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Favorite play from the 2010 Redskins offense?


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For the football aficionados out there.

Can you describe your favorite offensive play from the 2010 Redskins offense and why?

(formation, personelle, design/description, result, example from a game w/ down/distance and time if possible)

for an idea here's a similar thread about the previous regime:


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I can't give you the specifics you're asking for, but I love that rollout/throwback to Davis play that worked against Houston and was open against Philly!

I think that is out of 22 personnel (2 tight end, 2 RB's). Both TE's were on the right with one of them flanking the LOS. Fake handout left, roll out right, throw back to the left. TE delays release. Of course if I'm not mistaken.

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mcnabbs 50 yard bomb to armstrong vs packers.loved the way armstrong held on to ball & crowd went nuts!:beavisnbutthead:

Armstrongs TD came from one of my favorites plays and formations singleback tight formation except they added a double to move to attack the safety.

McNabb's throw was late b/c he had to scramble but WOW he uncorked a bomb.

Armstrong's effort on that catch was amazing he showed real talent in my eyes, it was a great play to go up and basically rip the ball away from the defender.

More about the formation:

Singleback 3 wide with reduced split WRs (some offenses refer to this as Snuggs)

We often run the different variations of the flat route combos: slant/flat, out/flat, hook/flat,

but on the Armstrong TD it was a flat route+a double move.

I just wish McNabb would choose the flat receiver more often; its almost a gimme 3-5 yards or more if the receiver breaks the tackle.

(I'm starting to notice that in general he doesn't like to throw to the flat)

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Armstrongs TD came from one of my favorites plays and formations singleback tight formation except they added a double to move to attack the safety.

McNabb's throw was late b/c he had to scramble but WOW he uncorked a bomb.

Armstrong's effort on that catch was amazing he showed real talent in my eyes, it was a great play to go up and basically rip the ball away from the defender.


More about the formation:

Singleback 3 wide with reduced split WRs (some offenses refer to this as Snuggs)


We often run the different variations of the flat route combos: slant/flat, out/flat, hook/flat,

but on the Armstrong TD it was a flat route+a double move.





I just wish McNabb would choose the flat receiver more often; its almost a gimme 3-5 yards or more if the receiver breaks the tackle.

(I'm starting to notice that in general he doesn't like to throw to the flat)

Most of the time the run the curl/flat or slant/flat route combo the flat receiver is open.

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- McNabb's rainbow to Cooley against Houston to put us up 27-10 and I immediately thought 2-0 and then it all went POOF!.....like a fart in the wind..

Yes, a awesome play that was, then tears of sorrow followed not too long after.

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I can't give you the specifics you're asking for, but I love that rollout/throwback to Davis play that worked against Houston and was open against Philly!
I think that is out of 22 personnel (2 tight end, 2 RB's). Both TE's were on the right with one of them flanking the LOS. Fake handout left, roll out right, throw back to the left. TE delays release. Of course if I'm not mistaken.

I love any plays/formations that have Cooley, Davis and Tana on the field together

(I think the underuse of Davis is a huge mistake on Kyle's part considering our limited talent at the WR position he's been targeted fewer times then Sellers, Torrain and Keiland)

This another great play design based off a ZBS stretch run

Singleback Twins Left Double TE Right

Fake Zone stretch left bootleg right TE throwback


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Ryan Torain running over Quentin Mikell from the Eags.

I'm guessing you're a fan of the result more then something within the design of the play?

But that run was a tone setter and it was nice to see the OL win at the LOS for a change.

Torrain crushed Mikell and burst onto the scene as a solid NFL starter.

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Loved the long TD pass to Armstrong, but loved this one just as much :yes:...


I enjoyed this one for a number of unusual reasons: 1) the Commentator Joe Buck is initially telling the audience how bad Washington is in 3rd down efficiency and then has move rapidly to commend the touchdown pass 2) Clinton Portis loses his shoe and it flies through the air. I doubt it distracted anyone but made me laugh in a bonus blooper material kind of way and 3) Troy Aikman's analysis of Bradley (later on not covered in the video clip above) would have been in position if he hadn't had to direct a colleague at the time of the snap. On such small margins is success and failure defined.

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The one where Torain ran the **** over Quintin Mikell for a touchdown.


Mike Sellers lays a crushing block on that run, too

All in all, it looks like the Eagles played with little to no effort on that play. Backside pursuit was slow, three leading blocks knocked everyone on their butts. A defense that makes our O-line look dominant...thats sad...

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Loved the TD to Moss in the Bears game. I don't remember the formation.

I like this play too b/c of the use of personnel:

Singleback 3 Wide(2 TEs) BUT with Cooley lined up off the LOS to the right of Armstrong

Fred Davis stays in to block and Torrain stones the blitzing LB

Tana runs a route i've never seen before:Post-Corner-Post and beats the CB and the Safety

Armstrong runs a Seam-post and Cooley runs a flare-curl/hitch

McNabb does a 5 step drop in a nice clean pocket (who would have thought a clean pocket would become a novelty?) and throws an abosultely gorgeous to Tana TD!


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