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To all EPL fans here, my apologies for my last rant/post.


It was not directed at any folks here - I just had it after watching too much ESPNFC and listening/reading about how great the EPL sides are. ย As I listened, all I heard was how the UCL semi-finals would be all EPL while they took over the world. ย I just over-reacted.


Go Sevilla. ย 


By the way, my feelings about Mou (and Chelski overall) remain the same - they are the scum of the earth.

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Don't understand this at all.

Mr Dependable. In that role, he's amongst the top 3 in the league. Just does his job and does it well whilst continuing to be totally underrated by the majority of our support. I really want to see Can getting more and more games. But he's still learning and is relatively inexperienced at this level. Why take away the only other option we have for the role?

He's not heavy on the wage bill and he'll garner a next to nottin' transfer fee. Far more beneficial to us than not all things considered IMHO.

Strong rumour is he and BR had a bust up the end of last week. Hence why he was completely omitted from the squad for Stoke.

Ridiculous how the manager holds grudges.



Only thing I can think of is Kovacic may still be in the cards or Rossiter is ready to make the move up.

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I'm missing a great one


The defendings been abysmal both sides but man has it been a real enjoyable watch with some storming goals. Oh yeah, and a Seville comeback from 4-1 down. Just what you want as a fan. To be entertained.

Another half hour is just perfect.

Come on Seville extra time!


Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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Back to head-spinning...to those of you more, in the know, across the pond...whuch of these potential Arsenal xfers seems most likely. & you can pick more than 1:

1) KB....hearing it's all but done as per ESPN...which is a bit more strict when it comes to reporting via sources (confirmed or otherwise)

2) Draxler...this one seems like a 50/50 to me. Haven't heard anything official of late, but the rumor mill is hotting up on that one.

3) Gรถtze...i just can't believe he's really available, & if word got out that he was, the only thing that i feel would get him to the Emirates would be him basically demanding AFC, & only AFC. At least 8 club would outbid us, i'm afraid.

I have this one at less than 10% chance.

4) Krychowiak....i would almost think this the most likely, & most typical of Wenger. Also...this sounds just like the kind of buy that happens at the 11th hour.

5) Lavezzi....don't buy it for a second. But this one is flying off the handle right now. Everything about it is so out of place though.

& finally...

6) Cavani...if i had to choose between Cavani or Benzema......can i choose Mรผller? Draxler (word is AW wants to play him as a striker a'la Henry)? Or 4 players that equal either fee? Still, Cavani is the better of the 2 if forced to choose.

Personlly, i feel that Cavani would play well in the EPL, while i think KB woukd struggle. Cavani is an engine who can provide as well as poach...but poaching is something of a specialty. He's also very good on set pieces, & plays lanes WAAAAY better than KB.

If i were a betting man (& i'm not), then i would go with 1, & 2. 1 because of what i'm reading, & 2 because it makes a lot of sense.

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Krychowiak with his low release clause is the most realistic.ย 


Not sure how many times Madrid and Benzema, just like Lacozette and Reus, need to say he's definitely not leaving before lame ass journals finally get the message. Can't see any other big name leaving Munich after Schweinsteiger. Maybe you panic and go for one of the PSG forwards but I'd say the Sevilla man is the most realistic out of those. And rumours are building he's high on Wengers want list.ย 



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