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Revolution Muslim (Updated Videos - Last Page)


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I saw these guys on Anderson Cooper 360, and I can not figure out how or why someone hasn't given these guys a solid beat down yet.

The video last night showed them standing in front of a Mosque in New York city handing out Anti American literature. Muslim or not, someone needs to gives these guys a solid American/New York City style beat down.

I have said this many times, but why don't Muslims stand up to the idiots that make their religion look bad? This is a perfect example, instead of taking the literature, why not kick the **** out of these guys?

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......why don't Muslims stand up to the idiots that make their religion look bad?.....

You can't "cartoon" their religion......they riot

You can't blame the religion as a whole....it's not PC

The Liberal Media is paranoid about using terms like Terrorist or Jihad, even though the application is obvious (screaming "Allahu Akbar" while shooting people)....but pull every defense out of the book, Pre-tramatic stress, being picked on for BEING Muslim, built up stress over all those patients stories.......

I agree.........

Muslim need to do a better job at policing their own, and if they don't they are part of the problem

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The Liberal Media is paranoid about using terms like Terrorist or Jihad, even though the application is obvious (screaming "Allahu Akbar" while shooting people)....but pull every defense out of the book, Pre-tramatic stress, being picked on for BEING Muslim, built up stress over all those patients stories.......

Isn't Anderson Cooper on CNN?

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I am curious what you folks would like to see?

Me actually kicking someone's ass? Would that make you feel better?

Yes. Next time you are invited to a secret terrorist meeting, make sure you beat the crap out of someone. :chair:

Please post the video.

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I am curious what you folks would like to see?

Me actually kicking someone's ass? Would that make you feel better?

How about a little more honesty for one

"The Religion of Peace" is a bunch of BS

Not to say that it cannot be peaceful....BUT

How often have we seen Christians pulling this same thing?

Is it as organized?

It it Widespread?

Why are there so many more RADICAL ISLAMISTS?

Radical Islam is more widespread and acceptable

When is the last time you saw Christians Laughing and celebrating when a large part of the Islamic community was bombed?.......We Americans ring our hands and angonize over smart bombs not being smart enough........

Anybody remember the reaction we got from the Palestinians over 9/11?......Innocents being murdered?


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How about a little more honesty for one

"The Religion of Peace" is a bunch of BS

Not to say that it cannot be peaceful....BUT

How often have we seen Christians pulling this same thing?

Is it as organized?

It it Widespread?

Why are there so many more RADICAL ISLAMISTS?

Radical Islam is more widespread and acceptable

Whens the last time you saw Christians Laughing and celebrating when a large part of the Islamic community was bombed?.......we ring our hands and angonize over smart bombs........

Anybody remember the reaction we got from the Palistineans over 9/11?......Innocents being murdered?

Christianity has it's own list of horrors throughout history. In time it evolved.

The differences you are citing are not ones of religious beliefs but of education and the society that interprets religion.

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Christianity has it's own list of horrors throughout history. In time it evolved.
Thats some sort of excuse?..."Its OK....they havn't Evolved yet?"
The differences you are citing are not ones of religious beliefs but of education and the society that interprets religion.
And inherently intertwined with said religion

To deny the conection is wrong.........They go HAND IN HAND

EDIT, you can make the argument that Islam HURT development (I have heard that argument about Christianity being anti-scientific enough on this site to make me puke.....)

"Allahu Akbar"

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I think they are clueless

When is the last time they blew up a Skyscrapper?

AFAIK the people in the OP haven't done that either.

Obviously, I don't condone what they are doing and truthfully I wouldn't shed a tear if someone did start something with them.

However, I don't think an average American Muslim should be heading down to New York to beat these people down just because GoSkins thinks they should.

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I am curious what you folks would like to see?

Me actually kicking someone's ass? Would that make you feel better?

Let me ask you, have you seen guys like these standing outside your mosque or do you have guys like these that spew hatred for Americans inside your mosque?

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Let me ask you, have you seen guys like these standing outside your mosque or do you have guys like these that spew hatred for Americans inside your mosque?

1) Never have

2) In my years of going to a Mosque (just about every Friday since I was a teenager) never have encountered dudes like these.

And trust me, I understand how you feel, because these guys are jackasses and I tend to get into arguments with people like these when I am over there (much to my parents chagrin, lest I be killed in Pakistan)

In the US though..never. And I honestly, until I saw this Anderson Cooper thing, would have no clue where to find them or who to talk to find them

I think 95 percent of people who go to the Mosque are like me. Get in as close to the start of prayer time as possible, say your prayers, and get back to work before your lunch hour is over. People barely pay attention to routine announcements, we don't have time to listen to/deal with idiots like this

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ALL Muslims should have to take a polygraph test to get on a plane or in a Fed building.

