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What happened to Skins Fans....?


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Not true at all, we had the best fan base throughout the George Allen years, Richie Pettibone and any other less that prosperous years back in the day...THIS is why you see so many die-hards who go further than the Gibbs 1 era.

I agree with the OP...pestimistic attitudes toward the team leads to bags getting worn on heads during games, booing and other negativity.

Does this really help the team?...

um, im a youngster but looking at the george allen years, the team NEVER had a losing season. he was coach for 7 years, the team had 7 winning seasons in a row, went to the playoffs 5 times, made a superbowl and lost to the only perfect team ever. even pardee who was here for 3 years finished below 500 once, then gibbs took over and turned the team into a monster.

you cant possibly sit here and tell me that the allen years or the pardee years somehow were bleak and painful like the last 17. the skins had 2 losing seasons fro 1971 to 1992. 21 or 22 years and 2 losing seasons. thats incredible. from 1993 (when gibbs left) until now, the skins have had 8 losing seasons. 8 losing seasons in 16 years. do the math. theres a reason the team has so many diehards, they became accustomed to winning every year. my generation doesnt have that luxury.

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um, im a youngster but looking at the george allen years, the team NEVER had a losing season. he was coach for 7 years, the team had 7 winning seasons in a row, went to the playoffs 5 times, made a superbowl and lost to the only perfect team ever. even pardee who was here for 3 years finished below 500 once, then gibbs took over and turned the team into a monster.

you cant possibly sit here and tell me that the allen years or the pardee years somehow were bleak and painful like the last 17. the skins had 2 losing seasons fro 1971 to 1992. 21 or 22 years and 2 losing seasons. thats incredible. from 1993 (when gibbs left) until now, the skins have had 8 losing seasons. 8 losing seasons in 16 years. do the math. theres a reason the team has so many diehards, they became accustomed to winning every year. my generation doesnt have that luxury.

BLC I do not think that you will be satisfied with "winning seasons"...your comment was about winning Superbowls

Back in the day, we were not winning any Superbowls but we stayed loyal.

Heck our biggest knock on the Cowboys is how they can not finish it out!!

Our fan base has always been one of the tops...through good times and bad...that is ,up until now!!

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My entire life and no ive been around this board for over 4 years just couldnt make an account as i only ever used free email ...and yes that has been whats going on but its still not a good thing ....since when is being passionate and being pessimistic the same thing

It's really sad that if the date under your name says anything under 5 years, you're "new." I was in the same boat, read the board for over 5 years, but couldn't create an account due to free email. A lot of people on here are just ridiculous.

What I dont get is the divide in the fanbase, and this messege board in general. We are all rooting for the same team here!!

You go on ANY other teams messege board and I dont see any other fans being comeplete jackasses to each other like they do on this board.

Its absurd. People on here claiming to be fans, but all they do is rip the team. I'm with ya man. HTTR

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I will agree they arent currently playing up to their potential, but it is there. They are what they have been for years now, a very talented, underachieving team, plain and simple

Thank You. This may be the most talented team, or at least one of the very most talented teams, across the board in the NFL. So it is fustrating not to see the potential maximized.

Of course we are fans and always support the Skins. On the on the other hand a dose of reality doesn't hurt either.

You think fans here rip on them, try listening to ESPN 980 on game day some time.


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Thank You. This may be the most talented team, or at least one of the very most talented teams, across the board in the NFL. So it is fustrating not to see the potential maximized.

Of course we are fans and always support the Skins. On the on the other hand a dose of reality doesn't hurt either.

You think fans here rip on them, try listening to ESPN 980 on game day some time.


Talent does nothing if you cannot bring it together. We have not come to the fact that the NFL is changing and if you look at what other teams have that we don't is doing things differently. What I mean is how NE runs shotgun all the time, Miami with the Wildcat, more teams are becoming more inventive with there plays. We are like the skins from 1980-1990. We need someone whether young or old to come in and bring something new to the table.

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For all the young fans that say they don't know what it is like to win. Remember the patriots was the worst team in the nfl a little over ten years ago. The Lions was a playoff team with Barry Sanders, and Tampa Bay was terrible. Winning comes in cycles and our time will come. Be Patient don't give up on your team because maybe they will give up on you.

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Talent does nothing if you cannot bring it together. We have not come to the fact that the NFL is changing and if you look at what other teams have that we don't is doing things differently. What I mean is how NE runs shotgun all the time, Miami with the Wildcat, more teams are becoming more inventive with there plays. We are like the skins from 1980-1990. We need someone whether young or old to come in and bring something new to the table.

I'm not sure about where this whole notion that "we are talented" comes from.

Talented compared to what?

I can understand fans wanting to believe we are talented, but it would be difficult to argue that we are.

Portis, Cooley and Samuels. And now hopefully Haynesworth.

That's about it.

