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CNN: RNC members draft new 'socialist' resolution


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That's why the Democratic party has been such a model of monolithic, lockstep, political solidarity for the last 20 years, continuing to this day.

It's also the reason all Obama's proposals just shoot through the supermajority in Congress without any delay or obfuscation. My God, I wish the Dems would put up at least token resistance once in a while.

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To the topic: How are they going to write this creed in such a way that doesn't rule out Sarah Palin's tax payer funded socialist oil pipeline?

No interstates or air traffic control either. If transportation is important, local communities should get together and fund it.

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Bopp said such standards would insulate RNC chairman Michael Steele from the kind of conservative criticism he faced last month for supporting a moderate Republican, Dede Scozzafava, in the special election in New York's 23rd congressional district.
Oh, so this is about decreasing criticism of those who don't march in apparent lockstep with the far right.

And here I was, thinking this was an attempt at groupthink enforcement. How foolish I was.

Thank you, Jim Bopp Junior, for setting me straight.

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No interstates or air traffic control either. If transportation is important, local communities should get together and fund it.

Heck, no military, schools, or courts either. All of those are based on pooled resources. The government divvying up our moola so that everyone gets equal protection regardless of how much they put in. The military is bloody socialist and unAmerican.

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No interstates or air traffic control either. If transportation is important, local communities should get together and fund it.

Please tell me that you are not really that ignorant. There are things that the local community cannot do (military, interstate highways, etc...) and there are things that local communities can do (by local communities - read "private industry")

Do you believe that there are any limits on Government? Are there things that Government should not be doing? Pick your term, but we are evolving into a society of those who won't (notice this is not "can't") do for themselves because the government will take from those who do and give it to them anyway. This is not a long term recipe for success in this country, this is begging for mediocrity to be the norm here. The most Liberal members of the Democrat Party are the ones charting its course. There is nothing "Moderate" about the direction we are headed.

As for the opinion that the Republicans need to go ahead and split up into multiple parties - Nope that would be disastrous and allow a longer continuation of the agenda of the more extreme left wing of the Democrat party. The idea that conservatives need to take back the republican party is not new, it is true that Republicans need to go back to Conservatism and not try to be "democrat-lite" as that has proven woefully inadequate. (But when they get back in power they need to stick by their conservative principals - which so many have found difficult for one reason or another.

rambling rant over...




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Pick your term, but we are evolving into a society of those who won't (notice this is not "can't") do for themselves because the government will take from those who do and give it to them anyway.

I hear this claim a lot, but I am still to see a supporting argument that has numbers in it.

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I hear this claim a lot, but I am still to see a supporting argument that has numbers in it.

Just google "entitlement spending" and pick your source as to how this has grown to unsustainable levels already and we are now looking to add to it:(

Need to find them but there have been studies that show the more you subsidize unemployment, the longer people stay unemployed. (Not a hard concept, you get more of what you subsidize) I am sure if you were truly interested you could find something on this. But I am equally sure you don't want to find anything on this and any proof would be dismissed for any of a variety of baseless reasons like "I don't like the source" so the data must be bad.

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Please tell me that you are not really that ignorant. There are things that the local community cannot do (military, interstate highways, etc...) and there are things that local communities can do (by local communities - read "private industry")

So tell me why local communities (read private industry) cannot provide for military, interstate highways, police, fire, hospitals.

You are arguing that there are somethings that private industry can do and some things that they can't do but the line you draw between the two is entirely arbitrary.

Gov't: defense, roads, air traffic control

Private: health care

The question that I have is why draw the line there? After all we have private roads in our country and they can rival the interstate highways they are called toll roads. We also have private defense contractors, maybe they can do a better job with our national defense.

Please explain to me why you draw the line where you do, because it looks like you drew a line in the dirt and are standing over it as if it was God's will that it was to be.

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My GOP? All I am saying is that there are hypocrites here who are blasting the GOP for emulating THEIR Dem blueprint for success. Whoever was not in lockstep with the Dem agenda (see Lieberman) was castrated, vilified, and jettisoned. Ugly, but effective.

It's really amazing how those that lean right have so much misinformation in their heads.

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Just google "entitlement spending" and pick your source as to how this has grown to unsustainable levels already and we are now looking to add to it:(

I am aware of problems with entitlement spending. I do not see how they support your assertion of some underlying social "nanny state" type changes.

Need to find them but there have been studies that show the more you subsidize unemployment, the longer people stay unemployed. (Not a hard concept, you get more of what you subsidize) I am sure if you were truly interested you could find something on this. But I am equally sure you don't want to find anything on this and any proof would be dismissed for any of a variety of baseless reasons like "I don't like the source" so the data must be bad.

Looking forward to seeing those studies.

As a side note, bad sources are called bad sources because they present bad data, or present good data in a bad way. The flow usually goes "reject data -> reject source", not the other way around. After several such exercises with the same source, people tend to move directly to step 2. It's hard to blame them.

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