ALL 35-40yr old white men should have to take a polygraph test if they have 3 names.

(yearly if not happy with Mom), quarterly if living in a state under 5mil pop.

Don't forget lonely Asian kids in colleges, especially in or around VT.

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And honestly, how many times do I have to post this article on ES?

The UnRaveling

Ultimately, the ideological battle against Al Qaeda in the West may be won in places such as Leyton and Walthamstow, largely Muslim enclaves in east London, whose residents included five of the eight alleged British Al Qaeda operatives currently on trial for plotting to bring down U.S.-bound passenger jets in 2006. It is in Britain that many leaders of the jihadist movement have settled as political refugees, and "Londonistan" has long been a key barometer of future Islamist trends. There are probably more supporters of Al Qaeda in Britain than any other Western country, and, because most British Muslims are of Pakistani origin, British militants easily can obtain terrorist training in the tribal areas of Pakistan, Al Qaeda's main operational hub since September 11. And now, because it is difficult for Al Qaeda to send Middle Eastern passport holders to the United States, the organization has particularly targeted radicalized Muslims in Britain for recruitment. So the nexus between militant British Muslims, Pakistan, and Al Qaeda has become the leading terrorist threat to the United States.

Over the last half-year, we have made several trips to London to interview militants who have defected from Al Qaeda, retired mujahedin, Muslim community leaders, and members of the security services. Most say that, when Al Qaeda's bombs went off in London in 2005, sympathy for the terrorists evaporated.

In Leyton, the neighborhood mosque is on the main road, a street of terraced houses, halal food joints, and South Asian hairdressers. Around 1,000 people attend Friday prayers there each week.

Usama Hassan, one of the imams at the mosque, has a Ph.D. in artificial intelligence from Imperial College in London, read theoretical physics at Cambridge, and now teaches at Middlesex University. But he also trained in a jihadist camp in Afghanistan in the '90s and, until a few years ago, was openly supportive of bin Laden. And, in another unusual twist, he is now one of the most prominent critics of Al Qaeda. Over several cups of Earl Grey in the tea room next to the mosque, Hassan--loquacious and intelligent, every bit the university lecturer--explained how he had switched sides.

Raised in London by Pakistani parents, Hassan arrived in Cambridge in 1989 and, feeling culturally isolated, fell in with Jamiat Ihyaa Minhaaj Al Sunnah (JIMAS), a student organization then supportive of jihads in Palestine, Kashmir, and Afghanistan. In December 1990, Hassan traveled to Afghanistan, where he briefly attended an Arab jihadist camp. He was shown how to use Kalashnikovs and M-16s and was taken to the front lines, where a shell landed near his group's position. "My feeling was, if I was killed, then brilliant, I would be a martyr," he recalls. Later, as a post-graduate student in London, Hassan played a lead role in the student Islamic Society, then a hotbed of radical activism. "At the time I was very anti-American. ... It was all black and white for us. I used to be impressed with bin Laden. There was no other leadership in the Muslim world standing up for Muslims." When September 11 happened, Hassan says the view in his circle was that "Al Qaeda had given one back to George Bush."

Still, as Al Qaeda continued to target civilians for attacks, Hassan began to rethink. His employment by an artificial intelligence consulting firm also integrated him back toward mainstream British life. "It was a slow process and involved a lot of soul-searching. ... Over time, I became convinced that bin Laden was dangerous and an extremist." The July 2005 bombings in London were the clincher. "I was devastated by the attack," he says. "My feeling was, how dare they attack my city."

Three days after the London bombings, the Leyton mosque held an emergency meeting; about 300 people attended. "We explained that these acts were evil, that they were haram," recalls Hassan. It was not the easiest of crowds; one youngster stormed out, shouting, "As far as I'm concerned, fifty dead kuffar is not a problem."

In Friday sermons since then, Hassan says that he has hammered home the difference between legitimate jihad and terrorism, despite a death threat from pro-Al Qaeda militants: "I think I'm listened to by the young because I have street cred from having spent time in a [jihadist] training camp. ... Jihadist experience is especially important for young kids because otherwise they tend to think he is just a sell-out who is a lot of talk." This spring, Hassan helped launch the Quilliam Foundation, an organization set up by former Islamist extremists to counter radicalism by making speeches to young Muslims in Great Britain about how they had been duped into embracing hatred of the West.

Click on link for rest

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