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My favorite moment scared the **** out of the Eagles


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He's a big-boned guy, isn't he? He's got an unorthodox, upright running style. Wiki says that Mel Kiper had him rated as the 2nd best senior running back in the 2008 draft. His 4.61 hurt him a bit in the draft, and Denver got him in the 5th.

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They're TE almost got blown up on a ball Kolb threw behind him, too. Really good replay where you could see LL come blasting into the camera view staring down Celek I think it was. Believe it was the final drive. Celek is a big guy but he should be happy it was thrown behind him.

LL is definitely our defensive POY so far. Playing really inspired ball. Had to laugh when one of the announcers talked about his huge biceps.

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^^^ LOL! You posted this while I was typing.

One of my favorite moments was L. Alexander taking the kick returner out of the picture.

I need a gift of that hit. The funny part that it was write after the Torain TD play. I thought I was going to have some convulsions after seeing those two plays back to back.

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I saw Avant Portis'd late in the game. He was going to get whalloped but laid down without being hit. Maybe it was to try and stop the clock, but I doubt it. Landry Hall and Moore have teams on notice. Landry especially, jeez he is just bringing it. I knew he could be a great strong, but I didnt realize he would be this physical. No taunting or defenseless receiver, unnecessary roughness calls to boot, and he has had plenty of opportunties.

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Yes, I noticed that as well and very much enjoyed it. Landry is such an asset playing in his natural position. He is easily the defensive MVP of the team up until now.

Had Jackson caught that ball I could easily imagine it popping out ala Patrick Crayton in the Monday Night Miracle years back.

The only thing I hate about seeing Landry play like this is imagining what if those jackass thug morons had never broken into ST's house 3 years ago...

You can't help but think that ST would have had a fighting chance 1 on 1 in the end zone against Andre Johnson.

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