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PFT: Rumors begin to swirl on potential Vick suitors (Redskins mentioned)


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I could get into serious debate here but ultimately it's both been done to death on here; and honestly it's not worth it over (IMHO) that despicable excuse for a decent human being.

Obviously your standards of what's right and what's wrong differ from mine. Which is cool, it's your prerogative after all.

Vick can move on all he likes. So long as it's FAR away from my team.


It's not an issue of what Vick did being 'right' or 'wrong' since what he did was clearly wrong. No one is defending his mistreatment of those dogs. It is an issue of believing that the prison system is designed to rehabilitate inmates before releasing them to once again become productive members of society versus thinking the prison system is designed to be a place for people to rot. You have made your opinion known.

I'm sure you don't think much of Stallworth, not many people do, but the vitriol that gets unleashed for Vick compared to Stallworth and his DUI manslaughter is ridiculous.

As far as Vick coming to the Redskins, I think it would be fun to see his dynamic play but would ultimately be a bad decision. Vick won't be able to carry a team for many more years and you can't just draft a younger him to fill the shoes. I think we should concentrate on building a solid team for the future and the little detours we'd make for him just wouldn't be worth it. Then again, he may help lead a on-the-verge team to a Super Bowl championship in two years.

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have i ever done anything that i have regret or have remorse for? of course but i have never caused bodily harm to any person or animal..... and i especially have NEVER electrocuted a dog in a swimming pool.

and as a vet of the armed forces im VERY KEENLY aware of your constitutional rights. i dont think you should sacrifice your right to say how you feel.

i just cant understand how anyone can defend the indefensible.

Well JoeKnows let me respond by first thanking for your service. We are free due to the brave sacrifices that people like you make everyday.

I'm not defending what he has done. I'm just saying his actions were not football related and has made positive contributions to society. I see that you are strong in your view and respect it. I believe in forgiveness. At the same time I wouldn't make a thief a store cashier nor Robber a bank teller. At the same time we have to live. his actions were not football related. however he should never be near any dogs or any pets.

I agree to disagree with your opinion

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America's love affair with dogs is hysterical to say the least. In my mind, once you've done your time, you shouldn't discriminated against. You've paid your dues to society as our legal system has been set up. Torturing any organism is bad but there are worse things football players have done and gotten off on. The moral hypocrisy of some is just too funny on this thread. Vick the football player is very intriguing. He is a superior passer now, and still is probably the most mobile QB in the league. He is "older" but that should be taken with a grain of salt, his body hasn't had to endure the burden of two seasons. Thats why I'd like the skins to take a chance on him, for the right price of course. I do wanna draft a QB for the future though so he could learn under Vick (didn't i'd ever have to say that).

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Just to set the record straight, Vick went to prison for operating an illegal dog fighting ring, that crossed state lines making it a federal crime.

He was not found guilty of electrocuting dogs in a swimming pool.

That said, we dont know exactly how deep he was involved, so keep things in perspective.

Do I condone what he has done? No

Did he pay his dept to society? Yes

Do I want him on the Redskins? No, I want Cutler to be reunited with Shanahan.

And yes, I think the Eagles are going to do everything they can to keep him in Philly.

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We have to stick with Mcnabb and hope we can find a young QB to develop.....can't just have wasted that 2nd round draft pick

I think it's more foolish to stubbornly try to "prove" that we didn't waste it. If the organization doesn't believe McNabb is the guy with which to move forward, I'd prefer that they admit their mistake and move forward with someone else.

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You are correct. Having Vick on the team also changes the style of offense that we will run. I'm not so sure if Shanahan would like Michael Vick on his team. Vick seems like the type of guy that will audible out the play for a run whenever he see's that a receiver has not beat his defended on a designed route. Shanahan may not like that very much.

What you describe above isn't audibling its 'ad-lib'ing.

An audible is a pre-snap change whereas your description is post snap.

Hypothetically i think Mike Shanahan would love a QB with Vick's skill set.

He's basically a turbo version of Steve Young.

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Won't ever happen. He has like a 105 QB rating and is playing off the charts. He just beat Peyton Manning. I say he's an Eagle for a very long time. It's one thing to trade an old vet like McNabb to a division rival, but a whole 'nother thing to trade a QB at the peak of his game like Vick.

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except without the consistent passing skills or mental acuity.

Steve wasn't exactly lighting the record ablaze down there in Tampa Bay was he?

And i was looking at the talent aspect but if you really want to look at it pre-jail Mike Vick was still a much better QB then Steve Young was pre-49ers.

So by hypothetically speaking Mike Vick + Mike Shanahan could be a great combo.

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