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Giants at the Saints


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No way I'd bet on this game, I have no idea who'll win. But the Saints D is going to be the most important factor, and who knows how they'll do? Is it on same time as Skins game?

Yeah, unfortunately it is on at the same time.

Either tivo the Giants game, or just wait for highlights.

Brees vs Eli.

G Williams against the Giants offense.

The Giants D-line trying to stop Brees.

It really doesn't get any better than this so early in the season.

Easily the game of the year so far.

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Yeah, unfortunately it is on at the same time.

Either tivo the Giants game, or just wait for highlights.

Brees vs Eli.

G Williams against the Giants offense.

The Giants D-line trying to stop Brees.

It really doesn't get any better than this so early in the season.

Easily the game of the year so far.

Yeah, it should be intense!

Ah, there isn't any Oak/Niners/Chargers game on FOX at 1 to override the game, so I can watch it on tv while watching Skins on internet! (in cali and no football package :( )

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I'm going to place a modest wager on the Saints. The gambling public is going a bit overboard on the Giants' domination of inferior opponents, evidenced by them being three point favorites in New Orleans despite the Saints coming off a bye week.

Both great teams, definitely two of the three best in football, but I'll take the Saints without much reservation.

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If Eli wins this game, and looks good doing so, he moves up into the premier tier in the league. Top 3 or 4.

Brees vs. Eli? Crazy.

This is an incredible weekend for football. I see the Vikes are playing the Ravens too.

Favre and AD against Ray Lewis and the crew for possibly the last time of Favre's career?

Favre(the past) taking his final shot against Flacco(maybe the future)?

Unfortunately, that game is also on at 1pm est.

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If Eli wins this game, and looks good doing so, he moves up into the premier tier in the league. Top 3 or 4.

Brees vs. Eli? Crazy.

This is an incredible weekend for football. I see the Vikes are playing the Ravens too.

Favre and AD against Ray Lewis and the crew for possibly the last time of Favre's career?

Favre(the past) taking his final shot against Flacco(maybe the future)?

Unfortunately, that game is also on at 1pm est.

Don't forget the Steelers trying to get their 12th consecutive win against the browns.

Detroit's struggle against the Packers...

The battle of the statistical juggerNOTs in Rams at Jacksonville, and Panthers at Buccs, and Skins vs Chiefs.

The Raiders will make the Eagles look spectacular, the Titans will continue their losing streak against the Patriots and more...

There's a few good games, but this isn't exactly an incredible weekend of football.

I'm picking the Saints, the Vikings... I mean Ravens, Falcons, and Seahawks in the worthwile games.

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Don't forget the Steelers trying to get their 12th consecutive win against the browns.

I agree with you.

There are some clunkers....absolutely awful games this weekend.

But the premier games are true marquee matchups.

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I got back on a computer just in time to talk about this game at the last minute. My monitor "blew up". I got a great, wide screen, 23" Hannspree montior. It takes me five seconds to look from one end to the other. Okay, that was exaggerated but it is awesome.

Now, back to the game. The thing that scares me is the Saints had two weeks to do nothing but prepare for the Giants. Not to mention the fact they are home in what is going to be as hostile if not more so than that home opener for the Cowboys.

This is a very tough game for the Giants to win. The Giants are going to falter at some point and this very well could be the week. If the Giants do win this game, I'm not sure what you would have to do to stop them. And they still have several key players to get back in Boley, Canty, and Ross on defense.

No matter what happens, this is going to be a crazy, probably high scoring game.

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;6901066']This is a very tough game for the Giants to win. The Giants are going to falter at some point and this very well could be the week. If the Giants do win this game' date=' I'm not sure what you would have to do to stop them. And [b']they still have several key players to get back in Boley[/b], Canty, and Ross on defense.

I think of all the people who are injured, you guys are gonna miss Boley the most, especially against the Saints. Reggie Bush is very dangerous catching the ball in the flats, and Michael Boley is your best sideline to sideline defender. I know you guys still have nightmares of Brian Westbrook exposing Antonio Pierce in the playoffs.

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