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What happened to Skins Fans....?


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I've been reading this board and with everything that has been said and going on around here....

I feel ashamed to call myself a Redskins fan. Not due to the play on the field by the team, but the overall lack of respect this team recieves from its own fanbase.

We are a team ...and when i say we i mean everyoen who considers themselves part of the Redskins Nation or whatever you wish to call it ....the Coaches ....The Players... And Us the Fans are a team ....How can you expect the national media or fans of other teams or players of other teams to actually respect the Skins when our own fans will give up on us so easily....

Look at the other great fan-dom's .....What i hate and respect the most out of other teams fans is when im talking to a steelers fan you cannot convince them heath miller is not # 1 TE in the league or that any safety out there compares to palamalu ...is not living blindly its loyalty.

Something i would like to see more of around here We Are The Redskins ....

I created this more asa pick me up encouraging support for our team not really wanting explantions for why your upset

please dont NNT

I agree completely, people in here complaining about any and every little thing they can. Not just the Campbell bashing, that i am used to, but the more ignorant posts, Laron Landry should be traded, Clinton Portis is old and slow(he's 29), Albert Haynesworth is fat and slow and a waste of money, ect, ect. I mean i actually used to think we had the best fans around, but in here i have seen more people posting that i have never seen post in here before and all they say is negative, trolling ****. We have waaaay too many bandwagon/fairweather fans. I dont agree with all this teams moves personnel wise, but i am not going to wish someone gets injured or has a bad year just beacause i dont agree with them playing. I support the Redskins, my team, God's team. HTTR:logo:

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I agree completely, people in here complaining about any and every little thing they can. Not just the Campbell bashing, that i am used to, but the more ignorant posts, Laron Landry should be traded, Clinton Portis is old and slow(he's 29), Albert Haynesworth is fat and slow and a waste of money, ect, ect. I mean i actually used to think we had the best fans around, but in here i have seen more people posting that i have never seen post in here before and all they say is negative, trolling ****. We have waaaay too many bandwagon/fairweather fans. I dont agree with all this teams moves personnel wise, but i am not going to wish someone gets injured or has a bad year just beacause i dont agree with them playing. I support the Redskins, my team, God's team. HTTR:logo:

we used to have the best fans when we were winning the superbowl every 3 years right?

when we start doing that again, all this negativity will turn into positivity. kinda hard to be rah rah when your team cant score more than 16 points a game.

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I don't know. There are different factions on the board. You have people like me that have an issue with one position and sometimes coaching but defend basically the rest of the team. Then you have people who think the talent on the team is awful, hate Vinny, hate Snyder, think the offensive line is in tatters (but Jason is A-OK,) think Clinton is washed up, etc.

I'd say direct your ire at the people who seem to hate everything about the team and organization.

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Four winning seasons since my Senior year of High School. That was what happened.

I hear that but i am still not as negative as some folks round here are, and i;m not ignorant enough to think i know better than the coaches themselves. I barely remember watching the ast SB so i know how horrible it has been since, but one can always hope. I honestly believe this team is a few players(and maybe a coach) away from being annual postseason contenders

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I don't know. There are different factions on the board. You have people like me that have an issue with one position and sometimes coaching but defend basically the rest of the team. Then you have people who think the talent on the team is awful, hate Vinny, hate Snyder, think the offensive line is in tatters (but Jason is A-OK,) think Clinton is washed up, etc.

I'd say direct your ire at the people who seem to hate everything about the team and organization.

amen brosama.

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I hear that but i am still not as negative as some folks round here are, and i;m not ignorant enough to think i know better than the coaches themselves. I barely remember watching the ast SB so i know how horrible it has been since, but one can always hope. I honestly believe this team is a few players(and maybe a coach) away from being annual postseason contenders

i know personally its gonna take a little more than blind hope to get me excited about this team.

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...is not living blindly its loyalty.

Something i would like to see more of around here We Are The Redskins ....

The one thing you CAN'T accuse this fan base of is disloyalty.

