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HuffPost: Jon Stewart Catches Sean Hannity Falsifying Footage...


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Hannity: it was a week tomorrow that you announced on this very program that you wanted people to come. Twenty thousand plus people showed up. Were you as surprised as I was?

REP. MICHELE BACHMANN, R-MINN.: Absolutely I was. We had no idea. When I was on your show last Friday evening, that was the initial shot that was heard around the world. And people heard that, Sean.

Today people told me they heard that call out on your show on Friday night, and they immediately started contacting other people. And this was totally word of mouth. This was nothing that we organized, nothing that we planned.

Does not compute...error...

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That's because FOX news is the only mainstream news outlet that repeatedly deceives it's audience. But it works out though because the FOX Republican audience is the only audience that finds out they have been made to look like idiots, and reacts by crawling back for more.

You are just CLUELESS. Go check out who watches Fox news. Not Hannity, but Fox news. It not just Repubs. :doh: Idiots?? Look in the mirror.

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Dude, you're just digging yourself deeper and deeper. They got busted trying to make something look bigger than it was. Just admit it.

They got busted during the original by having their producers rallying the crowd.....busted.

FACT - You are punch drunk right now

Well, I was considering joining your protest of the Redskins owner. But when you accuse me of being drunk, then I need to reconsider. I don't drink and haven't touch a drop of alcohol in twenty-nine years.

I saw what I saw.

MJ, I see that you are calling me a liar or that I am lacking in memory.

Liberals and dems, have you ever wondered why personal insults don't work. I will not do the same to you.

I saw the humor in what Stewart did and he is very one-sided in his attacks. That is fine and that is his prerogative to do so. I understand that many of you enjoy his show. That is fine too.

Before I am personally attacked and called names any further in here, have a good day everyone.

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Burgundy Burner, there was absolutely no mention of town halls or other gatherings during that segment. You lied.

This was just one portion of a bigger segment. If I had to guess, it was about twenty minutes of talking about the various protests of healthcare.

Call me what you wish if it makes you feel any better. Out.

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MJ, I see that you are calling me a liar or that I am lacking in memory.

Liberals and dems, have you ever wondered why personal insults don't work. I will not do the same to you.

I called it like it is. Nothing personal or insulting about it. You lied. That is the truth. I merely proved that you lied. If you want to be treated as if you have credibility, you have to stop lying.

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Well, I was considering joining your protest of the Redskins owner. But when you accuse me of being drunk, then I need to reconsider. I don't drink and haven't touch a drop of alcohol in twenty-nine years.

PUNCH DRUNK: dazed from or as if from repeated blows; "knocked silly by the impact"; "slaphappy with exhaustion"

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That's because FOX news is the only mainstream news outlet that repeatedly deceives it's audience. But it works out though because the FOX Republican audience is the only audience that finds out they have been made to look like idiots, and reacts by crawling back for more.

Dude, all media deceives the public. If you think Fox is the only one full of ----, you are naive.

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Are most of us seriously surprised that Fox News, and Sean Hannity, would lie about this?

Fox News, Sean Hannity, and Michelle Bachmann have zero credibility: It really is astounding that anyone listens to them.

Here is the worst part: FNC doesn't even care when they are caught doing this. The laughed when they were called out for the "CNN didn't cover the teat party march" lie, and, in this case, they know their audience will readily believe anything they broadcast.

It really is sad.

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You are just CLUELESS. Go check out who watches Fox news. Not Hannity, but Fox news. It not just Repubs. :doh: Idiots?? Look in the mirror.

Sorry, but NO ONE lies like Fox News.

You know, it is pathetic whenever anyone from the Right dismisses this stuff. It becomes either 1) their words were taken out of context, or 2) everyone else does it.

Baloney. There is no excuse for it, nor is there any reason to shrug this off.

So, I guess you also agree with Rupert Murdoch and Glenn Beck that Obama hates white people as well, right?

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This was just one portion of a bigger segment. If I had to guess, it was about twenty minutes of talking about the various protests of healthcare.

Call me what you wish if it makes you feel any better. Out.

Not to pile on here but ...

Perhaps during the actual segment you are correct. I didn't see it.

However, on the transcript page MJ linked, from Foxnews itself, there's no mention of any other rally and the picture is of the rally in September with a caption that says 'Between 20 and 45,000 people assembled on Capitol Hill to protest health care reform.'

It's pretty deceptive.

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Just curious, do you feel the same way about MSNBC who is the mirror image of Fox and intentionally panders to the left?

What a predictable response. "MSNBC does it too!"

Give me a break. MSNBC does nothing of this scale. The closet thing they have done in recent memory was the omission of the man's face -- the one with the rifle -- during that one protest. Meanwhile, we have seen Fox lies 10x more frequently than that.

You and others have sad attitude, though -- you claim the "left" does it (even though MSNBC is corporate owned and not "left"), so, to you, it is all right if Fox does it as well.

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