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Pat Condell: God Bless Atheism


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Found this on youtube tonight, and am impressed with his ability to go on a 9 minute rant witout taking a breath.

Be ware, most of his schtick is "anti religeous, anti islamist", and I suspect will offend some.

Although I don't agree with some of what he's saying, I find all of it thought provoking. You might too:


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Pat Condell is the man. Almost all his videos are as eloquently stated as the one you posted, extremely thought provoking, and funny at the same time.

*Edit* Oops my bad, thought you had posted the video I was watching, but turns out I was watching it before I clicked on this thread. Too tired to think straight I guess. But yeah, he's great.

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Interesting guy. Whether you're religious or not, I think you have to appreciate his points about how religion (at times) exploits its followers. What bothers me most is those that claim to be religious, but they way they live their lives flies in the face of Jesus' teachings. Not to turn this into a political debate, but I'm sure Jesus would be all for universal healthcare, no?

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Interesting guy. Whether you're religious or not, I think you have to appreciate his points about how religion (at times) exploits its followers. What bothers me most is those that claim to be religious, but they way they live their lives flies in the face of Jesus' teachings. Not to turn this into a political debate, but I'm sure Jesus would be all for universal healthcare, no?

If you scan the recent healthcare topic threads, you'll find that angle well-discussed. :)

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I've seen his videos more than a few times and the guy definitely knows how to rant. He certainly makes good points especially those of dogma over compassion. This is one of the main gripes I myself have with organized religion. That and literalism, which is a topic all itself.

The trouble with his rant of course is that he focuses on the clergy in the palace and not the clergy all over the world doing good. This is always the case with religious opponents. Same way they make their argument that clergy are all immoral using a handful of publicized examples. Paint the majority by the well known sins of the minority. Is there a group that could not be demonized in this fashion?

He also does a pretty good job and slamming obedience and payer by completely getting both concepts wrong. His argument that it's all for what comes later is foolish as well. The wages of sin are immediate and always have been. Murder isn't immediate? Pride doesn't hurt until you die? Lying changes nothing now? Really?! Obviously not. Even sexual sin has immediate consequences that have nothing to do with anything in the next life and I'm not just talking about AIDS or anything like that. Just look at the kids with no fathers, families torn apart by infidelity, and lives otherwise damaged.

Enlightenment through religion comes via using age old wisdom to understand some very basic concepts. Humility in place of pride improves your quality of life. What is right in the big picture over what feels good immediately keeps you out of trouble and decreases the likelihood that you will cause others tremendous pain. Control of anger and acceptance of a forgiving nature allow you to let go of negative instincts that damage you. Appreciating your life and realizing what an amazing gift it is instead of losing sight of this in favor of trivial and temporary set backs. Appreciating your wife instead of letting your sexual urges lead you to look elsewhere and undervalue what you have. You can choose to focus on the palaces and all that BS or you can understand that the text tells you to first look inward.

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As soon as he stated there is no God as they are all false, I stopped watching. What I find funny, is that he can falsely state that without any proof, as he would accuse religious people of not having that proof either. Which would make him a hypocrite.

Nothing of what he said is thought provoking, it's merely a rant aimed at persecuting religion and promoting his beliefs.

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As soon as he stated there is no God as they are all false, I stopped watching. What I find funny, is that he can falsely state that without any proof, as he would accuse religious people of not having that proof either. Which would make him a hypocrite.

Nothing of what he said is thought provoking, it's merely a rant aimed at persecuting religion and promoting his beliefs.

Not that I'm supporting this guy in any way, but it's kind of odd to see someone say

1) I didn't watch it and

2) none of what he said is thought provoking. :whoknows:

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I've seen his videos more than a few times and the guy definitely knows how to rant. He certainly makes good points especially those of dogma over compassion. This is one of the main gripes I myself have with organized religion. That and literalism, which is a topic all itself.

The trouble with his rant of course is that he focuses on the clergy in the palace and not the clergy all over the world doing good. This is always the case with religious opponents. Same way they make their argument that clergy are all immoral using a handful of publicized examples. Paint the majority by the well known sins of the minority. Is there a group that could be demonized in this fashion?

He also does a pretty good job and slamming obedience and payer by completely getting both concepts wrong. His argument that it's all for what comes later is foolish as well. The wages of sin are immediate and always have been. Murder isn't immediate? Pride doesn't hurt until you die? Lying changes nothing now? Really?! Obviously not. Even sexual sin has immediate consequences that have nothing to do with anything in the next life and I'm not just talking about AIDS or anything like that. Just look at the kids with no fathers, families torn apart by infidelity, and lives otherwise damaged.

