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WPC: Blood in the water


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This so much an instant gratification, microwave world. I mean really. The playcalling was not tremendously horrible. How can Zorn playcalling account for:

  • 2 dropped TD passes
  • 1 fumble beyond the 30 (Moss fumble because he took 1 hand of the ball to brace himself hitting the ground)
  • 1 illegal contact penalty that was not called
  • your veteran guard going down in the 2nd Qtr

The skins only had 2 punts and 300+ yards of offense with 4 double digit play drives. And the big thing is that we won. Let's not go overboard here. Boos on a win. Fired the third game in. I'm sorry too late.

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Zorn will be the scape goat(not that he doesn't deserve it) for the epic head coaching search blunder of a year and half ago.

Dan will spend $$$ this time on a big name head coach. We will sign a couple of high profile free agents. Get sold on the potential. Have another disappointing season.

rinse and repeat every 2-3 years.

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Which is as useful as "If we don't beat the Lions, we'll wear all white for the rest of the season".

While Zorn is over his head. The problem is the front office.

Look at the depth issues already along the OL and the DB's.

2 weeks in and its an issue.


A bandaid isn't going to fix this.

We need new Front Office GM experience.

this is something else i wonder about and ill never really know cause i dont follow other teams as closely, but i wonder if the depth on other teams is really that good. like if the giants lost a starter on their oline, can they plug a guy in and get close to the same performance? i kinda feel like the difference between our starting oline and our backups is complete night and day, whereas i wonder with other teams if the depth is really better.

kinda tough to know without following another team as close as some of us follow this one.

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Just because we did it against the Rams doesn't mean we can do it consistently. We were as inept as ever against the Giants. ...

The offense would have looked much better in Game One if the defense had been able to get the Giants off the field.

Skins 272 net yards in 24 minutes

Giants 351 net yards in 36 minutes

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The offense would have looked much better in Game One if the defense had been able to get the Giants off the field.

Skins 272 net yards in 24 minutes

Giants 351 net yards in 36 minutes

You could say it the other way around too.. 3 and outs don't exactly inspire your D either.

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We need new Front Office GM experience.

For the off-season and pre-season I was disagreeing with this. I looked at some of Cerrato's picks and thought he was doing fine. Then, something clicked...

The individual picks on the surface are fine, and sometimes even very impressive (Horton, Mitchell, etc.). However, what we lack is an organizational identity, strategy, system, and plan. So, we do pick decent players in the draft at times and Cerrato's INDIVIDUAL moves aren't usually too bad. But, the pieces rarely fit together to finish the puzzle.

We need someone to come in and evaluate the roster from top to bottom and begin assembling the next version of this team. The Moss/Portis/Griffin/Daniels/Samuels phase of the Redskins will not win a championship. Nothing against those individuals, but they peaked in 2005.

It's time to bite the bullet, bring in an experienced GM who can map out a 10-year plan, and let him start at the top (hiring a coach) and work his way through righting the ship. It should be a longer-term version of what Gibbs did beginning in 2004.

Anyway, I think I've seen the light...and though Vinny isn't doing a bad job, he appears to just be in over his head.

Edit: For the record, I would never advocate any shakeup or change until the season is over. You just don't gain anything firing a head coach in-season unless you are promoting someone on the staff who has a legitimate chance to be your next head coach. In that specific case, he would get very valuable on-the-job training. But if we just canned Zorn to let Buges run the team for the last 13 games...what's the point?

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We essentially have two coaches calling plays and devising a game plan for only their second year in the league: Sherman Smith & Jim Zorn. Now, knowing that they struggled last year the FO did nothing to improve that. I'm not saying either should have been fired or they should be fired now, but it's the FO's job to get these guys some help. Recall Gibbs II struggles when he brought in Pepper Rodgers to help. Not that it was successful, but at least Gibbs recognized the need for help and got someone to fill the role.

Z runs a WCO. The personnel on this team are mostly holdovers from Gibbs offensive theory (whatever that was!) Someone needs to recognize the talent for what they are capable of doing. Then they need to form the playcalling and philosophy around those capabilities.

As someone has already mentioned, there have been few in-game adjustments on offense. That tells me he lacks the experience to recognize what is/isn't working. An experienced offensive mind could fill that void.

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See, I disagree with this to a certain extent. One of the big problems from last year were 3-and-outs and not being able to get past the 40 on a regular basis. We now can do that. I'm not sure we'd even be talking about this if receivers held onto the ball in the end zone.

