so (which I didn't feel like looking for lol), the thread would have remained on page 1? Hell, no.

2) I'll ask once more: how do you rub anyone's nose in a WIN?...All that points to is the fact that CZ must really hate tr1 if they can't even allow him to be right about the Cowboys pulling out a win after going 1-7, and against the division-leading Giants to boot...and ALL of tr1's reasons were intelligent and worded without any controversy whatsoever.

Like I said, the rope over there for rival fans is a lot thinner. Anything that even sniffs or looks like a rival fan causing a stir is going to get whacked. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, for argument's sake. I agree with you in the sense that if you make a claim and back it up, you should be allowed a little room to at least revisit a previously made point. But that's not how the CZ mods view it. Now you know.

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What the hell? lol...

Listen: I'm only gonna do this one more time...

Did tr1 claim on CZ that the Cowboys would win, and give reasoned, intelligent reasons why? Yes.

Did tr1 claim here on ES that, even after hearing about the player's possibly hating Garrett that he still expected them to win? Yes.

Is pointing out on CZ that tr1 was right in his assessment that the Cowboys would beat the Giants "trolling"? Abso-****ing-lutely not.

Should his thread have been locked and my post deleted? No effin' way.

Is starting a thread here on ES about that asinine move from the mods over on Cowboyszone more than ok to do? Yep, definitely.

Have you proven me wrong on anything I've said? Nope.

WAS tr1 right about his predictions on this game? Yes.

Did the overwhelming majority of Cowboys fans on CZ think his argument had any merit whatsoever? No.

Were they all wrong? Yes.

That's it. Simple.

Can you stick your tongue out and tell us what tr1 had for dinner this evening? Your face is buried so deep in his ass that I am sure that you can!

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I've already pointed out how your interpretation of tr1's posts was way off. Hell, even HE pointed out to you. All you can do is try and understand what was being said and accept that you got it wrong, or try and understand what was being said, and still disagree with it. Or, you could take the 3rd route--which you seem to have done--and ignore the explanations completely and just stick to your initial interpretation as if nobody has bothered to refute it. Again, he said it right up front: "I still expect (the Cowboys) to win..."...You can't get any clearer than that.

And if Hostile REALLY felt that tr1 was "playing both sides of the fence", why didn't he lock the thread on CZ the minute he saw tr1's thread over here? Why didn't Hostile post on that thread and make the claim that he read something by tr1 on ES that now makes him think tr1 wasn't being sincere when he said the Cowboys would win? Hostile did neither, he did nothing of the sort. He didn't even give a public warning to tr1 about "finding out you're only doing this to cause trouble". There's zero to suggest that Hostile read something over here which made him judge tr1's thread or conclusions in a different light.

Click this link: http://www.extremeskins.com/showthread.php?338535-Garrett-s-already-lost-the-locker-room...

Read post number 35 over and over and over and over again until you get the context through your skull, please.

And I cannot speak for Hostile.. I do not know anyone over there well, see my previous post. I typically read, not post. I like seeing all facets of information that are provided, I do not need to respond with my meaningless thoughts 99% of the time and typically ignore those 99% of posts that should not have even been posted.

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I've pissed off Hostile there before, apparently lol...either that, or his ego got the best of him. He has deleted a post of mine before (along with his response to it) in order to help bolster a point he was trying to make against me :ols:...that was incredibly weak on his part.

i've had some experiences with hostile. not saying this cuz he's a cowboys fan, but that man might be legitimately insane.

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Can you stick your tongue out and tell us what tr1 had for dinner this evening? Your face is buried so deep in his ass that I am sure that you can!

Manny, are you a bit bitter about that horrific loss this evening...cheer up, man.

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Click this link: http://www.extremeskins.com/showthread.php?338535-Garrett-s-already-lost-the-locker-room...

Read post number 35 over and over and over and over again until you get the context through your skull, please.

So are you claiming that I've not addressed what that post means?...Really? Perhaps you should read post #40 of THIS thread lol ;)

And I cannot speak for Hostile..

BWAHAHAHAHAA!! :rotflmao:

Allow me to jog your memory ;)...

Probably because Hostile saw your post here and saw you playing both sides of the fence? Just a hunch.

Yes, I know, I know...you can't speak for Hostile :D

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I did the same thing a few weeks ago

Went over to CZ to ask where the DC area Cowboy fans went.

The thread actually seemed to have some very good discussion and give and take. It wasn't a flameable thread at all and was in their equivalent of "ATN"

Poof, it was gone after 3 days for no good reason, and I have yet to receive any explanation as to why

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i've had some experiences with hostile. not saying this cuz he's a cowboys fan, but that man might be legitimately insane.

