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At least this team got exposed early, before say, starting 6-2 and fooling the fanbase.....


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I think reality has set in, The Redskins are a team in transition. They are a 4-12 team, until they prove otherwise through the rest of 2010.

The defense, which was "decent" in 2009, is not gameday-ready with the 3-4 scheme yet. They just aren't. They are often out of place on running plays and even a mediocre team like the Rams can gain huge chunks on the ground, by running simple delayed runs and cutbacks. This isn't to suggest we should ditch the 3-4, or be mad at the 3-4 scheme switch, just realize that changing schemes is a process. It wasn't going to be an overnight success.

Also, the D-line talent is not good enough. It is a combination of an aging vet, some depth from the Gregg Williams years, and a guy who has no interest in being a piece of the puzzle. Haynesworth is the only guy with the "talent" to be dominant, but in him, we have a guy who doesn't really care to embrace the scheme, and it shows on the field. I mean this guy looked more dominant at times last year, when he was out of shape, and on a knee after every other play. How is it that he is in so much better shape now, yet seems to get routinely pushed around all of the sudden? That is just sad.

Moving Andre Carter to OLB, was a necessary evil due to the scheme, but so far it has been a disaster. He can't cover, and struggles to make open field tackles. It is sad that Carter was just starting to become the DE, we had hoped for when we signed him a few years ago, and then the scheme goes and changes. Not anyone's fault mind-you, just the reality of the situation.

Devin Thomas....ummm...really WTF is going on here? Does he really suck that much at learning the new scheme? I mean we have plenty of other people who can return kicks, I don't see why he is even still on the team if coaches feel that is all he has to contribute to the team.

It's been said plenty but one more time won't hurt, Clinton Portis is done as an elite RB. Sure, he might have "something" left to offer, like picking up blitz's on 3rd down passing situations, but the sooner we turn the page on the thought of him being our starting #1 RB, the better.

Our offense is basically McNabb/Cooley/Moss & Trent Williams...I will give Jammal Brown and Incomplete since he has been decent when healthy. The rest of the offense is the same 'ol head-scratching bunch. I understand we don't have elite talent on offense, besides the group I mentioned, but I see every team in the league sometimes have to use 4th & 5th WRs or backups, all the time, and they manage to get into the game, run routes properly, and make catches 99% of the time when thrown their way. How is it that the our roster depth sucks so bad?

Shanahan is going to succeed in Washington, I am still convinced, however he needs to transform this into his team first. He can't take Zorn's 4-12 team and magically make them a contender.

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Transition? To what?

This talentless bunch of clowns has no future. By the time they draft enough people to compete, McNabb, Cooley, Moss, and other will be long gone. This franchise is still decades behind.


.. whose gonna be here in 3 years? McNabb, Portis, Cooley, Fletcher?

Cooley maybe.

We are trash.. and will be bottom of the barrel trash.

hunker down.

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Despite the awfulness, I think that our offense will be able to keep us in enough games to go 7-9 to possibly 9-7 with some luck. The only way I see us going 4-12 if we have catastrophic injury losses to company our terrible defense.

it's sad that i think you are being unrealistically optimisitic... to go 7-9.

.. we are 1-5 basically gauranteed... with only 2 NFC East games. and 1 we are very lucky to have won 1 against the cowboys.

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That about sums it up.

Just would like to remind you that the defensive backfield is the most overrated group on the team, by the media and the fanbase.

The idea that you take two probowl DE's and stand them up and put them in coverage should really bring into question the thought process of the defensive staff.

On Devin Thomas: Maybe the reason he isn't trusted on offense is because he keeps bringing kick that are 6-7 yards deep into the endzone,out and tries to return them, when taking a knee would be the smart thing to do?

Going on 22 years since we've been considered a contender, hope my 3 year old lives long enough to see them contenders again, cause I don't think I'll be around when they get there again.

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On Devin Thomas: Maybe the reason he isn't trusted on offense is because he keeps bringing kick that are 6-7 yards deep into the endzone,out and tries to return them, when taking a knee would be the smart thing to do?

Devin Thomas has been the lone bright on Special teams with the exception of coverage units. He has yet to be stopped in side the 20.

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I think reality has set in, The Redskins are a team in transition. They are a 4-12 team, until they prove otherwise through the rest of 2010.

