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UPI.com: Louis Farrakhan: H1N1 Vaccine Developed to Kill People


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I know many well educated people who arent getting the shot, to assume that one is dumb and uneducated by not getting it is hubris and quite arrogant.

are these Dr's also uneducated conspiracy theorists because of their decision not to get one?

There are many reasons one may have personally to not get it and to claim they are uneducated loons is simply inappropriaite and insulting


Well, I wasn't intending to insult you personally, but I stand by my views. People who are not getting this shot (unless they have a special condition like egg allergies or Gulian Barre syndrome) are making a poor assessment of the relative risks and benefits.

Anecdotally, I note a large correlation between people who claim belief in various conspiracy theories and people who do not get vaccinations. It is the same sort of belief system. "I have the inside information - they are lying to us - all of the rest of you are sheep." It permeates how they view all information. Instead of a reasonable amount of scepticism, they have an inherent need to disbelieve the "official line" every time, and have a total LACK of scepticism for the alternative media upon which they rely for their information.

By the way, that link you posted about many doctors not getting the flu vaccine was for the everyday flu vaccine in 2007, not the H1N1 swine flu that we are talking about today.

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Wonders what the ratio of deaths prevented (and those that could have been prevented from shot) vs deaths caused by shot is.

A million to one?

LOL, how would "deaths prevented" even be proven?

It's like the administration's silly "jobs saved" line when they realized unemployment would continue to rise after the stimulus.

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LOL, how would "deaths prevented" even be proven?

It's like the administration's silly "jobs saved" line when they realized unemployment would continue to rise after the stimulus.

Perhaps, you could takes H1n1 death numbers and multiply it by about 75%.

Thats the effectiveness that flu shots (in general) statistically have, according to Wikipedia

Effectiveness of vaccine

Studies demonstrate that vaccination can be a cost-effective counter-measure to seasonal outbreaks of influenza;but not perfect. A study led by Dr. David K. Shay in February, 2008 reported that "full immunization against flu provided about a 75 percent effectiveness rate in preventing hospitalizations from influenza complications in the 2005-6 and 2006-7 influenza seasons."

The group most vulnerable to flu, the elderly, is also the least affected by the vaccine, with an average efficacy rate ranging from 40-50% at age 65, and 15-30% past age 70. There are multiple reasons behind this steep decline in vaccine efficacy, the most common of which are the declining immunological function and frailty associated with advanced age.

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Wonders what the ratio of deaths prevented (and those that could have been prevented from shot) vs deaths caused by shot is.

A million to one?

Probably not close to that high, but I wouldn't be at all surprised at 1000 to 1.

But some people don't care. They will focus on the 1 that they read about on a mesage board, and ignore the 1000 that didn't catch their attention. It's human nature.


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If you get a needle full of cancer causing agents you will end up dead. Maybe not as fast but you will be meeting the same fate.

You ingest or breath hundreds of carcinogens every day of your life. You want to avoid them, but not at the cost of impiring your health in other ways.

Many, many medicines contain formaldehyde, for good reason. It serves a necessary function in keeping the medicine stable and disinfected. Without it, the medicine would not work right. That's why they use it - if there was a good reliable completely safe substitute, they wouldn't use it.

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You ingest or breath hundreds of carcinogens every day of your life. You want to avoid them, but not at the cost of impiring your health in other ways.

Many, many medicines contain formaldehyde, for good reason. It serves a necessary function in keeping the medicine stable and disinfected. Without it, the medicine would not work right. That's why they use it - if there was a good reliable completely safe substitute, they wouldn't use it.

Just do some research on the H1N1 vaccine ingredents. I'm not gonna line up to get these chemical pumped into my veins just because the media says so. The media is using fear to get people lining up to accept harmful chemicals into their bodies.

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You are aware that one of those agents (squalene) is a naturally occurring compound in the human body, right?

And yes, I am going to die eventually.

If the human body already has squalene. Why would we need squalene that is created in a lab? Squalene is used as an accelerent to speed up the bodys acceptance of the chemicals. Formaldehyde is known to cause cancer. So if you take formadehyde plus and accelerent (squalene) whats gonna happened? The coctail will speed up the bodys acceptance of a chemical known to cause cancer. Mercury is known to kill brain cells. Mercury + accelerents (squalene) is speed up the killing of brain cells. Just do some research bro, the info is out there. Plus the squalene (MF59) that is being used in the vaccine isnt FDA approved. Check it out bro you will be shocked. Do the research, just dont take the talking heads on TV word for it.

