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Buford, have you considered an official "Turn in your fan card" website or facebook page?

My intention here was to make it viral. Not central.

If you want to do that, I'd join the FB page.

In my head, I see a booth across the street from the park in Ashburn with Fans turning in their cards, and TV there to interview those folks (and me watching from home).

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I think it's pointless as Snyder could give a rat's ass about it. He understands money, plain and simple. This will only give sports radio and the national media more fodder to make fun of the skins AND their fans... Just my 2 cents worth...

I'm guessing that you didn't read what the card said then?

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I think it's pointless as Snyder could give a rat's ass about it. He understands money, plain and simple. This will only give sports radio and the national media more fodder to make fun of the skins AND their fans... Just my 2 cents worth...

Snyder has to crack some how some way.

This is a "Hail Mary" from us, the fans...a last ditch effort to take back our team.

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Hello Skins fan. Some of you may know me from cowboyszone.com, and if you do you know my feelings about your team. However, I feel the censorship of signs and t-shirts at your stadium is just about the most offensive thing I have read about happening in the NFL in a very long time. I believe the NFL Commissioner, Mr. Goodell, needs to put a stop to it. To that end I sent him the following e-mail.

Here's his e-mail address if you want to contact him as well.


Dear Commissioner Goodell:

As you can clearly see by my e-mail address and my signature line, I am not a fan of the Washington Redskins. Quite the contrary, I am a Cowboys fan and I hate the Redskins. However, I cannot in good conscience watch what is going on with regards to Washington Redskins fans and not speak up. Please sir, look at these two articles.

Redskins Ban All Signs at Fed Ex

Behavior Change: Skins Tees at Fed Ex

Their fans are threatened with revocation of their season tickets if they refuse to comply? The are forced to turn their shirts inside out? How is this good for the game? There is no Freedom of Speech for Redskins fans. I may not agree with them on their team, but sir, this is offensive.

If something goes over the line, yeah I can see it. I can see removing outright vulgar signs. But in this case the only thing over the line here are the Gestapo tactics Mr. Snyder is employing. If you as the Commissioner don't come down on him hard regarding these policies then I do not understand what your function is as Commissioner. You shouldn't need a Cowboys fan to defend Redskins fans to know this is wrong.

I am hoping you will do the right thing before our government has to intervene. I believe they should if you don't.


Here's hoping you get back your freedom of speech at Fed Ex.

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Shouldn't someone send one of these to Comcast Sports Net or show one to Brian Mitchell at the next game....I'm sure he'll speak on fan displeasure as he is ticked off too.

I sent a copy of the facebook link to B Mitch's facebook page. I am going to do the same to Lavar as well. Lets spread the word!

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