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New Monday Morning Quarterback Video: Albert Haynesworth and the Letter C


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Those are good names, but I think I'm just gonna use Flabbylovehandle from here on out. That's been my online "handle" for years, and I know for sure that am the original Flabbylovehandle. Besides, eventually I'm gonna branch out and talk about books, movies, and other interests that I have. So Flabbylovehandle is more versatile.

Hmmmm... how original and it works. :)

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For the love of God, Zoom out a bit! I feel claustrophobic watching these things. Try framing the shot with your chest/shoulders on the bottom and leave some space above your head. It's called a medium close-up, try it!

Other than the poor filmmaking, its pretty funny stuff. Keep it up.

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The C is for cookie song was AMAZING! Ahahahahaha I could not stop laughing!

The picture where he goes "The moon looks like a C, but you can not eat that" was PERFECT.

Hahahaha but I deduct you points, because that made me like Al a little lol


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Some criticism:

+Loved most of the descriptions you came up with

+Loved the pictures you added in

+I thought the song was perfect

-The intro isn't necessary and the only part I actually enjoyed was the song and slideshow

-The word CUT should've been the last one you had

-Child Support, I think, is a low blow. Especially considering there are many people here in similar situations. It's all circumstantial.

Just food for thought.

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For the love of God, Zoom out a bit! I feel claustrophobic watching these things. Try framing the shot with your chest/shoulders on the bottom and leave some space above your head. It's called a medium close-up, try it!

Other than the poor filmmaking, its pretty funny stuff. Keep it up.

Hmmmm....I am sure he wasn't able to get George Lucas's camera team. :pfft:

Maybe that is his style. Every artist has a style. Your style might be different then his.

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Some criticism:

+Loved most of the descriptions you came up with

+Loved the pictures you added in

+I thought the song was perfect

-The intro isn't necessary and the only part I actually enjoyed was the song and slideshow

-The word CUT should've been the last one you had

-Child Support, I think, is a low blow. Especially considering there are many people here in similar situations. It's all circumstantial.

Just food for thought.

i agree with this.

except i dont have a problem with 'child support' (but i admit its probably cuz i dont have to pay it :) ) i think its just a comment on (one of) his latest debacles. no harm meant to anyone who has to pay child support, i'm sure.

gotta emphasize, the song and video with it were very funny. besides the intro where you may or may not look like a serial killer who wants to eat my liver with a nice chianti, very clever. :)

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For the love of God, Zoom out a bit! I feel claustrophobic watching these things. Try framing the shot with your chest/shoulders on the bottom and leave some space above your head. It's called a medium close-up, try it!

Other than the poor filmmaking, its pretty funny stuff. Keep it up.

Ouch! This one stings because I know you're right and I DO know better. I was upset with a lot of the shots from COC for that very reason, but rather than reshoot them (because I lost my voice doing the cult member character) I just slapped em together, figuring that my primary audience (friends and family) wouldn't care. I wasn't expecting Roger Ebert.

Calling it poor filmmaking is not appropriate though, just poor digital cinematography.

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I just slapped em together, figuring that my primary audience (friends and family) wouldn't care. I wasn't expecting Roger Ebert.

Expect an "Ebert" when you publicly call out for everyone to check out your stuff.

If your primary audience is friends and family just send them the links and let them spread the word.

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