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MLB Playoffs 09 Thread

Big Weirdo

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until people figure out how to hit him, why not?

dude has to be mentioned among best pitchers of all time, not just closers, but all pitchers

If he hasn't been figured out yet, he won't be. The only thing that's gonna stop him is age. Oh yeah, even Mariano's gonna get old eventually.

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Here you go StillUnknown:

Take a close look at Joe Girardi's mouth. Why would a grown man wear braces, specifically during the one month of his life when he's most likely to be on national TV? A pretty sweet reason, actually.

He's obviously somewhat self-conscious about it, seemingly making an effort to keep them covered in public (See here for a typical photo). But what would possess a man with perfectly fine teeth to turn into metalmouth at age 45? A promise to his daughter.

Buried deep within this amateurish local station's "blog" (this is the kind of stuff they're going to be charging for, people), is the story of how Girardi's then-5-year-old daughter was scared of getting braces, so he made her a deal: if she needed them, he'd get them too.

So little Serena's teeth got all crooked, and Papa Joe lived up to his end of the bargain. That's adorable. Almost makes me forget that Damaso Marte and Jerry Hairston have no business being on a major league field.


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Here you go StillUnknown:

Take a close look at Joe Girardi's mouth. Why would a grown man wear braces, specifically during the one month of his life when he's most likely to be on national TV? A pretty sweet reason, actually.

He's obviously somewhat self-conscious about it, seemingly making an effort to keep them covered in public (See here for a typical photo). But what would possess a man with perfectly fine teeth to turn into metalmouth at age 45? A promise to his daughter.

Buried deep within this amateurish local station's "blog" (this is the kind of stuff they're going to be charging for, people), is the story of how Girardi's then-5-year-old daughter was scared of getting braces, so he made her a deal: if she needed them, he'd get them too.

So little Serena's teeth got all crooked, and Papa Joe lived up to his end of the bargain. That's adorable. Almost makes me forget that Damaso Marte and Jerry Hairston have no business being on a major league field.


that is a great story

the author was dead wrong on Marte though. lol

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that is a great story

the author was dead wrong on Marte though. lol

LOL I missed that.

Yeah, it's crazy how during the regular season I cringed every time he came into the game because he almost always blew it.

Fast forward to the playoffs and he was basically unhittable.

I can't recall ever seeing a turnaround like that.

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Yeah Phillies will be back in the playoffs, it's not like the Mets or Braves will do anything to challenge their supremacy

(Sorry Bubble Screen)

Dude, you obviously didn't pay attention last year. The Braves were one of the best teams in the 2nd half last year. They had great starting pitching. They had decent hitting. But they just need to add a bat or two and they will be able to contend with the Phillies. Plus, it will be Cox's last year. Braves will definitely make the playoffs next year. Maybe even win the division.

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The Yankees won. Great. Now you'll get to see all the bandwagoners with their Yankee hats, claiming to be fans of the Yanks for 30 years, yadda yadda. Spare me. Nothing worse than a guy hopping on a team's bandwagon.

The only thing worse than a bandwagon fan is the guy that calls any fan of a successful team a bandwagon fan.

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The Yankees won. Great. Now you'll get to see all the bandwagoners with their Yankee hats, claiming to be fans of the Yanks for 30 years, yadda yadda. Spare me. Nothing worse than a guy hopping on a team's bandwagon.

Seems to me, everyone either hates the Yankees or loves them...there's not really a grey area.....bandwagoners are not really a factor.....no more than any other team, at least.

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Championships are won by wise GM decisions. Championships cannot be won by money.

Thats such BS, seriously for a pair of tickets it cost 23,000 thats INSANE! Overpriced A-HOLES..And CC won them a championship Yanks = pay lots of money for Championships!

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