In the 17 season's since the last championship, we've had a grand total of SIX winning season's, with non yielding more than ten wins, and that mark only reached twice. The sum total of our "success", (I use that word lightly, as it's an insult to claim we've had any), during that time is ONE divisional title, and a MIGHTY FOUR playoff season's, totaling three wins from seven games, and ZERO post-season wins outside of the Wild Card round.

Yet still, FedEx is full to capacity for every game, (at least on tickets sold), and the Redskins continue to rake in more money than anyone else on the merchandise front. 17 years of almost total mediocrity, and worse, yet we remain, some would say to our detriment, amongst the most loyal, passionate fans in football.

On these here boards alone we have as of now 86,868 members.

86k plus 'Skins fans, give or take a few infiltrators from other teams; that have taken the time to sign up and talk passionately about the one thing that to many matters more in their lives aside from their own family, the Washington Redskins. Yes, those debates on here get heated, and people call out players, coaches and the owner. But more often than not it's justified criticism; and more often than not it's born out of total exasperation at years upon years of serious neglect by the organization; and years and years of the same, repeated dross being served up in the knowledge that the fans will turn up and pay their dollars come what may.

We debate the rights, and more often than not wrongs, of this franchise on here with like minded fans because we care passionately about this team. But unlike other fan bases, when do you see Redskins fans turn ugly at games? And boy have we had serious cause to turn on just about everyone at the stadium these past 17 years.

If you want to label any charge against anyone, do it against the WASHINGTON REDSKINS themselves, not the fan base. Their the one's that continue to serve up mediocrity and expect arguably the most loyal fans in football to accept and keep paying for it, as we have done for years now without real complaint.

Washington Redskins fans:

Frustratingly wanting the best for their team yes.

Disloyal fans, NO.


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i know personally its gonna take a little more than blind hope to get me excited about this team.

Then why even watch? I believe this team can hang with ANY team in the league with it's current roster, so i dont see it as blind hope. I watch the games because i wanna see the plays i know this team can make, if i thought this team couldnt compete i wouldnt even watch, i bleed B&G and HOPE this squad and coach pulls their heads out of their asses and step it up.

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Then why even watch? I believe this team can hang with ANY team in the league with it's current roster, so i dont see it as blind hope. I watch the games because i wanna see the plays i know this team can make, if i thought this team couldnt compete i wouldnt even watch, i bleed B&G and HOPE this squad and coach pulls their heads out of their asses and step it up.

why even watch? theyre my hometown team, ill root for them no matter how badly they do and ill watch every game and go to plenty of them and spend my time and money on them.

that doesnt mean im gonna ignore what i see. i want this team to be better than they are. they currently arent very good.

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I have been a die hard skins fan since I was in elementary school but this team is just plain awful to watch. The play calling sucks, the team is heading nowhere and the owner makes me want to go on a killing spree. I spent last sunday getting housed and screaming at the television and have had about enough of that, so much so I told my girl that for the first time in almost 20 years I was thinking about not watching the skins game this sunday. (I will probably watch the Rams game but if we lose to the Rams or the Lions I am mailing it in)

Knowing the little **** has no intention of selling the team or admitting his failure and switching things up and hiring a GM is down right depressing and has already caused me to stop spending money anywhere near the skins and re diverting my sports cash over to Ted Leonsis and the Caps to reward them for actually giving me a team I can be proud of.

Thats "what happened to this skins fan".

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Dan and Vinny destroyed the best team chemistry since 1992 and the closest the fan base has been with each other since that point as well after 2007 when Gibbs retired. It felt like a giant family after the Sean Taylor tragedy.

Not hiring Gregg Williams was a travesty. Those two put the pressure on themselves with that move. Everything that transpired before Gibbs came back with the front office was a distant memory. The way Snyder handled the tragedy was nothing but pure class.

Instead of building on good will, the front office destroyed it. Tore apart most of what Gibbs had put in place and made a joke of the head coaching position of the Redskins. The most valuable franchise in all of sports. Die hard fans. Playoffs two of the past 3 seasons and no one legitimate wants the job after Gregg and Al are fired and Zorn, Buges and Blache are mandatory staff for the new regime.