Do we have one of the best in the league at:



O-line--no, too old and no depth


Lbers--Fletcher yes. Everyone else, no.

Corners--hard to say yet. League best, definitely not.

Safeties--good, definitely not close to the best.

So where again is all of this talent everyone keeps talking about?

There is a huge chasm between how good many posters believe our players are.....and how good they really are compared to others in the league. I can only assume these posters don't watch any other teams.

It isn't like our team is stacked by any means. Nor have we been for the last ten seasons.

I have never understood it.

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Being a lifelong fan let me throw my .02 in here. Bottom line, win or lose I will always be a Redskins fan, no matter who the owner is, no matter who the coach is, and no matter who the starting QB is. Those of you who are saying that you might turn on the team (or already have) aren't true fans.

I can't stand Snyder or Vinny, I have doubts about Campbell, and the jury is still out on whether Zorny is the right coach. But through it all, I stay a loyal, diehard fan.

I have friends who are from Michigan and are born & raised Lions fans. You know, the 0-16 team from last year who had to endure 8 years of Matt Millen flushing the team down the toilet, and the team that's been rebuilding since Ike was in the White House. So it could be worse, you could be a Lions fan. Or imagine being a Cubs fan, or a Pirates fan, or a Clippers fan. Or how about a fan in Cleveland? "The drive", "the fumble", "the shot", Red Right 88, Jose Mesa, etc. You get the picture.

And to the point that "Daniel Snyder owns the team, us Skins fans don't". I beg to differ. While Danny may physically own the team, if not for us fans the team wouldn't matter. The Redskins have been and always will be a sense of community around this town, and not even Danny's crap can change that. The Caps could win the next 10 Stanley Cups while the Redskins go 2-14 each of the next 10 years, and the Skins would still be #1 in this town. When they're winning, the town goes insane because of it. When they're losing it sucks, but the true fans keep cheering the team on anyway.

I post frequently on other message boards, and fans of other teams have stopped poking fun at me for being a Skins fan because they feel sorry for me. It sucks, but I'm not ashamed to be a Redskins fan. I was born one, raised one, and I will always be one.

But the saddest thing of all to me is the way that some fans on here have turned on each other. Why? What for? Does venting anger at fellow fans on a message board solve anything? Does it make the team play any better?

We can disagree with one another on here and have differing opinions - some like Daniel Snyder, some don't. Some like Jim Zorn, some don't. Some like JC, some don't. The bottom line is we all want this team to win, and the least we can do is respect one another and get along here. The time for bickering is over and the time to come together as one Redskins nation is now. A true fan sticks with their team no matter what.

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I think just the 18 years of mediocrity and losing have done it. Especially considering our offseason transactions and hype, the media gets us all reved up and believing that we will see the playoffs and then everyone crashes when we don't. I will be 35 soon and ive been a Skins fan my whole life and after the good years people grew to have high expectations of this team. We have a rich and storied history. If you look at say Detroit or even the Cardinals those fans more often then not have expected bad seasons. And up until last years playoff run the Cardinals never even came close to that. Good times will come back to us. We just got to keep the faith. And i believe most of us here are good and loyal fans because we care. If we didn't care we wouldnt be here reading constant information about our team and discussing them. Hail Redskins till death!

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BLC I do not think that you will be satisfied with "winning seasons"...your comment was about winning Superbowls

Back in the day, we were not winning any Superbowls but we stayed loyal.

Heck our biggest knock on the Cowboys is how they can not finish it out!!

Our fan base has always been one of the tops...through good times and bad...that is ,up until now!!

no team is gonna win the superbowl every year, at least making the playoffs and winning double digit games is consistent. in your era, for 22 years the skins had 2 losing seasons.

if we did that every year there would be a whole lot less to complain about. its a little different when every other year essentially youre having a losing season.

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We lose the games we are supposed to win and we lose the games we are supposed to lose.

We play down to lower opponents and don't get up for the games that we need to.

In the off season we make all the headlines.....in the regular season not so much.

We have been the ***** in our division for a long time......

The absolute high moment for me as a Skins fan the past 18 years was not on the field but the induction of Green and Monk into the HOF.

The game day experience has gone from the stands in RFK rocking to hey hey you suck at FEd ex

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15 years of mediocrity. Thats what happened. I'm twenty and never seen the team better than 10-6 and reach the second round. That and they sue their own fans for trying to back out on overpriced tickets.

Well if the tickets were initially overpriced when they attempted to back out, then they should have never tried to get the tickets in the first place. It's not like the pricing plan wasn't laid out for them before they signed on board. Living beyond their means....That's what it's called!

You blame someone else for your bad decision. How can you blame them? They are after all a business entity. They're trying to make money off of their product. That product being the Redskins and anything associated with it.

Back on Topic.....

I completely agree with the initial commenter. Years of mediocrity does contribute to the mood around these parts though.

