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Westbrook can't take seriously: Adults who play videogames.


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Seriously, let's stop kidding around. I just read a story that half of American adults play video games. I have very clear and strong opinions about the state of our country and most of them come from the sedentary soft state of the "men" in our society. Video games? Come on.

I come across "adults" occasionally who like to spend their free time playing video games. What a joke. Hours and hours of COD4, WOW, WWJD?, etc. What a waste of time. Can anyone imagine their goddamn grandfather sitting down and relaxing with a nice round of Donkey Kong? He would slap the goddamn controller out of your hand if you even offered it to him.

I even had some Marines have the gall to tell me that playing COD4 makes them better at their job. Get a life. I don't care how realistic the graphics are; pushing buttons on a controller in a climate controlled environment is only making you better at one thing; being a ****ing *****.

I like seeing nerds jamming away at their Guitar Hero or whatever the hell it is thinking they are performing; pitiful. Hello, myfly, you are pushing buttons on a guitar shaped controller. It could be shaped like a banana or football helmet and not change the game play whatsoever. When you are "good" you have simply displayed to the world that you just have less of a life and social interaction than the rest of your peers and you have effectively learned how to push buttons in repetition that coincide with the colors flashing on the screen. How must that make you feel?

I know that based off of the percentages, we have tons of "adults" who spend hours a day wasting their life away talking to their online gamer friends on their PS3 or the like. Let me sum up my feelings: you are a loser. Grow up.

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I just got back from Japan and during lunch time all you see are old guys in business suits jamming it out in one of the arcades that are on every corner. Little kids getting fat and unhealthy because all they do is play video games is bad, but you can also blame that on the fact that American's ourselves are lazy and do every thing lazy. Video games aren't the problem, our culture is.

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I've been playing videogames since I was 5. I've been playing online games since I was 14. Not always for fun either. I used to compete for money in games like Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, Call of Duty, and Call of Duty 2 which required a level of skill and dedication that was higher than any sport I've ever been involved with. I played baseball on select league teams from 3rd grade and on the school team until my junior year of high school. I played football from 5th grade to my senior year of high school. I started 3 years on varsity at middle linebacker and fullback up until I tore up my knee in practice one day and needed surgery.

I have had a lot of competition and a lot of fun activities in my lifetime. As you grow older and you deal with work, college and relationships, it becomes important to have some activities that you personally do for leisure to pass the time. I work full time, am taking a full schedule of classes toward my degree in secondary education, and as of this weekend plan on being engaged since she has been begging me to propose for almost a year now.

Playing a sport as an adult can be costly, time consuming, and in spite of my rehab I worry about my knee, and my health in the future so I don't join an adult baseball or football league. I enjoy movies, I have a rifle collection I fire fairly regularly, I do things out in the world such as canoeing in the summer, riding bikes- heck I started my training this week for my ride in almost 2 months from Bethesda to Gettysburg to benefit the Wounded Warrior Project, but on some weeknights I find it fun, relaxing, and cheap to just sit back, load up a game, and play for an hour or so with friends of mine.

But no, I suppose I'm some sort of an ******* for doing that. Sorry for posting at 4:18 AM, but I'm the kind of guy that can't be taken seriously. I just stayed up all night writing a 10 page essay. It's not due for a few weeks but when I get on a roll I keep working. I'll go to sleep now, I have to wake up in 4 hours to walk 20 blocks to another class of mine.

Sure would be nice to have something simple and entertaining to unwind to, but I wouldn't want to look like some soft sedentary ******* in the eyes of someone who thinks they're better than me.

Oh yeah and I found the comment about past generations amusing. My grandfather, a 9 month combat veteran in WW2 as a rifleman, recipient of a bronze star and silver star as well as the purple heart he received from being shot 4 times in the leg by an MG42 that was raking the bodies of his company which had been wiped out in the town of Siegen in 1945 gave me a great christmas present the year he died: a videogame. He thought they were pretty interesting in spite of the fact that he never wanted to try them, and figured that if I was good at it and enjoyed it that was good enough for him. But I suppose that he was a soft guy also. Sitting under shellfire from a superior opponent for 12 hours and watching people get, as he said, "shrapnel up their asses and out the top of their heads" as some people who sat in the fetal position were prone to experiencing usually makes you a soft person.

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I've been playing videogames since I was 5. I've been playing online games since I was 14. Not always for fun either. I used to compete for money in games like Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, Call of Duty, and Call of Duty 2 which required a level of skill and dedication that was higher than any sport I've ever been involved with. I played baseball on select league teams from 3rd grade and on the school team until my junior year of high school. I played football from 5th grade to my senior year of high school. I started 3 years on varsity at middle linebacker and fullback up until I tore up my knee in practice one day and needed surgery.

I have had a lot of competition and a lot of fun activities in my lifetime. As you grow older and you deal with work, college and relationships, it becomes important to have some activities that you personally do for leisure to pass the time. I work full time, am taking a full schedule of classes toward my degree in secondary education, and as of this weekend plan on being engaged since she has been begging me to propose for almost a year now.

Playing a sport as an adult can be costly, time consuming, and in spite of my rehab I worry about my knee, and my health in the future so I don't join an adult baseball or football league. I enjoy movies, I have a rifle collection I fire fairly regularly, I do things out in the world such as canoeing in the summer, riding bikes- heck I started my training this week for my ride in almost 2 months from Bethesda to Gettysburg to benefit the Wounded Warrior Project, but on some weeknights I find it fun, relaxing, and cheap to just sit back, load up a game, and play for an hour or so with friends of mine.

But no, I suppose I'm some sort of an ******* for doing that. Sorry for posting at 4:18 AM, but I'm the kind of guy that can't be taken seriously. I just stayed up all night writing a 10 page essay. It's not due for a few weeks but when I get on a roll I keep working. I'll go to sleep now, I have to wake up in 4 hours to walk 20 blocks to another class of mine.