The defense, which was "decent" in 2009, is not gameday-ready with the 3-4 scheme yet. They just aren't. They are often out of place on running plays and even a mediocre team like the Rams can gain huge chunks on the ground, by running simple delayed runs and cutbacks. This isn't to suggest we should ditch the 3-4, or be mad at the 3-4 scheme switch, just realize that changing schemes is a process. It wasn't going to be an overnight success.

Also, the D-line talent is not good enough. It is a combination of an aging vet, some depth from the Gregg Williams years, and a guy who has no interest in being a piece of the puzzle. Haynesworth is the only guy with the "talent" to be dominant, but in him, we have a guy who doesn't really care to embrace the scheme, and it shows on the field. I mean this guy looked more dominant at times last year, when he was out of shape, and on a knee after every other play. How is it that he is in so much better shape now, yet seems to get routinely pushed around all of the sudden? That is just sad.

Moving Andre Carter to OLB, was a necessary evil due to the scheme, but so far it has been a disaster. He can't cover, and struggles to make open field tackles. It is sad that Carter was just starting to become the DE, we had hoped for when we signed him a few years ago, and then the scheme goes and changes. Not anyone's fault mind-you, just the reality of the situation.

Devin Thomas....ummm...really WTF is going on here? Does he really suck that much at learning the new scheme? I mean we have plenty of other people who can return kicks, I don't see why he is even still on the team if coaches feel that is all he has to contribute to the team.

It's been said plenty but one more time won't hurt, Clinton Portis is done as an elite RB. Sure, he might have "something" left to offer, like picking up blitz's on 3rd down passing situations, but the sooner we turn the page on the thought of him being our starting #1 RB, the better.

Our offense is basically McNabb/Cooley/Moss & Trent Williams...I will give Jammal Brown and Incomplete since he has been decent when healthy. The rest of the offense is the same 'ol head-scratching bunch. I understand we don't have elite talent on offense, besides the group I mentioned, but I see every team in the league sometimes have to use 4th & 5th WRs or backups, all the time, and they manage to get into the game, run routes properly, and make catches 99% of the time when thrown their way. How is it that the our roster depth sucks so bad?

Shanahan is going to succeed in Washington, I am still convinced, however he needs to transform this into his team first. He can't take Zorn's 4-12 team and magically make them a contender.

I agree with everything your saying. A well thought out, and realistic, view of the Skins situation.

I will take it a step further and say that that Hall and Rodgers will need to "corrected" before it's said and done. I don't believe we can take care of them both at once, but we should be looking at a replacement for Rodgers this off-season, and then Hall the next. If possible. I can see Hall staying though.

What's your opinion on Fletcher and McIntosh? My feeling is that the linebacker core, aside from Rak, doesn't fit the 3-4 scheme very well. It pains me to say it, because I truly love the player Fletcher is, but we need better personnel for those positions.

I think the offense could manage with some talented youth at RB for a year. I think that should be the primary focus in draft, with a secondary focus on the O line and at least one decent WR through FA.

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Thing is....I'm tired of the roller coaster EVERY SINGLE WEEK. I thought that maybe I could go without watching a game against a bad team....but EVERY GAME of the season it's a maybe we win maybe we don't stressful scenario and I might get a heart attack by the end of week 8....

I always saw every game as winnable and losable. If we lose(as most people would expect)...then it is what it is. If we win games we're not supposed to win...then everyone gets excited again. But then....we'll still have to worry about the games against bad teams :-/. Makes you wonder why we love this team so much

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it's sad that i think you are being unrealistically optimisitic... to go 7-9.

.. we are 1-5 basically gauranteed... with only 2 NFC East games. and 1 we are very lucky to have won 1 against the cowboys.

What is wrong with you people?

3 quarters into the Houston game, WE were basically "guaranteed" to be 3-0 at this time.

You never know what is going to happen. If the Skins win next week we are 2-2 and tied for first.


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I gotta scratch my head when I see Sellars as a prime weapon...that being said, the Giants' switch to the 3-4 didn't click for them in their SB year until about week 5.

I'd like to think we have the bodies, but when I'm honest with myself, that just isn't the case.

As for long runs against us, get used to it...it's gonna happen with this personnel.

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