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I agree completely, people in here complaining about any and every little thing they can. Not just the Campbell bashing, that i am used to, but the more ignorant posts, Laron Landry should be traded, Clinton Portis is old and slow(he's 29), Albert Haynesworth is fat and slow and a waste of money, ect, ect. I mean i actually used to think we had the best fans around, but in here i have seen more people posting that i have never seen post in here before and all they say is negative, trolling ****. We have waaaay too many bandwagon/fairweather fans. I dont agree with all this teams moves personnel wise, but i am not going to wish someone gets injured or has a bad year just beacause i dont agree with them playing. I support the Redskins, my team, God's team. HTTR:logo:

You really reached on that one.

The FACT that Clinton Portis is a shell of his former self doesn't mean I want the dude to get hurt.

The FACT that Dirty Thirty has not lived up the hype doesn't mean I want him to get hurt.

It just means I'm disappointed in their play. And when you have one RB getting paid the way Portis is getting paid, it is frustrating because it ties up funds on an overpaid player that could be going to the OL or the DL, or the secondary. Instead we have a decent RB getting paid bank. It's stupid.

And Dirty Thirty is my dude, but he hasn't lived up to expecations, period. He's not awful, but he's not great. We as a fanbase use to talk about him as one of the best in the league, but lots of other fanbases didn't even know who he was.

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I'm not sure about where this whole notion that "we are talented" comes from.

Talented compared to what?

I can understand fans wanting to believe we are talented, but it would be difficult to argue that we are.

Portis, Cooley and Samuels. And now hopefully Haynesworth.

That's about it.

Do we have one of the best in the league at:



O-line--no, too old and no depth


Lbers--Fletcher yes. Everyone else, no.

Corners--hard to say yet. League best, definitely not.

Safeties--good, definitely not close to the best.

So where again is all of this talent everyone keeps talking about?

There is a huge chasm between how good many posters believe our players are.....and how good they really are compared to others in the league. I can only assume these posters don't watch any other teams.

It isn't like our team is stacked by any means. Nor have we been for the last ten seasons.

I have never understood it.

I very much agree with that statement, but to be fair Chris Samuels is still one of the top 5 or 10 in the league, even if he has lost a step.

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Cant you come up with a better retort? Or do you just enjoy regurgitating the same thing everyone else says when someone unhappy with the team is vocal about it?!

Think about this... your blind "rah rah" enthusiasm isnt making the team any better and is as annoying to me as my "****ing" is to you. However, only one of us is actually living outside reality. Keep forking over your hard earned dollars to dan snyder for the s*** hes giving you. he doesnt care...in fact thats prolly the way he prefers it.

Im waiting out the storm. just cause im not happy with where the team is and am outspoken doesnt make me any less of a fan than you.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it."

- George Bernard Shaw

If you think everything you whine about is an accurate picture of reality then you are the one who is delusional. Your an outsider, almost all of us are here. So you are just guessing what goes on behind the doors of the FO. All we can know about is what we see on the field on Sundays, and sometimes barely even that since most people don't know how to break down a play.

The facts are this: we went 8-8 last year with a first time head coach after going 9-7 the year before with a coach who was already in the hall of fame. That's pretty damn good.

Another fact: we lost our first game on the road to one of the best teams in the league last year by 6 points. BFD it's one game and one that nobody with realistic expectations believed we were going to win.

And the utter crap that fills this board up after a loss is not the work of thoughtful and critical fans hoping to hold the front office accountable. It's an idiotic and unmitigated ****fest by a bunch of whiny grown men.

p.s. It's funny that you seem to think your complaining as any effect what so ever on the management or play of this team.

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I've been reading this board and with everything that has been said and going on around here....

I feel ashamed to call myself a Redskins fan. Not due to the play on the field by the team, but the overall lack of respect this team recieves from its own fanbase.

We are a team ...and when i say we i mean everyoen who considers themselves part of the Redskins Nation or whatever you wish to call it ....the Coaches ....The Players... And Us the Fans are a team ....How can you expect the national media or fans of other teams or players of other teams to actually respect the Skins when our own fans will give up on us so easily....

Look at the other great fan-dom's .....What i hate and respect the most out of other teams fans is when im talking to a steelers fan you cannot convince them heath miller is not # 1 TE in the league or that any safety out there compares to palamalu ...is not living blindly its loyalty.

Something i would like to see more of around here We Are The Redskins ....

I created this more asa pick me up encouraging support for our team not really wanting explantions for why your upset

please dont NNT

I think this is a great pep talk and will probably really inspire Albert Haynesworth to win MVP of his Little League this year.

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15 years of mediocrity. Thats what happened. I'm twenty and never seen the team better than 10-6 and reach the second round. That and they sue their own fans for trying to back out on overpriced tickets.

So were you blind in 1991? 14-2, Bills, Superbowl Victors any of that skips your memory.

of course 20 years ago would 1989.

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