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Urban Meyer resigns... someone's gotta say it


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Your speculation is unbelievable.....even for Dan Snyder. Urban Meyer would be a horrible pro coach...Tim Tebow can't play QB in the pros. Don't worry at all. Urban will sit it out, and Tebow will get drafted in the 4th or 5th round to some doofus team that doesn't know any better. Hopefully Allen will save Danny from himself, but the proof will be in the pudding. The gigantic spread offense does not translate into the pros. You have to have at least a little protection. It's a joke. See Steve Spurrier. It will be fun to see what happens.

It will be fun, after the draft, to see if Bruce Allen is really running this show or not. And we will know immediately. I sure hope he is.

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He has a heart valve defect, and he is not leaving Florida he is going to stay on with a job title to be named latter.

If he ever coaches again which is doubtful it will be at Florida or some other university.

He has never been an NFL fan and rarely watches NFL games. He will never coach in the NFL.

Where did you get this info?

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Stay the **** away from Urban Meyer. The era of the college coach coming to a NFL program and being successful ended after Jimmy Johnson tried it in the early 90's. No success story in the NCAA's has gone to the NFL and succeeded since. It's a different ball game.

Anyways I doubt we will be hearing from Urb again for a while, at least when it comes to coaching. His medical conditions will keep him away from coaching from a while, coaching can be a ***** , we know from Joe Gibbs, who used to sleep in his Redskins Park offices. Urb is burned out and don't expect to see him hired anytime soon.

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from all indications he is a man of high character and he wouldn't blatantly lie about his reasons for leaving.



just look at all the character he showed any time one of his players did something stupid, like, say falling asleep punch drunk at the wheel of his car at 2:30 in the morning in an intersection on campus. or attempts to eye gouge an opponent.

i don't know urban meyer any more than you, but i'm not sure where you get your "he is a man of high character" from.

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