:ols:...When he deleted my posts from the thread I was talking about earlier, I honestly said "WTF" out loud, and started laughing lol...all I could think was "Did you REALLY just do that?"

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So are you claiming that I've not addressed what that post means?...Really? Perhaps you should read post #40 of THIS thread lol ;)

BWAHAHAHAHAA!! :rotflmao:

Allow me to jog your memory ;)...

Yes, I know, I know...you can't speak for Hostile :D

The probably begins and ends with my speaking for Hostile. It was my opinion, not facts. Facts are speaking for someone, opinion is not.

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I did the same thing a few weeks ago

Went over to CZ to ask where the DC area Cowboy fans went.

The thread actually seemed to have some very good discussion and give and take. It wasn't a flameable thread at all and was in their equivalent of "ATN"

Poof, it was gone after 3 days for no good reason, and I have yet to receive any explanation as to why

Maybe there's some unknown forum over there called "Banished Threads By Redskins Fans"?

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So losing out means after the Giants game?

Yes...and, no.

I don't think the pukes will lose all of their remaining games.

But, they beat a flawed Giants team...and, struggled to do it.

You witnessed two bad teams playing each other tonight...the Giants as a result of injuries and poor Eli play...the pukes play was par for the course.

Jeebus, I just picked the pukes to win at least another game...

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The probably begins and ends with my speaking for Hostile. It was my opinion, not facts. Facts are speaking for someone, opinion is not.

Wait...so were you or were you not "speaking" for Hostile in the example I gave?...Because here you seem to be saying both lol...First you admit that you were indeed speaking for Hostile ("That probably begins and ends with my speaking for Hostile")...then you go on to claim since it was opinion and not fact, that you were NOT speaking for Hostile. Which is it?

Or are you trying to play both sides, here? lol ;)

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Hey, I got the ground rules...I didn't break any.

I'm sure I'll get a reasonable explanation.

Don't bet on it. The "rules" over there aren't set in concrete, like they are here. If a mod objects to something you are doing and you choose to argue about it, WHACK! I'm telling you from experience. They take things way more personal over there. Objectivity doesn't exist to the degree that it does here. Hostile might tell you different, but I know that there are mods over there who are known to abuse the system from time to time.

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Don't bet on it. The "rules" over there aren't set in concrete, like they are here. If a mod objects to something you are doing and you choose to argue about it, WHACK! I'm telling you from experience. They take things way more personal over there. Objectivity doesn't exist to the degree that it does here. Hostile might tell you different, but I know that there are mods over there who are known to abuse the system from time to time.

Ah, so it may not have been Hostile who deleted my post and locked the thread...I guess he's really the only mod I see over there on the times when I am over there, so I just assumed it was him.

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Look, I'm sure I'm going to get a reasonable explanation as to why the thread was closed and has disappeared.

Most of the fellas who posted in that thread didn't have any problem with me. They certainly weren't intimidate or threatened by anything I said.

I'm baffled.

But, optimistic that I'll get a good reason.

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:ols:...When he deleted my posts from the thread I was talking about earlier, I honestly said "WTF" out loud, and started laughing lol...all I could think was "Did you REALLY just do that?"

oh, yeah. its been awhile, but, holy crap. you'd better not say anything remotely negative about the cowboys or you will get the hammer. and posts will be edited accordingly. funny thing is, there are lots of (ok....a few) reasonable posters over there. and what they did when sean taylor died was beyond classy. but i think the man may have killed his mom, grandmother, and second cousin once removed.


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Wait...so were you or were you not "speaking" for Hostile in the example I gave?...Because here you seem to be saying both lol...First you admit that you were indeed speaking for Hostile ("That probably begins and ends with my speaking for Hostile")...then you go on to claim since it was opinion and not fact, that you were NOT speaking for Hostile. Which is it?

Or are you trying to play both sides, here? lol ;)

I said it was my opinion as to why Hostile may have locked the thread.

Hey, take this for an example:

Bush, probably, attacked Iraq to avenge the 9/11 attacks?

Bush, probably, attacked Iraq to go after oil?

Bush, probably, attacked Iraq to cover up his involvement in 9/11 conspiracies?

I covered all ground to take a stance on every political views folks may have.. the message is, because I give my *opinion* does not mean I am speaking for the man. Seriously, I am glad you are not a lawyer because this is some flawed argument. Fact is, tr1 posted on CZ, disappeared, posted what he did here, post number 35 of the thread I posted stated we would lose out. Folks think tr1 is all knowing and can predict Cowboys future greater than any paid sports analyst can. The fact is, he retracted that (see previous sentence) yet you're still lobbying for him the greatest Cowboys analyst ever. Hey tr1, maybe you should work for the Cowboys if you're all knowing about anything and everything Cowboys?

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