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NFL.com: Haynesworth's actions could impact future big-name free agents


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Even before the rift between Albert Haynesworth and Redskins coach Mike Shanahan ratcheted up over the weekend, the defensive lineman's behavior since opting to skip mandatory and voluntary offseason workouts has annoyed players well beyond the nation's capital.

Several players around the league have told me that Haynesworth is viewed as a major hurdle to the cause of future free agents landing big contracts. Owners, they contend, will be overly reluctant to pay large deals to guys out of fear of them responding like Haynesworth has. In fact, a lot of players feel it's a foregone conclusion.

"He's ruined it for everyone after him," a player told me over the weekend, echoing a sentiment I've heard throughout training camps.

Even worse, the perception -- and it might very well be reality -- is that Haynesworth doesn't care because $32 million of the $100 million free-agent deal he signed with the Redskins is already in his bank account.

Click the link for rest of the article.


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Chances are that a guy who doesn't care about his own teammates or coaches opinions probably isn't going to care about other players in the NFL. He's made it crystal clear it's ALL about himself.

I think Kevin Mawae pretty much summed up how the NFL Players Union thought about it. He knows that this stunt has cost the players leverage.

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Chances are that a guy who doesn't care about his own teammates or coaches opinions probably isn't going to care about other players in the NFL. He's made it crystal clear it's ALL about himself.

I think Kevin Mawae pretty much summed up how the NFL Players Union thought about it. He knows that this stunt has cost the players leverage.

Yeah. I just watched the video on the article page and Brian Baldinger said "Albert's got his money, so he is not threatened by anything Shanahan says or does at this point." Or something along those lines.

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Haynesworth's actions should be a cautionary tale for any team that ignores a player's past behavior and work ethic and simply goes for the attention getting move.

Really, though, in today's NFL with all the ways around the cap there is no reason a team would not want to hold onto a pro bowl player unless there are some definite issues.

Did the Colts let Dwight Freeney go?

Did the Giants let Michael Strahan go?

No, both of these players were ultimately resigned by their clubs.

Obviously these players were pro bowlers but they were also team leaders.

Haynesworth is a child and one when out of control does stupid things.

Remember his cleat dance on Andre Gurode?

Remember his 100 mph 'drag race' in TN that ended up with a man in the hospital?

Haynesworth was a bad bet from the start and didn't come in committed to win even when the Redskins in 2009 were running the 4-3 defense he says he prefers.

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I agree with the author, and I've been thinking this same thing lately, but on a larger scale. Yes, some owners might think twice before making the big signing after seeing how Haynesworth bombed. But additionally, Albert has really drawn to the limelight some of the ugliest aspects of the current labor/employment situation in the NFL. He's making his peers look bad. This can only hurt his fellow union members in the court of public opinion. And with a big lockout negotion ahead, he's giving the owners exactly the kind of ammunition they need to win the contract war.

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