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These tweets really piss me off. Ornstein is incredibly reliable.


David Ornstein @bbcsport_david  ·  5h

#AFC still want CB/DMF (maybe someone who can do both) but likely to be squad player not big name as (esp CB) will be back-up #bbcsportsday


#AFC unlikely to sign striker despite Giroud injury. Not definitive but current plan is existing options rather than buy/loan #bbcsportsday

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The bright spot was Ox. I think he could've won it for us on an occasion or two even down to ten men. Hitting on the positives now or maybe a negative, I couldn't see a difference in our attack down to ten men, equally dangerous. 


Ba got our center backs turned a couple of times and was dangerous. 

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The bright spot was Ox. I think he could've won it for us on an occasion or two even down to ten men. Hitting on the positives now or maybe a negative, I couldn't see a difference in our attack down to ten men, equally dangerous.

Ba got our center backs turned a couple of times and was dangerous.

Thanks man. I'll defer to you actually watching the game. Just the impression I got from the reports I read.

Ties like this show again just how vital not just making the top 4 is, but gaining automatic qualification to the groups are.

Europa Lge football would be disastrous to Arsenal this year.


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I'm biting my nails but I'm leaving for vacation Friday morning. I'm gonna get off the interwebs for a few days and relax at the beach. Then, when I get back on deadline day, hopefully I will like what I see.

Have a fantastic break safe in the knowledge Super Mario will rip Tottenham to shreads his debut so there is that to look forward to coming back to. :)


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It's the Utd way.

Mickey Mouse cup unless they have a chance of winning it like against Wigan the last time then it's suddenly a major trophy again.

See above on Di Maria. He'll fit right in.


League cup or top 4 finish? The United way as I remember is being mocked for being knocked out of this cup and being sarcastically congratulated when winning it. You could care less about it too.

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League cup or top 4 finish? The United way as I remember is being mocked for being knocked out of this cup and being sarcastically congratulated when winning it. You could care less about it too.

Speak for yourself.

The Lge Cup has always been one of my favourite competitions. I used to love the two legged first round and a trip to a club you'd never play. It gets you a day out at Wembley if you go all the way and European football locked up in the Spring. It's only in the years of the 'greed is good' league that disgraceful managers (of which Benitez was one) have denigrated it by putting out weakened sides. You start the season in England, there's only 3 competitions domestically you can win. The Football League Cup is a major trophy. But if you'd read me regularly on here you'd know my view on this.

It is rather endearing (in terms of your defiance in the face of complete disarray at Utd) that you're still pushing the 'too 4' line though.

Just suffered arguably the worst humiliation in rich Utd's history and one of the biggest ever in League Cup history and you're bullish about the top 4 this year.

Bravo Sir.


Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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Yeah, I won't be able to watch it until late tonight. So I'm going on "silent" for the rest of the afternoon.


Arsene does a lot of things right, but over the years his "blind spots" have become clearer for me. Up until this year, he seemed to refuse to believe there was a chronic injury problem. He also seems to have one for depth. 


I won't be revisionist, since I felt Sanogo looked decent enough in his outings last year and over the summer. But right after we signed Sanchez, I was already worried about our depth on defense. It wasn't even just depth, it was straight up bodies—to me, we didn't have enough. 


Not every club can pull Aguero, Negredo, Jovetic off the bench. It's just not realistic for all but a handful of clubs. But with the way Arsene's spending—he's not even remotely balancing the in/out (currently -£42M)—maybe in the winter or next summer we'll add more pieces. He just can't be forced to buy (annoyingly).


But our cross-town rivals offer a nice cautionary tale of spending money to simply spend money and come away with 100M pounds of crap, because you had to do all your spending at once. 


Well Sanogo always turn out to be pretty useful in my Football Manger games, so there that.

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Do you wake up in the morning and have to reaffirm that "I'm going to be an outright **** today." Or is it just who you naturally are?

its more along the lines of who you are, friend. That or an idiot, take your choice.


You support the same team I do and you know which playmaker I'm referring to.  Because Ramsey never generates any goal scoring opportunities for us? We have several playmakers, Santi, Ozil, but obviously they're not out.

your statement: "OUR playmaker" as in singular. Only. Main one. And that statement would be incorrect because Ramsey is not the only one or even the main one.

The truth is Ozil is the main playmaker. Has been since he arrived. Ramsey creates, but its Ozil. All Arsenal fans are supposed to know this.

If you said our midfield engine is out or even best player is out. Then I would not have replied to your post.


Your optimism is fine, but we're a weakened side that's out of sync at the moment. If the Norwich and Stokes of the world can sneak a goal on us, so can these Turks.

We havent played Norwich or Stoke this season.

and your pessimism is also fine (of which you display a lot) but Bestikas is a weak side who werent even that good last week at home. Turkish teams do not travel well and Arsenal dont lose to weak sides at the Emirates. Im worried about the weekend against Lecister because premiership matches are different and the refs adjudicate differently. Arsenal will qualify today and probably do it easily.

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Speak for yourself.

The Lge Cup has always been one of my favourite competitions. I used to love the two legged first round and a trip to a club you'd never play. It gets you a day out at Wembley if you go all the way and European football locked up in the Spring. It's only in the years of the 'greed is good' league that disgraceful managers (of which Benitez was one) have denigrated it by putting out weakened sides. You start the season in England, there's only 3 competitions domestically you can win. The Football League Cup is a major trophy. But if you'd read me regularly on here you'd know my view on this.

It is rather endearing (in terms of your defiance in the face of complete disarray at Utd) that you're still pushing the 'too 4' line though.

Just suffered arguably the worst humiliation in rich Utd's history and one of the biggest ever in League Cup history and you're bullish about the top 4 this year.

Bravo Sir.



Well there's a wee bit on the line with a top 4 finish, I.E the future of the club. What would and F.A cup and finishing 7th do for United exactly? There are extenuating circumstances this year unfortunately. The loss is terrible from an aesthetic point of view but in the grand scheme of things it's meaningless. In order to not go the way of Liverpool in the early 90s United HAVE to get back in to the CL. If that means playing 40 games this season, so be it.

Edited by LVSkinz
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Well there's a wee bit on the line with a top 4 finish, I.E the future of the club. What would and F.A cup and finishing 7th do for United exactly? There are extenuating circumstances this year unfortunately.

Listen to yourself. Years of success have spoiled you. 

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Listen to yourself. Years of success have spoiled you. 


I want the club I've support for 24 years to maintain the status they have worked so hard to gain. Fergie loved playing in the F.A Cup (Apart from the year he forfitted from it and I still hold some resentment toward him for that) but this season is unique. Why would I want to see the club I support or, in order to not offend GHH, am a fan of plummet?

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If we lose, Wenger out! :P

If we win and qualify, Alderweireld, Carvalho, and Cavani in!


Please do the latter. Alderweirdhair and Carvalho would be brilliant bits of business if Sporting can be talked down from their original asking price, although Carvalho has the ability to live up to that price IMO, especially with the cover Wilshire and Ramsey can give him.

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The price of carvalho doesn't seem to be the stumbling block. it's the loan-back. 


Send Diaby over or Coq (whoever we have left).


Asking for a loan back is just a stalling tactic. Why would Arsenal even consider it he's played in the CL and the World Cup and it's a position of need.

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