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Tea Party Facts: Random links and notes:


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The teaparty comments and threads all seem to have the same basic format. Comments without links...


Tea Party Activists Unveil 'Contract from America'

Has the contract From America with the top 10 items.


Top 5 myths: Stinging from the Wash Post, but not horrible.

Later i'll get the leaders of the top 20 groups... to see if they are Repubs:

[add more links here]

If your anti-Teaparty (TRY) and find a link that is good.

If your pro- Teaparty (TRY) and find a link that is bad.

PLEASE: Use real newsites: Newsmax, KOS, Onion, Briebart, Wash Examiner, don't count.

Huffington Post is on the edge....

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From your link Burgold: I know you meant this to show they arent funded by repubs as the topic was supposed to be ;)

Meckler of Tea Party Patriots on Tea Party Express: "[T]hey raise money for Republicans." Weigel reported on October 2, 2009, that Mark Meckler, a national coordinator for Tea Party Patriots, said, "Tea Party Patriots are very dissatisfied with the Republican Party -- we have nothing against Our Country Deserves Better PAC, but they raise money for Republicans."

A good one from the Huffington Post:


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Actually, my goal was to just to find data on the issue. I skimmed the articles to see if they seemed reasonable and posted them. There are several articles about GOP PR firms being major sources of funding, but I thought this was a facts thread. So, I tried to make some available.

I think money is telling in politics and so we should consider who chooses to fund what.

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Actually, my goal was to just to find data on the issue. I skimmed the articles to see if they seemed reasonable and posted them. There are several articles about GOP PR firms being major sources of funding, but I thought this was a facts thread. So, I tried to make some available.

I think money is telling in politics and so we should consider who chooses to fund what.

100% correct. When we are done with this maybe we can look into who funded the Obama campaign and compare the two???:D Might be an interesting comparison.

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This thread has the potential to be a powder keg, anyways...I have nothing good to say about the TP and I'll just leave it at that.

What really caught my eye, is that you said the HuffPost isn't really a news site. Yes, it does have blogs and op-ed pieces, but it also has written articles by world renown authors on a regular basis. I'm also not going to pretend that the site doesn't have an obvious slant, but it does post the facts.

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100% correct. When we are done with this maybe we can look into who funded the Obama campaign and compare the two???:D Might be an interesting comparison.

Sure. Although, it wouldn't be a particularly surprising revelation if liberals and Democrats supported the Democratic nominee:silly:

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That's true. Corps and high rollers generally fund both sides these days, although they may tilt their bet based on the Vegas odds. The Dems were highly favored last time, so most of the smart money went in that direction. I wouldn't be surprised if this go around quite a few people switched and placed more bets on the Republican horses.

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Observing that this topic (funding for Obama) is OT, but . . .

Oh, I have no doubt that lots of big, evil corporations and big, evil fat cats donated to Obama, (And to the Democrats, in general), in the last election.

Because they knew they were going to win.

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This thread has the potential to be a powder keg, anyways...I have nothing good to say about the TP and I'll just leave it at that.

What really caught my eye, is that you said the HuffPost isn't really a news site. Yes, it does have blogs and op-ed pieces, but it also has written articles by world renown authors on a regular basis. I'm also not going to pretend that the site doesn't have an obvious slant, but it does post the facts.

If you spent more time reading you would notice:

I said Breibart was not a news site and Huffington Post was "Close".

I also posted an article from the Huffington Post later. (one from cbs, one abc, one from washington post)

I am for the teaparty so i posted 2 articles against it. (See how that works on getting some perspective?) you are forced to look at what you don't wish to acknowledge. Its refreshing..

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I am for the teaparty so i posted 2 articles against it. (See how that works on getting some perspective?) you are forced to look at what you don't wish to acknowledge. Its refreshing..

Either you are turning your backs on a problem you do not wish to acknowledge, or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster represented by the presence of a pool table in your community.

(Completely pointless, OT, musical reference. I just like the line.)

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If you spent more time reading you would notice:

I said Breibart was not a news site and Huffington Post was "Close".

I also posted an article from the Huffington Post later. (one from cbs, one abc, one from washington post)

I am for the teaparty so i posted 2 articles against it. (See how that works on getting some perspective?) you are forced to look at what you don't wish to acknowledge. Its refreshing..

1. You said it was close, that clearly means that you don't think it's a news site. If you went to the bathroom room and said you got close to the toilet...that means you missed the mark. I don't think you know what you said.

2. I've seen all the perspectives of the tea party, thats why I don't like them so much. Even if I were to post a positive article, I would think it was BS and it wouldn't change my perspective. Did posting those links change your perspective?

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86 Days to Decide: Activists Say Tea Party Imposters Infiltrating Elections

Gillman, who also authors the blog "Michigan Taxes Too Much" and is running for county commissioner, caused a stir in Michigan politics in late July after he released documents he obtained from state elections officials about the so-called Michigan Tea Party. The documents, he said, showed that of the 23 candidates under the Tea Party name, at least nine of them had affidavits notarized by a local operative for the Oakland County Democratic Party. He said that was the "smoking gun" to prove Democratic involvement -- on top of concerns he and other Tea Partiers had that the candidates on the ticket did not have Tea Party backgrounds.

