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An honest request: Please stop the name calling on Campbell


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Calling someone "Lips" is racist? :laugh:

My best friend is white and has huge lips like JLC, we called him lips all of the time.

Let me guess, Mush Mouth is somehow racist also?

As someone already mentioned, context matters. How you refer to your friend's lips can be completely different to how someone else might be bringing it up in the context of JC. That should be pretty obvious.

At any rate, it is clear that some people will continue with the name-calling, but thanks to the OP for raising the issue and giving others an opportunity to voice their opinion. I haven't really liked the name calling and was glad to see this thread pop up so that I could say so.

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I don't think the name itself is insulting. Mostly by now, that one is just old and annoying. It is the way it is used. Context matters. When you see posts by people who call him that over and over it becomes very clear that they aren't using it once in a while in a light hearted messing around kind of way. Some people here will use any ammo they can find to demean or trash the guy. So that name itself is just from a commercial and is silly but old by now. But people use it for a certain effect.

As far as the "Simple Jason" thing goes, that is the main one that gets me. There have been plenty of posts by some people here where they call him and idiot, a moron, stupid, etc. When even that wasn't enough for them they decided to liken him to a mentally retarded character from a movie. That sort of thing is a far cry from something like "noodle arm" or "clinton tortoise", etc. It is not talking about football performance (and please, spare me the "but...maybe they're just talking about his slow release or missing plays on the field something on the field" nonsense). It is a name meant to be personally and pointedly demeaning to Campbell and is, like the Candle stuff, used by some in posts to bolster rants about how much they can't stand him. Really? That is seriously the way you discuss football play and express your views on why you think a player should be starting or not? As has been said in this thread, it is degrading, immature, and brings down the level of discourse to the lowest common denominator.

I've seen plenty of well thought out, logical posts by people who don't want Campbell to start, etc and they have made their points very well without the need to throw in stupid personal jabs or, essentially, call him retarded at the same time. I guess this thread got into the mentality of "stop saying anything bad about Campbell" or something. That wasn't what I meant when I started it. Bash Campbell all you want. You don't want him to play? Fine, explain why. But why stoop to such a low level to where your best ammunition is calling the guy retarded? And if you can't see the difference between a name like "Jason Checkdown", or something like that, and "Simple Jason" (knowing what it refers to), then I really don't know what to tell you.

Well put, thanks. Such a stark contrast to some of the truly idiotic rantings that pollute this thread.

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Not really, at all. His posts make him look like an idiot. I don't know him well enough to call him one.

However, posts like the one that I'm quoting below aren't arguing that fact:

You do realize that one doesn't have to be part of a group to stand up for that group, right? Did you miss the civil rights movement altogether?

And referring to black people as those with big lips is a universally-known form of racism that was popular for hundreds of years.

you're slandering him. worse thing u can ever do is label someone as a racist. a guy has big lips and it stands out even for an african american. ben wallace has a big afro, we cant call him big afro now?

do some thinking and know what the circumstance is before u start labeling others as a racist. the nerve on these wanna be prude posters.

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you're slandering him. worse thing u can ever do is label someone as a racist. a guy has big lips and it stands out even for an african american. ben wallace has a big afro, we cant call him big afro now?

do some thinking and know what the circumstance is before u start labeling others as a racist. the nerve on these wanna be prude posters.

Continuing to make yourself look like an idiot.

Understand social and historical context before you make yourself look even worse.

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And in what way would that be? Why dont you take a little stroll through my post history. You will read me saying positive AND negative things about JC... You will also find that I like to post about football in general and not just about JC.

So, if you please, explain what my obsession is?

that way would be defending someone like he is your family member when u dont even know the guy. hard to understand?

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that way would be defending someone like he is your family member when u dont even know the guy. hard to understand?

Hypocrisy, again.

We're defending the concept, not Campbell specifically. Also, if he is defending him, then he is defending him from an equal attack. What does that mean? That you all are attacking him like you know him.

Brilliant reasoning yet again.

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Continuing to make yourself look like an idiot.

Understand social and historical context before you make yourself look even worse.

enough with the race card buddy. if the guy has big lips , he has big lips. his nick given by others is luscious. talking about his lips. so that's ok too pal? it's still talking about his lips? social and historical context? what the hell does his big lips have to do with social and historical context when we are talking about somebody in the present? what is this u.s history 101 now? yo, this guy is going around labeling people as a racist. what the hell is this guy all about seriously?

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Hmmm. I have an outstanding recommendation. Folks in this thread need to have a few hundred cc's,(one of you a few thousand cc's),of Lighten Up. Like right now.

