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Taking a stand


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I will probably get banned for this, but I think it's worth saying.

Many of us realized (long ago) that Dan Snyder is the main problem that plagues our team, the Washington Redskins. Despite all his attempts to build a team, we've been the worst team in the NFC East since he's been here. Despite the amount of money he spends in star FAs and all-star coaches, he gets the same results. He didn't even learn a lick from our very own (and Snyder's idol) Joe Gibbs.

Recent media reports are now just confirming and substantiating the long-standing criticisms of Snyder, the meddling, clueless owner.

The only way I can see this changing, is to keep money out of Snyder's hands. He "loves" the Redskins and "wants to win" but he doesn't know how and, despite 10 years of evidence, continues to believe he knows how. While he is a fan, his priority is making money.

Complaining about him won't do a lick. George Michael said today (interview on cbs) that Snyder doesn't understand why fans hate him -- and he wasn't even referring to ticket prices, his PR scams, his treatment of the fans' experience at FedEx, his employees/non-all star players/non-legend coaches, etc.

The only way to get his attention is to STOP giving him money. This includes NOT attending and paying for games and concessions, NOT buying jerseys, NOT listening to his monopoly of radio stations, NOT logging on to Redskins.com, and NOT using the official message board (extremeskins).

There are plenty of other ways to support and follow the Redskins...TV, other radio stations, other media outlets, and other message boards. Giving them money -- directly or through media outlets that Snyder owns -- will only continue the farce of an NFL organization.

I'm not calling out any of his supporters (if he has any NOT named Tom Cruise), but I am suggesting that the fans withhold their money and communicate their discontent to Snyder in the only way he can understand.

IMO, the fans have a lot of control in getting us out of the mess we call Snyderrato. It's up to you, fans. Don't give Snyder a penny until he stays out of football operations, shows Vinny the door, and hires a competent GM to run the show.

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I'm sure it is. I don't come here anymore, so I don't read the threads.

In any case, if people are still here, buying tickets and jerseys, and continuing to put money in Snyder's pockets, the message is not getting out there and sticking.

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I am getting tired of reading these threads on how people want us to stop attending games, buying jerseys, ect...ect...ect. There are DOZENS of these threads, what makes yours any different that you think you needed to post this. If YOU don't want to give him your money...nobody has a gun to your head.

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I am getting tired of reading these threads on how people want us to stop attending games, buying jerseys, ect...ect...ect. There are DOZENS of these threads, what makes yours any different that you think you needed to post this. If YOU don't want to give him your money...nobody has a gun to your head.

Don't you get it? He's already said in his thread.... he doesn't come here any more.... he doesn't read other people's threads.

But he wants us to read his! And the best way to do that... is to start a new thread.

Some people are just attention whores. These people have some psyche issues.

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Notice they all start the same way, "I'll probably get banned for this..."

What a frickin' joke.

Wait I didnt see banned.... I saw band... as in:



Making of the Band....i thought it was about P ditty so I stopped reading and went and bought a Erakpo Jersey !!!


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The only way to get his attention is to STOP giving him money. This includes NOT attending and paying for games and concessions, NOT buying jerseys, NOT listening to his monopoly of radio stations, NOT logging on to Redskins.com, and NOT using the official message board (extremeskins).

Please take your own advise which I put in bold for you!

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