The only difference I see now is that we're getting FG's instead of nothing when the O does move the ball. They still have way too many 3-and-outs trouble scoring TD's. The net points are the same as the second-half of last year. This isn't a league where you can take baby steps year-to-year and say "Gee, maybe we'll get TD's another year or so down the road" and expect to win games.

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I hope that, in his ten years as an owner, Dan Snyder has learned to have more patience than this fanbase. Jim Zorn appears to be close to achieving two of the primary goals he was hired for.

-- His work in remodeling Jason Campbell into a legit starting QB seems to be working

-- We haven't had a consistent NFL quality passing game since Norv left. It looks like Z has his troops on the verge of a breakout even though we don't have an O line comparable to the Giants

This offense is designed for ball control and field position, so the idea is to dominate low scoring games. It will never be a high scoring offense. Get used to it. Give the offense some credit for holding down the opponent's ability to score.

In Snyder's shoes, I would work with Z to shore up his time management problems, I might suggest that he give Chris Meidt in the booth more input. I'd let Z work out the red zone problems for himself. In Zorn's shoes, I wouldn't ever throw the ball to Sellers or Portis . So, the Sellers drop can be blamed on Z, IMO.


Good post OF. Too many Skins fans have gotten so used to the carousel that they call for it without even blinking an eye.

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Can you explain how the offense generated more net yards per minute than the Giants while going three and out often?

oh jesus christ dude, you hear yourself? I watched a game where they were ineffective. You wanna comb through stats and base your debate, go ahead. I neither have the time nor the patience for that mentality.

There were several 3 and outs, exactly what moment while the moon was in 3rd qtr of orbit with the tide at the highest point I don't know... They can't make a play when it mattered, that's what matters.

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Another good point. We haven't had a third and one back in a long time. They tried to experiment with TJ Duckett a while back but they had the wrong guy. If you look at most successful running games now they have a change of pace, one bruiser and one scat back.

The size of back doesn't matter if the OL can't get push. Portis has plenty of power to pick up short yardage situations, but he still needs help.

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The Skins have scored their only touchdowns in the 2 minute drill. The 112 other minutes have yielded only field goals. Either there is a severe lack of urgency on this team or they still have a ways to go before they can score consistently.

But seeing some movement between the 20s against a team that gives up an average of 29 pts per game shouldn't exactly inspire confidence. It's not like this is a young team just learning how to play the game. They've been working on this same offense for about 20 months now. When do we stop reaching for incremental improvements and starting demanding consistency and success?

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oh jesus christ dude, you hear yourself? I watched a game where they were ineffective. You wanna comb through stats and base your debate, go ahead. I neither have the time nor the patience for that mentality.

There were several 3 and outs, exactly what moment while the moon was in 3rd qtr of orbit with the tide at the highest point I don't know... They can't make a play when it mattered, that's what matters.

Get used to it. Oldfan is the most delusional apologist ever.

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oh jesus christ dude, you hear yourself? I watched a game where they were ineffective. You wanna comb through stats and base your debate, go ahead. I neither have the time nor the patience for that mentality.

If you have time to post crapola challenging the opinions of others, I'd suggest you allow time to defend it. No one here gives a damn about your lack of patience.

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I would be willing to bet money if we dont beat the Lions this week Zorn will be gone.

the press surrounding a loss to the lions would be a tremendous public humiliation to snyder (like the third of fourth one this year too) and I can't imagine he'd take it without any sort of reaction...

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For the off-season and pre-season I was disagreeing with this. I looked at some of Cerrato's picks and thought he was doing fine. Then, something clicked...

The individual picks on the surface are fine, and sometimes even very impressive (Horton, Mitchell, etc.). However, what we lack is an organizational identity, strategy, system, and plan. So, we do pick decent players in the draft at times and Cerrato's INDIVIDUAL moves aren't usually too bad. But, the pieces rarely fit together to finish the puzzle.

We need someone to come in and evaluate the roster from top to bottom and begin assembling the next version of this team. The Moss/Portis/Griffin/Daniels/Samuels phase of the Redskins will not win a championship. Nothing against those individuals, but they peaked in 2005.

It's time to bite the bullet, bring in an experienced GM who can map out a 10-year plan, and let him start at the top (hiring a coach) and work his way through righting the ship. It should be a longer-term version of what Gibbs did beginning in 2004.

Anyway, I think I've seen the light...and though Vinny isn't doing a bad job, he appears to just be in over his head.

Well put and about where I am at. We did see moves/additions in the offseason that gave us hope, not only for a better season but hope that someone had actually had that lightbulb click on over their head. Apparently we were wrong.

I think you are absolutely right, we need a systemic makeover from top to bottom with a consistent and cohesive vision of what this team needs to be.

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