If posters stop mocking mental disabilities, aren't racist, have logical arguments, and don't utilize a ridiculously immature method of trying to debate something, then my posts in this thread will cease.

I expect to be called out on it if/when I do it, too.

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enough with the race card buddy. if the guy has big lips , he has big lips. his nick given by others is luscious. talking about his lips. so that's ok too pal? it's still talking about his lips? social and historical context? what the hell does his big lips have to do with social and historical context when we are talking about somebody in the present? what is this u.s history 101 now? yo, this guy is going around labeling people as a racist. what the hell is this guy all about seriously?

If you have to ask, then you clearly don't know what you're talking about.

Go ask anyone who lives through the sixties or prior and you'll see how prevalent the lips comment was. What's next, calling him a monkey? Do you know that one, either?

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If you have to ask, then you clearly don't know what you're talking about.

Go ask anyone who lives through the sixties or prior and you'll see how prevalent the lips comment was. What's next, calling him a monkey? Do you know that one, either?

u missed the part when i said " present" also, u have no idea in what context he said it in. was it a racial tone? u're the one making it that way. the worse kind of people are the kind that slander and label others as a racist cause being a racist is the worst thing u can be. you would like to purposely ruin that guy and label him as a racist wouldnt u? get real buddy.

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that way would be defending someone like he is your family member when u dont even know the guy. hard to understand?

If I defended the guy like you say... "like he was a family member" I would never say anything bad about him. Which clearly I have. Did you even bother to check my post history? You have to be one of the most ignorant and tactless posters I have even had the pleasure of opining with...

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u missed the part when i said " present" also, u have no idea in what context he said it in. was it a racial tone? u're the one making it that way. the worse kind of people are the kind that slander and label others as a racist cause being a racist is the worst thing u can be. you would like to purposely ruin that guy and label him as a racist wouldnt u? get real buddy.

1) 40-year-olds exist. In the present. :doh:

2) Ignorance of history is idiotic and seems to be par for the course here.

3) The worst kind of people ARE discriminatory. It's led to the deaths of tens of millions of people.

4) Don't say racist things and you won't be called out for them. Have a sense of responsibility for what you say. I do know the context because I read it in the context of the thread. Go back and read it.

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u missed the part when i said " present" also, u have no idea in what context he said it in. was it a racial tone? u're the one making it that way. the worse kind of people are the kind that slander and label others as a racist cause being a racist is the worst thing u can be. you would like to purposely ruin that guy and label him as a racist wouldnt u? get real buddy.

Moron. That's another thing that's bad to call someone, unless they give you a whole lot of evidence to show that it's true. Otherwise it is slandering and labeling others, which is bad.

Clueless. That's another thing that's bad to call someone, unless they give you a whole lot of evidence to show that it's true. Otherwise it is slandering and labeling others, which is bad.

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By the way, go up to ten black guys on the street, especially those in their 40s or older, and let them know that you've observed that they have big lips.

Then thank goodness that you have health insurance and/or be prepared to look up a lot of new words.

history 101 continues.

i wasnt born in the 40s nor the 60s nor the 70s. but like u, i know my history. slavery did exist if you havent heard and yes, there were white abolitionists. that's right. not all white people were racist. ok, ill stop lecturing you.

and as your anaology about going up to a 40 or older and ......

what malfunction do you have? the guy is talking about jason candle having big lips. why would he go up to jason candle , a person that he doesnt even know to being with and say he hsa big lips. even if a person was white and had an unusally huge lips, u think that guy would go up to that person that he doesnt know personally and first words out of his mouth is "hey, you have big lips?"

rational thinking pal. learn it. the way you take someone's comment and twist it around is mind boggling and sad. LOL

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Moron. That's another thing that's bad to call someone, unless they give you a whole lot of evidence to show that it's true. Otherwise it is slandering and labeling others, which is bad.

Clueless. That's another thing that's bad to call someone, unless they give you a whole lot of evidence to show that it's true. Otherwise it is slandering and labeling others, which is bad.

u and your buddy is the clueless one. read my previous post

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Well put, thanks. Such a stark contrast to some of the truly idiotic rantings that pollute this thread.

Agreed. And right on target.

If posters stop mocking mental disabilities, aren't racist, have logical arguments, and don't utilize a ridiculously immature method of trying to debate something, then my posts in this thread will cease.

I expect to be called out on it if/when I do it, too.

Cliche,at the risk of sounding a bit tyrannical here,you'll stop,(as well as others),when I ask you to so. Just that simple. wdc,I'll be checking this thread out,but consider this a warning. Step up your game or step out.

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