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Then why even watch? I believe this team can hang with ANY team in the league with it's current roster, so i dont see it as blind hope. I watch the games because i wanna see the plays i know this team can make, if i thought this team couldnt compete i wouldnt even watch, i bleed B&G and HOPE this squad and coach pulls their heads out of their asses and step it up.

And if they don't pull their head out of their asses, do we still blindly follow along?

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Like posted earlier mediocrity and inconsistency rules this organization.

I love my burgundy and gold with all my heart. But I will chastise this team when they produce ridiculous brain farts for all to see.

Ive had my fill of this . But I love them. Actually sometimes I truly hate how much I love the Skins.

Killing me. :helmet:

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Talk to a steelers fan after nearly two decades of mediocrity, if you can find one in your neighborhood that is. ;)

I'm not saying it should be this way, it's just the way it is. People get fed up.

That is definitely a factor, but I've heard from Bengals fans who think their team is ready to go to the Super Bowl. Losing is not the do all and end all in fanhood, but of course it does have a big influence.

Of course, Redskins fans still show up for the games, so make of that what you will.

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15 yr fan.I've never acted like how a lot of these people on here act.I've seen one really good season.I've seen trashy seasons.I think I became a fan the year they were 3-13.But I'm always an optimist. I have never thought to myself "this team sucks",I'll be pissed and all, but I don't go down that route like some of you do. If we lose to the Rams this Sunday, I won't even come on here until next saturday when the smoke (hopefully) has cleared, but I will still never think "my team sucks".Every other team sucks. I was mad after the game, I was more dissapointed in how everybody on here was acting like the world was falling. And don't tell me no crap like i must be new or some crap.Thats unnaceptable. I don't care how bad we may be, show some damn optimism....hell....we aint goin 0-16, be proud of that.lol

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I've been reading this board and with everything that has been said and going on around here....

I feel ashamed to call myself a Redskins fan. Not due to the play on the field by the team, but the overall lack of respect this team recieves from its own fanbase.

We are a team ...and when i say we i mean everyoen who considers themselves part of the Redskins Nation or whatever you wish to call it ....the Coaches ....The Players... And Us the Fans are a team ....How can you expect the national media or fans of other teams or players of other teams to actually respect the Skins when our own fans will give up on us so easily....

Look at the other great fan-dom's .....What i hate and respect the most out of other teams fans is when im talking to a steelers fan you cannot convince them heath miller is not # 1 TE in the league or that any safety out there compares to palamalu ...is not living blindly its loyalty.

Something i would like to see more of around here We Are The Redskins ....

I created this more asa pick me up encouraging support for our team not really wanting explantions for why your upset

please dont NNT

"So easily..." really??? Ive been a skins fan since I could walk. And im sick of this team. In 26 years i can remember what 4 maybe 5 playoff experiences. On the other hand I can recall about 15 years of mediocrity and an owner who rapes and extorts the fans that so passionately support his team.

The Skins are one of the most poorly run organizations in all of sports and it is slowly but surely beginning to work its way through a fan base that has been as passionate as any.

Snyders ploys and cheap buyouts are beginning to tire, even with those that have held on faith so long. Pretty soon this fan base will turn and turn hard. And I say its about time!

I dont want to hear any crap about turning so easily. Anyone who isnt sick of this team and especially its front office and owner is delusional and quite possibly insane.

Untill this fan base grows a pair and makes dan snyder hurt where it will hurt him most (his wallet not balls, but both wouldnt bother me) he will continue to put a joke of a team out as his product. Why shouldnt he when a rabid fan base is willing to pay so much money for such a vastly inferior product.

In my opinion a true fan, out of love for the "team" would be much closer to refusing to financially support dan snyder than shell out the big bucks for the crap hes selling. I for one am done paying him anything until obvious effort is put into developing a capable and proper functioning organization.

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