Sure would be nice to have something simple and entertaining to unwind to, but I wouldn't want to look like some soft sedentary ******* in the eyes of someone who thinks they're better than me.

Oh yeah and I found the comment about past generations amusing. My grandfather, a 9 month combat veteran in WW2 as a rifleman, recipient of a bronze star and silver star as well as the purple heart he received from being shot 4 times in the leg by an MG42 that was raking the bodies of his company which had been wiped out in the town of Siegen in 1945 gave me a great christmas present the year he died: a videogame. He thought they were pretty interesting in spite of the fact that he never wanted to try them, and figured that if I was good at it and enjoyed it that was good enough for him. But I suppose that he was a soft guy also. Sitting under shellfire from a superior opponent for 12 hours and watching people get, as he said, "shrapnel up their asses and out the top of their heads" as some people who sat in the fetal position were prone to experiencing usually makes you a soft person.

:owned: again
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Who cares what people do as their hobby? That is no way to judge somebody.

If it makes people happy, why should they change? There are plenty of people that play video games who are better humans and more trustworthy than Mr. "I'm a man, I'm 40."

My grandfather played tons of solitaire and other card games. I wonder if his great grand daddy was mad that he wasn't shucking corn or working on wagons in his free time? You sound bitter towards people who are content with their lives. The bottom line is that you can't help but to get mad at other people for liking extremely popular things you simply have no interest in. If I had to guess, you probably have a deep pain inside that makes you lash out at others. Perhaps you're the one that WE can't take seriously.

For instance, saying that Marines need to "get a life" has to be one of the stupidest things I've ever read, even if you are one.

Of all the damn things to get mad at, you look at something perfectly harmless. People draw cartoons, people play cards, people do this and that...I never understood the notion that people get mad at something because they see it as "childish." If building train sets or painting is your thing, than that's your thing. It's okay to do, even if we learned it as a 6 year old. It doesn't make you childish or an adult one way or the other. The way you present yourself, act towards others and manage your life is a direct reflection on your maturity. Not a harmless hobby.

I know plenty of well-spoken, courteous, responsible adults that have a lot of integrity, I'd venture to guess way more than you do, that like video games.

I can't wait 'til we finally see the most truthful post from you, Westbrook Hates: Himself. So He Attacks Others.

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I can't wait 'til we finally see the most truthful post from you, Westbrook Hates: Himself. So He Attacks Others.

Ownage. Again.

Playing video games is no more dilatory than playing cards or backgammon or whatever you think is manly enough to pass muster. You're the one who needs to get a life; you don't have anything better to do than start threads about what makes you sad? I have pet peeves, too - you don't see me starting threads about them every other day. I used to think "WB36 hates whatever" was mildly amusing. I've come to realize it's just pathetic. Have a nice day. :)

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Can anyone imagine their goddamn grandfather sitting down and relaxing with a nice round of Donkey Kong? He would slap the goddamn controller out of your hand if you even offered it to him.

Nothing's changed. Grandpas used to play checkers all day long in the park or chess. Grandmothers and ancient married couples played Bridge or Canasta. Are you really so evil as to confine them to a rocking chair and have them tilt back and forth staring blankly at the elevator waiting for you to visit. Which you don't! Not often enough! And do you even call!

Oh, you spend hundreds of hours twittering away on that inter-thingy, griping and grousing like a little ole bitty, but what about your little ole bitty! When was the last time you fixed her leaking faucet or took her out to dinner or mowed her lawn! No, you just want to take away her diversion and why... because you're cheap! When your mother and father who sacrificed for years for you and did everything for you ask for a little diversion, want to have a moment of relaxation and fun... you're too lazy to go get them a game and too cheap to buy anything for them.

Westbrook! Call your mother! Call her and apologize right now!

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Video games are for cool people. Simple as that

Even for cool adults. The notion of adults being unable to play video games because it's immature or anything is very antiquated thought. In today's modern era nearly every adult plays video games, and they are proud of it.

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Why wouldn't I come back? Because the nerd brigade put down their controllers and stopped playing space invaders long enough to get up in arms about my correct assertions? Get real.

Video game dorks do so in order to achieve things they never could in real life. Hey, look at me, I'm playing the guitar! Hey, look at me, I'm killing the bad guy! Right.

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Notice how Westy NEVER returns to these threads.

What a :censored:

Post one link of one thread that I have started that I haven't returned and posted in later. Just one. Should not be hard since I NEVER return to these threads.

Just one. We'll be waiting. Put down your fake guitar with 4 colored buttons on it for a second and get on it, ACW.

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Why wouldn't I come back? Because the nerd brigade put down their controllers and stopped playing space invaders long enough to get up in arms about my correct assertions? Get real.


Space Invaders? Wow, that takes me back. I remember playing that when I was ten. (For what's it's worth I would have picked Jr. Ms. Pacman to prod us with)

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Why wouldn't I come back? Because the nerd brigade put down their controllers and stopped playing space invaders long enough to get up in arms about my correct assertions? Get real.

Video game dorks do so in order to achieve things they never could in real life. Hey, look at me, I'm playing the guitar! Hey, look at me, I'm killing the bad guy! Right.

Calling people names and making fun of them is much more immature than playing a game. I can easily see your dialog coming from some bully in a 5th grade classroom.

What's wrong with people flexing their imaginations? For some reason all of us must aspire to become William Wallace or Eric Clapton as adults. That or a friggen robot. Why does everything have to be so damn serious? You want to play guitar? Fine. You want to play a guitar game? Fine by me. Let me worry about something that affects me a little bit more than 0%

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