Enlightenment through religion comes via using age old wisdom to understand some very basic concepts. Humility in place of pride improves your quality of life. What is right in the big picture of what feels good immediately keeps you out of trouble and decreases the likelihood that you will cause other tremendous pain. Control of anger and acceptance of a forgiving nature allow you to let go of negative instincts that damage you. Appreciating your life and realizing what an amazing gift it is instead of losing sight of this in favor of trivial and temporary set backs. Appreciating your wife instead of letting your sexual urges lead you to look elsewhere and undervalue what you have. You can choose to focus on the palaces and all that BS or you can understand that the text tells you to first look inward.

Incredibly well written and thought out post des. Kudos!

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As soon as he stated there is no God as they are all false, I stopped watching. What I find funny, is that he can falsely state that without any proof, as he would accuse religious people of not having that proof either. Which would make him a hypocrite.

Nothing of what he said is thought provoking, it's merely a rant aimed at persecuting religion and promoting his beliefs.

Do you think the burden of proof is on the person who claims that there isn't a mythical being in the sky that see what everyone is doing at all times?

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I've seen his videos more than a few times and the guy definitely knows how to rant. He certainly makes good points especially those of dogma over compassion. This is one of the main gripes I myself have with organized religion. That and literalism, which is a topic all itself.

The trouble with his rant of course is that he focuses on the clergy in the palace and not the clergy all over the world doing good. This is always the case with religious opponents. Same way they make their argument that clergy are all immoral using a handful of publicized examples. Paint the majority by the well known sins of the minority. Is there a group that could not be demonized in this fashion?

He also does a pretty good job and slamming obedience and payer by completely getting both concepts wrong. His argument that it's all for what comes later is foolish as well. The wages of sin are immediate and always have been. Murder isn't immediate? Pride doesn't hurt until you die? Lying changes nothing now? Really?! Obviously not. Even sexual sin has immediate consequences that have nothing to do with anything in the next life and I'm not just talking about AIDS or anything like that. Just look at the kids with no fathers, families torn apart by infidelity, and lives otherwise damaged.

Enlightenment through religion comes via using age old wisdom to understand some very basic concepts. Humility in place of pride improves your quality of life. What is right in the big picture of what feels good immediately keeps you out of trouble and decreases the likelihood that you will cause other tremendous pain. Control of anger and acceptance of a forgiving nature allow you to let go of negative instincts that damage you. Appreciating your life and realizing what an amazing gift it is instead of losing sight of this in favor of trivial and temporary set backs. Appreciating your wife instead of letting your sexual urges lead you to look elsewhere and undervalue what you have. You can choose to focus on the palaces and all that BS or you can understand that the text tells you to first look inward.

Yeah, but to be honest, I don't think religion is necessary to any of those positive values or attributes.

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Do you think the burden of proof is on the person who claims that there isn't a mythical being in the sky that see what everyone is doing at all times?

It is traditional that the person making the positive claim (in this case, that all gods are false) is expected to support it. If a theist makes a claim that God exists, then it falls on him or her to provide support. That's the way it works.

Of course, he's a comedian, not a philosopher, and I don't think he was trying to actually support his claim, so it's not really a big deal.

I thought the video was full of strawman arguments (it seems he's mostly denouncing a somewhat innacurate cariacature of Catholicism, not religion as a whole) and was somewhat incoherent, but my biggest disappointment was that he's supposed to be a comedian, and it wasn't funny. :(

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Even sexual sin has immediate consequences that have nothing to do with anything in the next life and I'm not just talking about AIDS or anything like that. Just look at the kids with no fathers, families torn apart by infidelity, and lives otherwise damaged.

Divorce. So clearly, since both sex prior to marriage and after does damage to the human psyche, we should all just stop having sex.

Thank god for these belief systems imposed on us by such insightful homo-sapiens that their bronze age moral structure has a place in human societies finally becoming aware of themselves and their surroundings through science. We would be completely lost without them.

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Not that I'm supporting this guy in any way, but it's kind of odd to see someone say

1) I didn't watch it and

2) none of what he said is thought provoking. :whoknows:

I watched the 1st 2 min and I can safely assume that his rant didn't change much the rest of the video. However if it will make you happy I will watch the whole thing and repost :)

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Yes, because over 2000 years of beliefs will simply dwindle into obscurity:doh:

Hail, daughters of Zeus! Give me sweet song,

To celebrate the holy race of gods

Who live forever, sons of starry Heaven

And Earth, and gloomy Night, and salty Sea.

Tell how the gods and earth arose at first,

And rivers and the boundless swollen sea

And shining stars, and the broad heaven above,

And how the gods divided up their wealth

And how they shared their honours, how they first

Captured Olympus with its many folds.

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