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Just do some research on the H1N1 vaccine ingredents. I'm not gonna line up to get these chemical pumped into my veins just because the media says so. The media is using fear to get people lining up to accept harmful chemicals into their bodies.

Ok, I'll bite (I'm going to regret this).

WHY is the media using fear to get people lining up to accept harmful chemicals into their bodies? What's in it for them?

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Oh cool! You are in the conspiracy theroist/poor/uneducated crowd with me!!

non conspiracy, but I guess some may think I'm uneducated.

My mom is an RN (as well as my sister, grandma retired RN). They both said I didn't need the shot. I guess they are part of the uneducated medical group?? (per those who think everyone should get the shot).

Besides, from what I hear there isn't vaccine enough for everyone. So in reality I'm being selfless and letting those in higher risk categories have a chance to get the shot. I'm risking my own life to save the lives of those less fortunate:silly:

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non conspiracy, but I guess some may think I'm uneducated.

My mom is an RN (as well as my sister, grandma retired RN). They both said I didn't need the shot. I guess they are part of the uneducated medical group?? (per those who think everyone should get the shot).

Besides, from what I hear there isn't vaccine enough for everyone. So in reality I'm being selfless and letting those in higher risk categories have a chance to get the shot. I'm risking my own life to save the lives of those less fortunate:silly:

If that is why you are doing it, then good for you. That is a selfless attitude to take, and very admirable.

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It's the flu!

Flu strains that infect humans are either H (hemagglutinin) 1, 2 or 3 and N (neuraminidase) 1 or 2. This one happens to be H1N1. It wasn't "developed", it's natural. Freaking retard, this guy.

he's not saying the flu was man made...he's saying the shot to prevent it was to kill people....

Again...Farrakhan showing how crazy he is...I bet Shaprton takes up this as well...lol.

But it does make one wonder....it would be a good way to selectively kill people...:evilg:

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Pretty much.

Or at least they have poor sources of information on this one issue, and are not very good judges of relative risk.

Actually.....there are cases of paralysis from the vaccine. My gf works in a hospital, and if she was going to get the shot she was going to have to sign a waiver I believe.

So yeah...the H1N1 vaccine is not exactly safe...not death, but other issues.

I think its all a ploy to make money. But I sure as hell dont want squalene, mercury, formaldehyde pumped into my body. Squalene and formaldehyde is known to cause cancer. Mercury is known to rapidly destroy brain cells. I will not be taking the shot, I will rather take my chances.

You probably get more mercury in your system from eating fish honestly.

But yeah I am in the camp of not getting it...I don't feel its necessary for me. I have never had a flu shot and don't plan on getting one.

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Ok, I'll bite (I'm going to regret this).

WHY is the media using fear to get people lining up to accept harmful chemicals into their bodies? What's in it for them?

To make money! Big pharma pays the media to spread swine flu fears. You stand in line and get a dose of harmful chemicals in your body. Later, in life you come down with an chronic illness and you will end up paying big pharma for treatment. In this cycle, big pharma will get paid, doctors will get paid. Innsurence companies will get paid. The casket maker, cemetary, tombstone maker and grave digger will all get paid. Then the goverment will be taxing everybody.

Damn, thats great for the economy!

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Actually.....there are cases of paralysis from the vaccine. My gf works in a hospital, and if she was going to get the shot she was going to have to sign a waiver I believe.

So yeah...the H1N1 vaccine is not exactly safe...not death, but other issues.

You probably get more mercury in your system from eating fish honestly.

But yeah I am in the camp of not getting it...I don't feel its necessary for me. I have never had a flu shot and don't plan on getting one.

We all have mercury in our bodies but I'm not going to let someone give me that final dose that increase the amount to some crazy high level that will harm me. Too much of anything will kill you.

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Actually.....there are cases of paralysis from the vaccine. My gf works in a hospital, and if she was going to get the shot she was going to have to sign a waiver I believe.

So yeah...the H1N1 vaccine is not exactly safe...not death, but other issues.

The 1976 version of the vaccine was linked to various issues including paralysis at about 1:100,000 cases (not just paralysis, but various major issues). I don't think there is anything indicating that this vaccine has the same issues.

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