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He said that was the "smoking gun" to prove Democratic involvement -- on top of concerns he and other Tea Partiers had that the candidates on the ticket did not have Tea Party backgrounds.

What's a Tea Party background? It's all grassroots, right?

I could declare myself a Tea Partier and there is no one to vet me.

Anyway, the Tea Partiers are intentionally on the verge of costing Republicans the Colordao governor's mansion as well as a Florida Senate seat (after they cost Republicans NY 23)...so....the Democrats are just helping the Tea Partiers do what they do best. Splitting conservative votes and allowing Democrats to win.

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Are they serious with this? They want to write the entire tax code in 4,500 words? This is why the Tea Party is a ****ing joke, they have no clue how things actually work. They have no idea what it actually takes to govern a country of 300,000,000 people and think bull**** "common-sense solutions" will work without actually looking at the complexity and nuance that is necessary to do things in the real world.

(4) Enact Fundamental Tax Reform: Adopt a simple and fair single-rate tax system by scrapping the internal revenue code and replacing it with one that is no longer than 4,543 words -- the length of the original Constitution

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What's a Tea Party background? It's all grassroots' date=' right?

I could declare myself a Tea Partier and there is no one to vet me.

Anyway, the Tea Partiers are intentionally on the verge of costing Republicans the Colordao governor's mansion as well as a Florida Senate seat (after they cost Republicans NY 23)...so....the Democrats are just helping the Tea Partiers do what they do best. Splitting conservative votes and allowing Democrats to win.[/quote']

Ohhhh, see I thought the lefts line was that the Tea Party was just a thinly veiled front for the GOP.

Which is it?

Tea Partiers also took away Ted Kennedys seat in MA, won the Governorship in NJ and are giving Dems fits in California.

They also exposed a liberal claiming to be a conservative in Florida (take a look at Crists platform before he got beat by Rubio and then look at what it is today).

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Without the help of the Tea Party movement, neither would be in the position they are in currently.

But not in the way you think. The TP took votes away from their competition (but the votes didn't all go to them).

It's like thanking Ross Perot and saying how successful his movement was for Bill Clinton's win.

Besides, Whitman's $100+ million spent (as of today) says otherwise. She didn't need the tp'ers to beat the better candidate. She had the $'s to saturate the airwaves and create numerous false ads.

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1. You said it was close, that clearly means that you don't think it's a news site. If you went to the bathroom room and said you got close to the toilet...that means you missed the mark. I don't think you know what you said.

2. I've seen all the perspectives of the tea party, thats why I don't like them so much. Even if I were to post a positive article, I would think it was BS and it wouldn't change my perspective. Did posting those links change your perspective?

Again: I posted an article from the site and have in the past also. There is a difference between hitting the bowl and news/opinion / status of a website. But for someone that can't stop posting while not following the rules i can't expect much from you can i?

Reading both sides does change your perspective..

(Thats the point).

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Tea Partiers hate Fiorina. They wanted Devore.

The Tea Party has grown into a Frankenstein's Monster that the GOP hasn't quite figured out what to do with.

I've never argued that it was a GOP creation. I always argued that it was simply a front for other conservative groups that have always existed. It's not "New" and it's not "Non-partisan." It's a movement of conservative extremists. And it's going to eventually eat the GOP whole.

As proclaimed by Noted Tea Partier Jim Robinson of Free Republic.

I’ll never vote for a RINO again. They’ll screw you in the end every time!! I’ll write-in DeVore if I have to.

This is the year of the Tea Party Rebellion.

It’s open season on RINOS!! No bag limit!!

Vote the ****s out and keep them OUT!!

30 posted on Friday, May 14, 2010 2:42:07 PM by Jim Robinson (JUST VOTE THEM OUT! teapartyexpress.org)

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Ohhhh, see I thought the lefts line was that the Tea Party was just a thinly veiled front for the GOP.

Which is it?

It's both.

Some people can hold two contradictory but politically convenient frames without feeling the urge to reconcile them. You should be well aware of that from personal experience ;)

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It's both.

Some people can hold two contradictory but politically convenient frames without feeling the urge to reconcile them. You should be well aware of that from personal experience ;)

There's a miscommunication here. The Tea Party is not a spontaneous grass-roots movement. It's a new expression of a lot of old conservative war horses in a new guise. If you notice, it's the same cast of characters showing up at Tea Party events - Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Alan Keyes, Joseph Farah, etc. This is why Free Republic and the birthers and others have latched on.

It's not an RNC creation - though, at this moment, the RNC would be lucky to create anything. But it is a conservative creation. And it's goal is to elect Republicans.

Thankfully - though - the people running it can't get out of their own way.

(I should also point out, the original "tea party" movement was made up of Ron Paul supporters. It has been stolen from them and they have been purged - more or less. There are dip****s like ABCQDFTSFCOWBOY who thinks that it's still a Ron Paul Libertarian movement. But he's stupid so ignore him).

From what I can tell, the only true Tea Party success so far has been Scott Brown. And, the Tea Partiers already hate him because he is a RINO by their definition.

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