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Step back, what has really happened so far?


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We are all very emotionally involved with the recent events with the Redskins and maybe we need to step back and look at the events.

What I know is that the Redskins have drastically underperformed this season. The front office (like everyone else) is not happy with the events and recommends (maybe very highly) a few changes. A few pesonnel changes have been made to try to address the problem.

It certainly could have been handled (especially in the press) much better, but atleast they are doing something. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

There are 12 othere teams that have 2 or fewer wins so far this season. What are the other teams doing to get better?

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What is really going on is that the ineptitude of the front office is finally all starting to come together. You would see signs and glimpses of this in the past but it would be masked by this or that.

Finally, we are seeing how bad the team evaluates talent. How badly they have addressed issues (ie offensive line). How badly they evaluate coaching. How badly they evaluate players that fit the scheme.

Everything is coming full circle and we are starting to see it from top to bottom.

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What is really going on is that the ineptitude of the front office is finally all starting to come together. You would see signs and glimpses of this in the past but it would be masked by this or that.

Finally, we are seeing how bad the team evaluates talent. How badly they have addressed issues (ie offensive line). How badly they evaluate coaching. How badly they evaluate players that fit the scheme.

Everything is coming full circle and we are starting to see it from top to bottom.


The problem is the front office. It would be easy to blame just JC if the QB play was the only issue or just CP if the running game was the only issue or just Zorn if playcalling was the only issue.... but we have SO MANY problems on this team. It is the front office that is responsible for this culmination of problems, and it is the front office that deserves the blame.

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The problem is the front office. It would be easy to blame just JC if the QB play was the only issue or just CP if the running game was the only issue or just Zorn if playcalling was the only issue.... but we have SO MANY problems on this team. It is the front office that is responsible for this culmination of problems, and it is the front office that deserves the blame.

Can't argue with you...where is the leadership of this franchise with a plan to address all these issues...oh yeah one guy doesn't give interviews during the year...and the other one hopes that we will all be distracted as he waves around his Super Bowl ring.

Vinny's rally cry of, "we just need to win just one win to get things turning around." Oh really....

Hey Vinny we got two wins so far and to quote Doc Rivers (1992 when he was with Clippers), "Winning is a great deoderant." The issues that this team has are not going to just go away with one win or two for that matter. YOU CAN"T JUST BURY YOUR HEAD IN THE SAND ANYMORE VINNY! WE GOT SOME SERIOUS PROBLEMS AND YOU AND THE OWNER HAVE DONE NOTHING TO ADDRESS THEM!

Judgement day for you and the Owner's stewardship of this franchise is coming...and let's just say right now...it ain't looking good for you two.

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Yeah, they pretty much covered it already. The reason we are frustrated is because a lot of the problems were really obvious and easy to anticipate. For 2 years the o-line has been a problem and been continually decimated by injury. So, what do they do for year three... bring back Doc (good) and bring in a bunch of really long shot castouts.

The other big problem with our team is that players rarely if ever improve upon getting here. Campbell may be the only one who has gotten demonstrably better. Landry's regressed. Horton's regressed. Moss is the same. Randle El has seriously regressed. There's something seriously flawed in our evaluation and coaching/strategy that fails to make players improve or even exploits what they do best. Seriously, where is that expected jump for Thomas, Kelly, or Davis. Tryon may be improved, but he's still a flawed player and he improved by going outside the team and getting help from DG.

There are too many things wrong with this team.

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For clarification, I am by no means trying to defend the ineptitude of our front office. Their talent evaluation is clearly dispayed with the poor performance on the field. Their big name, stop-gap, piss poor cap management efforts are unfortuneately indisputable.

I was guilty of drinking the coolaid, but shame on me. Considering all I know and have seen with the skins, I should have known better than to have unrealistic expectations from this team.

All that said, my point in this post was nothing is un repairable. Maybe this is what it takes to get the FO to fix some problems.

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I'd say the problem is that were starting an undrafted free agent at left tackle, a player who hasn't been in the league for 4 years at right tackle, and a 7th round draft pick from 06 at right guard. Something tells me that if we went out and signed a few of the veteran offensive lineman available right now and let them get ready over the bye week we'll see a noticeable difference in our offense.

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